Update History/Version 2

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This page lists and translates the Update History and Patch Notes of Dragon Marked For Death, Version 2.

The following Update History is in the order of newest patch to oldest patch. English Patch Notes are archived verbatim, while Japanese Patch Notes are translated.

  • Please note that typos from the original English Patch Notes have been corrected.

This page shows the Update History of Version 2. Please see the following pages for other updates:

Version 2.3.0 (December 20, 2019)

Icon Quest Notification.pngUpdated December 20, 2019

Dragon Marked For Death - New Features (Ver.2.3.0) 紹介映像  (19 December 2019)

System Changes

  • 3 options are now available for the dash in the mid-quest sub menu.
    • → With the Continuous 1 option, your character will dash as long as the button is held.
    • → With the Continuous 2 option, your character will dash as long as the button and a direction are both held.
  • An option to control screen shake has been added to the mid-quest sub menu.
    • → With the Player Only option, actions of other players will not cause your screen to shake.
  • An option to display a guide marker highlighting your character has been added to the mid-quest sub menu.
    • → Can choose from None, Short or Long
  • When matching in the bar, players can now change characters as long as the new character meets matching requirements.
  • New chat options have been added for use in the bar lobby.

Character Changes

  • Playable characters can now reach level 90.
  • The Empress can now enter a Thunder contract with the following effects:
    • → Dragon Skills have the Thunder element.
    • → Behavior of the Dragon Shot and Dragon Cannon are changed.
    • → Dragon Shot DP consumption and damage are increased.
    • → Dragon Cannon DP consumption and damage are greatly increased.
    • → After activating the Dragon Cannon, its trajectory cannot be altered.
    • ※Properties displayed compared to the default Fire contract.
  • The Warrior can now enter a Poison contract with the following effects:
    • → Dragon Skills have the Poison element.
    • → Dragon Skills consume 0 DP, and their damage is greatly decreased.
    • → Physical damage is increased during Berserk.
    • → Berserk will cost DP to activate and drain DP extremely rapidly for its duration.
    • → The active time for Dragon's Rage is greatly increased.
    • → DP will not be generated during Dragon's Rage.
    • → Dragon Smash will generate large amounts of DP when connecting with an enemy.
    • → Effective range of Dragon Guard is increased.
    • ※Properties displayed compared to the default Ice contract.
  • The Shinobi can now enter an Ice contract with the following effects:
    • → Dragon Skills have the Ice element.
    • → Dragon Dash no longer has invincibility or the ability to pass through enemy attacks.
    • → Dragon Skill damage is increased.
    • → Homing Shuriken are thrown in 3 bursts.
    • ※Properties displayed compared to the default Poison contract.
  • The Witch can now enter a Wind contract with the following effects:
    • → Chanting power up with a Wind spell stored will increase its power by 2 steps.
    • → During Dragon Surge, Wind magic consumes less DP.
    • → Storage time for Wind magic is increased.
    • → Storage time for non-Wind magic is reduced.
    • → More DP is generated when attacking enemies with Wind magic.
    • → Attacks with the Witch's familiar are Wind element.
    • → Damage on a single familiar attack is reduced, but it will attack more times in succession.
    • → The familiar's attack range is increased.
    • → The familiar receives a smaller attack boost during Dragon Surge.
    • ※Properties displayed compared to the default Poison contract.
  • The Empress has been adjusted.
    • → The Poison Empress's Dragon Shot damage has been increased.
    • → The Poison Empress's Dragon Cannon damage has been increased.
  • The Warrior has been adjusted.
    • → The Wind Warrior's Dragon Smash and Dragon Tackle damage has been increased.
    • → The Wind Warrior's Dragon Tackle now costs 0 DP.
    • → The effect portion of the Wind Warrior's Dragon Smash now connects faster, and disappears more quickly.
    • → The Wind Warrior now deals more damage during Berserk.
    • → The Wind Warrior generates more DP during Berserk.
  • Shinobi has been adjusted.
    • → The Fire Shinobi's Dragon Kick and Homing Shuriken damage has been increased.
    • → The Fire Shinobi's lock-on now lasts longer.
    • → The Poison Shinobi's Dragon Kick and Homing Shuriken damage has been increased.
    • → Due to an error, the Thunder Shinobi's Dragon Dash moved faster than intended. Its movement speed has been decreased.

Enemy Changes

  • For characters over level 51, experienced earned for defeating enemies of a higher level has been increased.
  • The enemy "Gold Beetle" is now immune to confusion.
  • Drops have been adjusted for "Thundertoad"-type enemies.
  • The enemy "Thundertoad (yellow)" now has increased paralysis resistance, but decreased burn and frostbite resistance.
  • The enemy "Thundertoad (red)" now has increased paralysis resistance, but decreased poison and frostbite resistance.
  • The enemy "Ogre" now has decreased confusion resistance.
  • Hitboxes for the "Mimic" enemy have been adjusted to make it easier to hit.
  • The boss "Tonitrus" can no longer be knocked back while stunned.

Quest and Map Changes

  • Floors B101-B110 have been added to the quest "Cavern of Torment."
  • The following quest levels have been added
Quest Adjustments
Quest Adjustment
The Ogre Fort Lv100
Sea of Tumult Lv100
Werewolf Hunting Lv100
The Bell Tolls Lv100
Undying Dragon Lv100
Twin Dragon's End Lv100
Unearthed Royalty Lv100
The Castle Burns Lv100
Eastern Treasures Lv100
Invisible Anger Lv100
Calamity's Portent Lv100
They Come from Hell Lv100
Dragons' Struggle Lv100
Infernal Labyrinth Lv100
Resurging Flames Lv100
Hidden Hell Lv100
Truth in Heaven Lv100
Soul Vessel Lv100
Marked For Death Lv100
The Dragon's Hoard Lv100
  • Time limits for high-level versions of the following quests have been increased.
    • → Quest "Werewolf Hunting”
    • → Quest "Unearthed Royalty”
    • → Quest "Infernal Labyrinth”
    • → Quest "Hidden Hell”
    • → Quest "Soul Vessel”
    • → Quest "The Dragon's Hoard”
    • → Quest "Dragonblood Village"
  • On the quest "Werewolf Hunting," the area where Vasith is located has been changed.
  • Time limit has been increased when undertaking the "Cavern of Torment" quest solo.
    • → However, the quest end time every 10 floors is unchanged.

Item and Equipment Changes

  • Attack power of many of the Shinobi's Kunai-type weapons have been adjusted and increased overall.
  • The exchange rate for the following items on the Black Market has been decreased:
    • → Prism Candy
    • → Panacea +2
  • Drop rate for exchange currency has been adjusted.

Bug Fixes

  • An issue where the Empress's Dragon Hook had higher display priority than the Dragon Sphere has been fixed.
  • An issue where the Thunder Warrior's Dragon Smash had lower attack power than intended has been fixed.
  • An issue where some of the Warrior's equippable axes had lower attack power than intended has been fixed.
  • An issue where certain Warrior weapons had names in English that went over the edges of display boxes has been fixed.
  • An issue where the Thunder Shinobi could get caught on slopes when using his Dragon Dash has been fixed.
  • An issue where the Shinobi could get stuck floating in midair has been fixed.
  • An issue where the Shinobi could get stuck in an airborne posture when landing immediately after an airborne attack has been fixed.
  • An issue where the Thunder Shinobi could attack without spending DP after receiving damage when performing a Dragon Kick has been fixed.
  • An issue where the Thunder Shinobi's Dragon Kick would cost 0 DP when attacking lock-on targets over a certain number has been fixed.
  • An issue where the Shinobi weapon "Sasuke" was not activating night vision as intended has been fixed.
  • An issue where the Witch's recovery magic was not applying correctly in certain circumstances has been fixed.
  • An issue where the Dragon Sphere could go out of bounds when fighting Vasith on the quest "Werewolf Hunting" has been fixed.
  • An issue where players could cross far above the boss line on the quest "The Ogre Fort" has been fixed.
  • An issue where multiple Dragon Spheres could appear on the quest "Twin Dragon's End" has been fixed.
  • An issue where the "Watcher" enemy was treated as a movable object when tackled while confused has been fixed.
  • An issue where the "Shockfish" enemy was not behaving as intended has been fixed.
  • An issue where the Dragon Dash would pass through a stack of Gold Beetles has been fixed.
  • An issue where the Dragon Sphere would go out of bounds when fighting the "Twin Dragon" boss has been fixed.
  • An issue where the "Jinryu" boss would exhibit unintended behavior when attempting to jump at a player in a high position has been fixed.
  • An issue where the Thunder Shinobi's multi-lock-on Dragon Kick was not working as intended on the boss "Atruum Reborn" has been fixed.
  • The species for the boss "The Ancient Primal Lord" has been corrected to "Primal."
  • An issue where the species for the boss "The Twin Dragons' Coffin" was not set appropriately has been fixed.
  • An issue where the Empress would disappear from other players' screens when using the Dragon Hook in the boss room for the "Ogre Prince" has been fixed.
  • An issue where the mini-map would not appropriately disappear during some boss fights when playing solo has been fixed.
  • The exchange rate for the item "Scale Ring +4" on the Black Market has been corrected.
  • An issue where pressing "-" while the mini-map was set to "OFF" would still cause it to change size has been fixed.
  • An issue where poison and other effects would continue during the Dragon Combo animation has been fixed.
  • Various other minor bug fixes and balance changes have also been implemented.

Known Issues

  • Players may get stuck after defeating the "Twin Dragon" boss.

We are currently preparing a patch to address these issues. We will announce the date it will be available as soon as possible. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.

Version 2.2.1 (December 4, 2019)

Icon Quest Notification.pngUpdated December 4, 2019

Character Changes

  • Damage for the Thunder Warrior's Dragon Smash has been adjusted for each portion of the attack.
    • → Damage for the axe portion has been decreased, and damage for the effect portion increased.
  • Characters are now able to receive other healing effects while inside the Warrior's Dragon Guard.

Bug Fixes

  • An issue where Rivalis's Megaton Bomb could deal contact damage multiple times has been fixed.
  • An issue with the display of the Shockfish enemy (yellow) has been fixed.
  • An error in the items contained in mid-quest treasure chests has been fixed.

Version 2.2.0 (November 27, 2019)

Icon Quest Notification.pngUpdated November 27, 2019

Dragon Marked For Death - New Features (Ver.2.2.0) 紹介映像  (28 November 2019)

System Changes

  • Control guides present at the bottom right of each screen have been adjusted.
  • Bar features and UI have been altered
    • → When recruiting a party, options have been added for party conditions.
    • → When searching for a party, an icon has been added displaying party conditions.
    • → New text options have been added to quick chat in the matchmaking lobby.
    • → When choosing a quest level, it is now possible to see which levels have been cleared.
  • New items are available for exchange at the Black Market.
  • Black Market features and UI have been altered
    • → Items required for exchange at the Black Market have been adjusted.
    • → A function for exchanging the old currency dropped by enemies has been added.
    • → When exchanging for consumables, the amount can now be changed in increments of 10.
    • → Displayed items for exchange are now divided into categories.
  • Items have been added for sale at the General Store (upper city)
  • The Black Market UI has been altered for consistency.
  • When deciding to equip newly purchased equipment to a slot, current equipment will be displayed.
  • On the results screen after a quest, duplicates of acquired items will now be displayed together.
  • Magic attack calculations have been adjusted
    • → Damage calculations for magic attacks that have been converted into physical attacks have been adjusted.
    • → On high level quests, when attacking enemies with the same elemental magic repeatedly, they will no longer gain resistance to that element.
    • → Damage dealt to enemies by an elemental magic they are weak to has been increased.
    • → Damage dealt to enemies by an elemental magic they are resistant to has been decreased.
  • Poison resistance on equipment now applies when picking up the temporary item "Blight Mushroom."
  • When receiving damage from attacks, magic damage will now be displayed in blue and Holy damage will be displayed in orange.
  • When dealing damage to enemies with a Dragon Skill, damage dealt to Asura enemies will be displayed in purple, and damage dealt to Deva enemies will be displayed in pink.
  • When under a status effect, the icon for the effect will begin to blink when its duration is near completion.
  • The size of the minimap can now be changed during quests with the - button.
    • → Commands to change the size of the minimap have also been added to quick commands.
  • When using an item with a quick command, the amount remaining displayed has been changed to be easier to read.
  • Specific icons used for certain quests have had their display and position altered.
  • More fixed chat commands have been added.
  • Mid-quest sub-menu functions and UI have been altered
    • → It is now possible to use fixed chat commands that have not been assigned to quick commands.
    • → Character status is now more detailed.
  • Certain conversations with NPCs in the slums have been changed.
  • The font used for Traditional Chinese has been changed.

Character Changes

  • Playable characters can now reach level 80.
    • → In accordance with the new level cap, the cap for character parameters has been raised to 300.
  • The Empress can now enter a Poison contract with the following effects:
    • → Dragon Skills have the poison element.
    • → Behavior of the Dragon Shot and Cannon are changed.
    • → Dragon Shot DP consumption and damage are greatly increased.
    • → Dragon Cannon DP consumption and damage are greatly decreased.
    • → After activating the Dragon Cannon, its trajectory can be altered.
    • ※Properties displayed compared to the default Fire contract.
  • The Warrior can now enter a Wind contract with the following effects:
    • → The offensive boost of Berserk is reduced.
    • → Berserk will cost DP to activate and drain DP rapidly for its duration.
    • → Attacking enemies during Berserk will grant DP.
    • → The damage, DP cost, travel distance, and start-up time of Dragon Tackle are reduced.
    • → The damage and DP cost of Dragon Smash are increased.
    • → The DP cost to maintain Dragon Guard is increased, and the size of its barrier is reduced.
    • ※Properties displayed compared to the default Ice contract.
  • The Shinobi can now enter a Thunder contract with the following effects:
    • → Dragon Skills are capable of multiple lock-ons and will affect nearby enemies.
    • → The damage of homing shuriken is reduced, and fewer will be thrown at single targets.
    • → The DP cost of homing shuriken is reduced.
    • → The attack power of Dragon Kick is reduced and will do reduced damage against single targets.
    • → Dragon Kick can be used in the middle of the lock-on combo.
    • → The Dragon Dash cannot be used diagonally upward.
    • → It is possible to jump mid-air up to 3 times.
    • ※Properties displayed compared to the default Poison contract.
  • The Witch can now enter a Fire contract with the following effects:
    • → Chanting power up with a Fire spell stored will increase its power by 2 steps.
    • → During Dragon Surge, Fire magic will consume less DP.
    • → Storage time for Fire magic will be increased.
    • → Storage time for non-Fire magic will be reduced.
    • → DP will be restored at a higher rate when attacking enemies with Fire magic.
    • → Attacks with the Witch's familiar will be Fire element. 
    • → The familiar will attack fewer times but is easier to activate successively.
    • → The familiar's attack range is lengthened and will travel faster.
    • → The familiar's attack damage is increased and will further increase during Dragon Surge.
    • ※Properties displayed compared to the default Poison contract.
  • The Empress has been adjusted.
    • → It is now possible to hold ↓ and press the Dragon Shot button to begin charging the Dragon Cannon without firing a Dragon Shot.
    • → DP consumption of the Fire Dragon Shot has been reduced.
    • → Attack power of the Ice Dragon Shot and Dragon Cannon have been increased.
    • → Attack range and width of the Ice Dragon Cannon have been increased.
    • → Vulnerability when using the swinging action has been reduced.
  • The Warrior has been adjusted.
    • → A knockback effect has been added to the grounded slash attack.
    • → Dragon's Rage is now active for a set period of time instead of only the first attack after activation.
    • → For the Fire Warrior, the 1st and 2nd charge levels of Dragon Tackle have reduced power, while the 3rd level's power has been increased and the charge time has been shortened.
    • → The Charge Slash's charge time has been shortened.
    • → DP regeneration of the Charge Slash upon hitting an enemy has been increased.
    • → For all Warrior Contracts, DP needed to activate Dragon Guard has been decreased.
    • → Start-up for the Ice Warrior's Dragon Tackle has been shortened.
    • → Start-up for the Ice Warrior's Dragon Smash has been shortened.
    • → DP cost to maintain the Fire Warrior's Berserk state has been slightly reduced.
    • → Travel distance for the Fire Warrior's full-charge Dragon Tackle has been increased.
    • → Damage for the Fire Warrior's Dragon Smash at the base and effect portions has been slightly decreased.
    • → Number of effects unleashed by the Fire Warrior's Dragon Smash has been increased.
    • → DP consumed by the Ice Warrior's Dragon Smash has been greatly decreased.
    • → DP consumed by the Fire Warrior's Dragon Smash has been decreased.
    • → Base damage for all physical Warrior attacks has been increased by about 10%.
  • Shinobi has been adjusted.
    • → A knockback effect has been added to the 3rd attack in Shinobi's grounded combo.
    • → Hitbox for the 3rd attack in Shinobi's grounded combo has been widened.
    • → Lock-on time has been slightly increased for Wind and Poison Shinobi.
    • → DP recovery for hits 1-3 of the air lock-on combo has been increased.
    • → Attack power for the air lock-on combo finisher (knee thrust) has been slightly increased.
    • → DP consumption for the Fire Shinobi's homing shuriken has been decreased.
    • → DP consumption for the Fire Shinobi's Dragon Kick has been decreased.
    • → The Fire Shinobi can now jump an additional time in mid-air.
    • → Base damage for the Dragon Kick and homing shuriken has been increased across all contracts.
  • The Witch has been adjusted.
    • → Speed of projectiles launched by the Homing Heal spell has been greatly increased.
    • → The homing property and speed of projectiles launched by the Homing Fire spell have been increased.
    • → Speed of projectiles launched by the Homing Ice spell has been greatly increased.
    • → Enemy detection range for the Homing Thunder spell has been expanded forward.
    • → DP regeneration for all levels of normal Wind magic has been increased.
    • → DP regeneration for all levels of normal Fire magic has been increased.
    • → DP regeneration for levels 1 and 3 of normal Thunder magic has been increased.
    • → DP regeneration for level 3 of normal Ice magic has been decreased.
    • → Attack power for all levels of normal Wind magic has been slightly increased.
    • → Attack power for all levels of normal Fire magic has been increased.
    • → Attack power for all levels of normal Thunder magic has been slightly increased.
    • → Attack power for all levels of normal Ice magic has been decreased.
    • → Attack power for all levels of Condense Wind magic has been slightly increased.
    • → Attack power for fragments launched from levels 2 and 3 of Condense Ice magic has been decreased.
    • → Attack power for all levels of Condense Thunder magic has been slightly increased.
    • → The spread of Condense Thunder magic has been reduced, making it easier to stack.

Enemy Changes

  • Except for bosses on high level quests, HP for enemies has been reduced.
  • The following enemies have had parameters and/or behaviors adjusted.
Enemy Adjustments
Enemy Adjustment
Enemy "Void Spider" Behaviors adjusted
Enemy "Do-dune" Collision boxes adjusted
Enemy "Thundertoad" Hit boxes adjusted to better fit appearance
Enemy "Bombud" Projectiles changed to not interrupt player attacks
Enemy "Bombud (Bloom-type)" Damage received from poison increased
Enemy "Asura Bat" Stun duration on bite attack reduced
Enemy "Mimic" Now affected by paralysis
Collision boxes when moving reduced
Poison resistance reduced and damage received from poison increased
Enemy "Gold Beetle" Behaviors greatly adjusted
Active duration of projectiles adjusted
Enemy "Will-o-Wisp" Sparks will now extinguish immediately upon touching the ground
Will now die instantly when receiving Ice attacks
Enemy "Mandrake" Stun duration increased when successfully stunned
At low levels, increased time before the body burrows
At low levels, trap projectiles from the dummy body have been slowed
Boss "Ogre" Collision boxes have been adjusted
Boss "Sumahiko" Collision boxes have been adjsuted
Behavior patterns adjusted
Start-up time for thrust attack very slightly increased
Stun duration increased when successfully stunned
Boss "Equus" Stun duration increased when successfully stunned
Boss "Hermit King" Hit boxes for claw thrust attack have been adjusted
Boss "Knight" Attack negation area of shield adjusted
Boss "Ogre Prince" Stun duration increased when successfully stunned
Range of fire breathing attack adjusted
Swinging hooks for the Empress added to the boss room
Frostbite resistance reduced
Boss "The Demon's Puppet" Magic defense reduced
Damage received from poison increased
Boss "The Horn Breaker" Magic defense reduced
Poison resistance reduced and damage received from poison increased
HP reduced
Physical defense reduced
Boss "The Celestial's Goliath" HP reduced
Boss "Cthulhu" Confusion gas will now disappear when the boss is defeated
Poison resistance reduced and damage received from poison increased
Window to stun boss greatly increased
Stun duration increased when successfully stunned
Boss "Lycanthrope" STR reduced by 1 stage
Some behaviors adjusted
Fatigue accumulation rate adjusted
Boss "Twin Dragon" Poison resistance reduced and damage received from poison increased
Window to stun boss increased, and duration increased when successfully stunned
Boss "Jinryu" Burn resistance reduced
Poison resistance reduced
Stun duration increased when successfully stunned
Boss "Tonitrus" Poison resistance reduced
Window to stun boss increased, and duration increased when successfully stunned
Boss "Asura Goblin" Stun duration increased when successfully stunned
Boss "Asura Goblin (Fire-type)" Burn resistance reduced
Poison resistance reduced
Boss "Vasith" Frostbite resistance reduced
Stun duration increased when successfully stunned
Boss "Amica" Time before the doppelganger disappears greatly reduced
Burn resistance reduced
Recovery time after flower bud attack slightly increased
Boss "Atruum" No longer immune to burn
No longer immune to poison
Behavior ratios of Atruum's core adjusted
Magic defense decreased when appearing in "Cavern of Torment"
Window to stun boss slightly increased
Stun duration increased when successfully stunned
Boss "Atruum Reborn" Poison resistance reduced and damage received from poison increased
Frostbite resistance reduced
Tentacle name changed
Magic defense decreased when appearing in "Cavern of Torment"
Poison resistance of arms summoned by boss removed
Some behaviors adjusted
Boss "Rivalis (Berserk)" Rivalis's increased resistances have been made easier to reduce by a variety of attacks
HP reduced
Damage received from poison increased
Some behaviors adjusted
  • The following enemies are now affiliated with a race
    • → Vasith
    • → Amica
    • → Atruum
    • → Atruum Reborn 
    • and more 

Quest and Map Changes

  • The following quest levels have been added
Quest Adjustments
Quest Adjustment
Quest "The Ogre Fort" Lv70, Lv80, Lv90
Quest "Sea of Tumult” Lv70, Lv80, Lv90
Quest "Werewolf Hunting” Lv90
Quest "The Bell Tolls” Lv90
Quest "Undying Dragon” Lv70, Lv80, Lv90
Quest "Twin Dragon's End” Lv70, Lv80, Lv90
Quest "Unearthed Royalty” Lv70, Lv80, Lv90
Quest "The Castle Burns” Lv70, Lv80, Lv90
Quest "Eastern Treasures” Lv90
Quest "Invisible Anger” Lv90
Quest "Calamity's Portent” Lv70, Lv80, Lv90
Quest "They Come from Hell” Lv70, Lv80, Lv90
Quest "Dragons' Struggle” Lv90
Quest "Infernal Labyrinth” Lv90
Quest "Resurging Flames” Lv90
Quest "Hidden Hell” Lv90
Quest "Truth in Heaven” Lv70, Lv80, Lv90
Quest "Soul Vessel” Lv70, Lv80, Lv90
Quest "Marked For Death” Lv70, Lv80, Lv90
Quest "The Dragon's Hoard” Lv90
  • Floors B91-B100 have been added to the quest "Cavern of Torment."
  • When defeating Vasith in the quest "Cavern of Torment," the boss treasure chest has been placed in a more convenient location.
  • Timing for the appearance of some enemies in the quest "Cavern of Torment" has been adjusted.
  • The boss chest will appear more quickly on the quest "Marked for Death."
  • On the quest "Werewolf Hunting," the defense of the curtain switch has been reduced.
  • Certain elements of terrain and the location of some items and enemies have been adjusted.

Item and Equipment Changes

  • Stackable limit for items has been increased to 999.
  • Item ordering has been adjusted to bring similar items together.
  • Money and exchange items will now be picked up automatically upon touch.
  • Exchange items now have a unique icon and can be distinguished by appearance.
  • Some enemies have been adjusted to not drop Black Market exchange items.
  • An upper limit has been set for items that raise player status.
  • Color of effects and names of candies for status up buffs have been adjusted.
Item Stat & Name Adjustments
Stat Item Effect Color Old Name
STR Red Candy Red Red Candy
AGI Yellow Candy Yellow Purple Candy
INT Blue Candy Blue Pink Candy
VIT Purple Candy Purple Blue Candy
LUC White Candy White Green Candy
PIE Green Candy Green White Candy
  • Several item effects have been enhanced.
Item Effects Adjustments
Item Adjustment
Potion 10 second Regen effect added.
Potion +1 20 second Regen effect added.
Potion +1 30 second Regen effect added.
Elixir 10 second Regen effect added.
Elixir +1 20 second Regen effect added.
Elixir +2 30 second Regen effect added.
Healing Powder Area of effect increased.
Curing Powder Area of effect increased.
First-Aid Powder Area of effect increased.
Miracle Powder Area of effect increased.
Blue Candy INT up effect increased from 15% to 20%.
Purple Candy VIT up effect increased from 15% to 20%.
White Candy LUC up effect increased from 15% to 20%.
Green Candy PIE up effect increased from 15% to 20%.
Relic of Wisdom INT up effect increased from 30% to 40%.
Relic of Life VIT up effect increased from 30% to 40%.
Relic of Luck LUC up effect increased from 30% to 40%.
Relic of Faith PIE up effect increased from 30% to 50%.
Burn Salve + Area of effect increased.
Frostbite Remedy + Area of effect increased.
Smelling Salts + Area of effect increased.
Antiparalytic Elixir + Area of effect increased.
Antidote + Area of effect increased.
Panacea +1 Area of effect increased.
  • When under the effect of items protecting from status effects, an effect will now be displayed.
  • Items found in non-boss chests during quests have been adjusted to make rare items easier to find.
  • Parameters of existing equipment have been adjusted.
    • → The attack power of most axe-type weapons has been greatly increased.
    • → The attack power of most magic tomes has been increased.
    • → The parameters of many accessories have been increased, particularly those that offer defense against status effects.
    • → Stats for the item "Akashic Records" have been altered:
      • AGI:25→0
      • ATK:110→65
      • M.ATK:110→65
    • → Stats for the item "Holy Precepts" have been altered:
      • Magic attack power against Asura: 100%→50%

Bug Fixes

  • An issue causing desync with the Empress's Charge Shot animation has been fixed.
  • An issue where the attack power on the Shinobi's Dragon Kick was incorrect has been fixed.
  • An issue where the Dragon Kick was not treated as a Dragon Skill for aggro generation has been fixed.
  • An issue where the Wind Shinobi could use the Dragon Kick outside of lock-on has been fixed.
  • An issue where the Witch's healing spell would not properly reflect PIE up status effects when healing other players has been fixed.
  • An issue where the Witch's familiar was not treated as a Dragon Skill for aggro generation has been fixed.
  • An issue where certain homing magics would continue moving during the Dragon Combo animation has been fixed.
  • An issue with the display of trolley carts and doors on the quest "Haunting Grounds" has been fixed.
  • An issue on the quest "The Castle Burns" causing strange behavior when the escort NPC's speed was higher than the player's has been fixed.
  • An issue that could cause the clear gate in the quest "Cavern of Torment" to float has been fixed.
  • An issue where the Twin Dragon boss in the quest "Cavern of Torment" would stop moving when receiving the Frostbite status has been fixed.
  • An error when displaying the clear time for the quest "Cavern of Torment" has been fixed.
  • An issue causing the duration of the item "Lamp (L)" to be shortened has been fixed.
  • An issue causing items dropped from enemies and pots to fall through thin floors has been fixed.
  • An issue causing unexpected behavior from trolley carts in multiplayer has been fixed.
  • An issue with the placement and display of exploding blocks has been fixed.
  • An issue causing the horse and cow in the slums to suddenly appear when adjusting the camera has been fixed.
  • An issue with the log displaying enemies receiving status effects while dead has been fixed.
  • An issue causing the mini-map not to reappear after defeating a boss has been fixed.
  • An issue where multiple damage reducing abilities on equipment would be calculated multiplicatively instead of additively has been fixed.
  • The item named "Void Anklet +6" has been fixed to read "Void Anklet +5".
  • An issue where the enemy "Deva Slime" would behave strangely when receiving a paralysis attack has been fixed.
  • An issue against the "Mandrake" enemy where certain attacks would not register against flower portions of the boss while the main body was underground has been fixed.
  • An issue where the Wind-attribute boss "Equus" would display unintended behavior on rare occasions when struck with Thunder-attribute attacks has been fixed.
  • An issue where gas attacks from the boss "Cthulhu" would sometimes appear reversed has been fixed.
  • An issue where the boss "Amica" would stop moving has been fixed.
  • A display issue with the boss "Atruum Reborn" that would occur after its defeat has been fixed.
  • An issue where hit effects would not display correctly on certain enemies has been fixed.
  • Various other minor bug fixes and balance changes have also been implemented.

Version 2.1.1 (June 29, 2019)

Icon Quest Notification.pngUpdated June 29, 2019

System Changes

  • In multiplayer games, the amount of health a boss has and the amount of damage done to players by poison is now dependent on the number of players. The more players there are, the more these will increase.
  • Bosses that appear in the "Cavern of Torment" quest on 85F and 90F have had their health reduced.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug on the "Cavern of Torment" quest that was causing damage received from hazardous terrain (spikes, poison swamps, etc.) to be higher than it should be.
  • Fixed a bug on the "Cavern of Torment" quest that was causing the boss on 90F to not properly recover HP when performing the relevant action.
  • Fixed a bug that was causing the Named Monster "The Demon's Puppet" to take only half the damage they were supposed to.
  • Fixed a bug that was causing quest progression data to not be erased when deleting a character at the Inn.
  • Fixed various other display issues, audio issues, and enemy behavior issues.

Version 2.1.0 (April 25, 2019) ※From Japanese Patch Notes

Icon Quest Notification.pngUpdated April 25, 2019; from Japanese Patch Notes

Dragon Marked For Death - New Features (Ver.2.1.0) 紹介映像  (24 April 2019)

Version 2.0.1 (April 4, 2019) ※From Japanese Patch Notes

Icon Quest Notification.pngUpdated April 4, 2019; from Japanese Patch Notes

Version 2.0.0 (March 28, 2019) ※From Japanese Patch Notes

DragonMFD Wikia EDIT - New Quest Icon (2000% RESIZE).png
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It is either incomplete or needs improvement. Please help out Dragon Marked For Death Wiki by improving this article.

Icon Quest Notification.pngUpdated March 28, 2019; from Japanese Patch Notes

Dragon Marked For Death - Ver.2.0.0 紹介映像  (3 April 2019)
Dragon Marked For Death - New Features (Ver.2.0.0)  (9 April 2019)

System Changes

  • A save area (slot 2) for gameplay data has been added.
    • → After selecting "New Game" or "Load Game" on the title screen, you can select a save slot from "Contract 1" and "Contract 2" to start the game.
  • A new specification has been added to change the attributes of the ancient dragon with which the playable character contracts.
    • → The contracted dragon can be changed by selecting "Enter a contract" from the menu in Atruum's Den and using the item "Dragonite".
  • The "Black Market" in Medius City (Slums) is now available.
  • In the multiplayer lobby screen of the Bar, a confirmation message will now be displayed to the player who recruited the party if the member leaves the party while the "Depart" button is pressed.
  • When changing equipment at the Inn and the Bar, status changes due to equipment changes are now displayed in blue for increases and red for decreases.
  • When performing a bonus reset in Atruum's Den, the number of Dragonite items in the player's possession is now displayed.
  • The timing of the start of playback of the image on the title screen has been adjusted to match the loop timing of the title song.

Character Changes

  • The upper level limit for playable characters has been increased to 60.
  • Empress can now enter a Wind contract with the following effects:
    • → Dragon Skills have the Wind element.
    • → The Dragon Point (DP) consumption of Dragon Shot and Dragon Cannon is increased.
    • → The trajectory and number of simultaneous fires of the Dragon Shot and Dragon Cannon is changed and their attack power is increased.
    • ※All of the above values are increases or decreases compared to the Fire contract.
  • Warrior can now enter a Thunder contract with the following effects:
    • → Dragon Tackle and Dragon Smash have the Thunder element.
    • → The preliminary movement of Dragon Tackle and Dragon Smash is faster.
    • → The attack power of the Dragon Tackle and Dragon Smash is reduced.
    • → The Dragon Points (DP) required to activate Dragon Guard is increased.
    • → The Dragon Point (DP) consumption of the Berserk state is reduced.
    • → The amount of attack power boost in the Berserk state is decreased.
    • ※All the above values are increases or decreases compared to the Ice contract.
  • The interval between HP recovery effects of the Warrior's "Dragon Guard" has been shortened.
  • Hardness of the Warrior's ground attack can now be canceled by actions such as "Tackle".
  • The attack attribute of the Warrior's "Dragon Tackle" has been changed from "Physical attack" to "PIE-dependent attack" and from "No attribute" to "Attribute corresponding to the contracted dragon".
  • The power of the Warrior's "Dragon Smash" has been adjusted upward.
  • "Dragon Tackle" has been added to "Operation Help" in the Warrior's + button menu.
  • Shinobi can now enter a Fire contract with the following effects:
    • → Dragon Skills have the Fire element.
    • → The Dragon Point (DP) consumption of Dragon Dash is increased.
    • → The attack power and Dragon Point (DP) consumption of Dragon Kick and Homing Shuriken is increased.
    • → The number of shurikens thrown at once by the Homing Shuriken is reduced.
    • → The duration of the lock-on state is increased.
    • → The number of Dragon Dashes that can be performed consecutively in the air is reduced to one.
    • ※All the above values are increases or decreases compared to the Poison contract.
  • The amount of increase in hostility caused by the Shinobi's attacks has been increased.
  • Added "Dragon Foot" to the "Operation Help" in the ninja's + button menu
  • Witches can now enter an Ice contract with the following effects:
    • → By contracting with a water dragon, a single input of a spell to strengthen water-based magic will strengthen it by two levels.
    • → By signing a contract with a water dragon, the dragon points (DP consumption) for water magic during dragon input will be reduced.
    • → By signing a contract with a water dragon, the duration of chanted water magic will increase.
    • → By signing a contract with a water dragon, the duration of non-water magic will be reduced.
    • → By signing a contract with a water dragon, the amount of dragon points (DP) recovered when hitting an enemy with water-attribute magic will increase.
    • ※All of the above are increase/decrease values when compared to contracting with an earth dragon.
  • The following items have been changed for cases where a witch has an existing contract with an earth dragon
    • → By contracting with an earth dragon, the spell to strengthen the recovery magic will be strengthened by 2 levels after only one input.
    • → By signing a contract with an earth dragon, the amount of dragon points (DP consumption) for recovery magic during dragon input will be reduced.
    • → By signing a contract with Earthen Dragon, the retention time of chanted recovery magic will be increased.
    • → By signing a contract with an earth dragon, the holding time of each attribute attack magic chanted will be decreased.
  • The amount of HP recovery for level 2 and level 3 of the witch's recovery spell "Recovery" has been adjusted upward.
  • The HP recovery interval of the witch recovery spell "Recovery" when "Condense" is activated has been changed so that it is determined on a per-magic basis.
    • → This means that even if a magic circle of "Recovery" appears in the same place, the effect of HP recovery will be the same as the amount of HP recovery for the overlapping magic circle.
  • Changed the magical effects of the witch's wood magic
  • Added "Owl" to "Operation Help" in the Witch's + button menu

Equipment Changes


Enemy Changes


Quest Changes


Bug Fixes


Known Issues
