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"The Bandit is capable of acquiring special items called "Relics" from enemies and using them in battle.

Having both movement and attack Relics is key to the Bandit's playstyle. He must keep an eye on his stock and grow his luck to keep up a steady flow of Relics.

The Bandit can equip both small-swords and throwing weapons, enabling him to choose an appropriate attack style for each enemy.

The Bandit's luck stat increases easily, protecting him from status effects and making it easier for him to acquire Relics."

Icon Quest Notification.pngCharacter Select

The Bandit (盗賊 Tōzoku, Thief) is the 6th of the 6 playable characters in Dragon Marked For Death. He was introduced in Version 3.0.0.

The Bandit is a lucky character who zips around with magical Relics created from stolen life force. Thanks to his Relics, he can perform complex combos and many mobility tricks. Except for the Megaton Bomb, his abilities derive from each of the playable characters, giving him lots of choices for growth. When opening treasure chests, his LUC rolls twice, making him the best for finding rare items.

To unlock Bandit, you must complete the final DLC scenario Quest with any character.



The Bandit is a Dragonblood boy who bears the Dragon Scar on his palm. By making a contract with the ancient dragon Atruum, he possesses a dragon in his Dragon Claw and steals life force from all living creatures. The stolen life force becomes a magical tool known as a "Relic."[1] Once just as ruthless as Rivalis, Bandit joins the Dragonblood Clan survivors in their quest for vengeance due to sympathizing with them over the destruction of their home.

Character Voices

Character Voices
Type Voice Actor English (Translation) Japanese
A Yuki Kaji Introduction: "I will never forgive those who destroyed our village." Introduction: 「里を滅ぼした連中を、俺は絶対に許さない」
Dragonsphere: "Here we go! All for this moment!" Dragonsphere: 「いくぞ!すべてはこの瞬間のために!」
B Daisuke Kishio Introduction: "Don't you dare challenge me, small fry!" Introduction: 「雑魚が、俺に楯突くな」
Dragonsphere: "Let's do this! Come on, let's have some fun!"※

※Direct quote from Prometheus from Mega Man ZX

Dragonsphere: 「やってやる!さぁ、楽しもうじゃあないか!」※


C Tanaka Kenta Introduction: "All the treasures of this world are mine... What a joke." Introduction: 「この世の宝は全部俺のもの。なんてね」
Dragonsphere: "Let's go! This is what I'm all about!" Dragonsphere: 「いくぞ!これが俺の全力だ!!」
D Daiki Yamashita Introduction: "Give me your treasure, and I'll spare your life!" Introduction: 「宝を出しな。そしたら、命だけは助けてやるぜ」
Dragonsphere: "You’ll see! I’m not gonna let anyone beat me!" Dragonsphere: 「みてろよ!俺は誰にも負けねぇんだ!!」
E Jason Cavazos - -
F Jason Cavazos - -
G Vinay Murthy - -
H Vinay Murthy - -


This is a list of Bandit's inputs. To find the inputs set on your character, please go to the in-game Menu and select the Button Config option.

Bandit Inputs
Skill Input(s) Canceled by
Slash (Icon Weapon Small-sword (N).pngSmall-sword Only) Attack (Ground or Aerial) Almost everything
Throw (Icon Weapon Shuriken (N).pngShuriken Only) Attack (Ground x3 or Aerial)
Upward Throw (Icon Weapon Shuriken (N).pngShuriken Only) ↑ + Attack (Ground or Aerial)
Downward Throw (Icon Weapon Shuriken (N).pngShuriken Only) ↓ + Attack (Aerial)
Dragon Claw Dragon Claw
Dragon Claw Combo Hold Dragon Claw
Quick Dragon Claw (Icon Weapon Small-sword (N).pngSmall-sword Only) Dragon Claw after Slash
Air Dragon Claw Dragon Claw in midair
Dragon Reload ↓ + Dragon Claw
Icon Relic Fire.pngFire Relic ↑ + Dragon Claw (2x is spike attack) (Spike landing)
Icon Relic Ice.pngIce
Icon Relic Wind.pngWind
Icon Relic Thunder.pngThunder
Icon Relic Poison.pngPoison
Icon Relic Ice.pngIce Relic ↓ + Relic in midair (Cancellable) Dragon Claw
Icon Relic Fire.pngFire
Icon Relic Wind.pngWind
Icon Relic Thunder.pngThunder
Icon Dragon Relic Thunder.pngThunder Dragon
Icon Dragon Relic Poison.pngPoison Dragon
Icon Relic Wind.pngWind Relic ↑ + Relic Dragon Claw
Icon Relic Fire.pngFire
Icon Relic Ice.pngIce
Icon Relic Thunder.pngThunder
Icon Dragon Relic Thunder.pngThunder Dragon
Icon Dragon Relic Poison.pngPoison Dragon
Icon Relic Thunder.pngThunder Relic Relic (Rebound)
Icon Relic Fire.pngFire
Icon Relic Wind.pngWind
(End of Rebound)
Icon Relic Ice.pngIce
Icon Relic Poison.pngPoison Relic ↓ + Relic on the ground
Dragon Relic (In General) (Depends on the Dragon Contract)
Icon Dragon Relic Thunder.pngThunder Dragon Relic
(Icon Class Bandit (1).pngMegaton Bomb)
Dragon Relic (Ground or Aerial)
Icon Dragon Relic Poison.pngPoison Dragon Relic
(Icon Class Shinobi (1).pngDragon Dash)
Dragon Relic (Ground or Aerial)
Icon Dragon Relic Fire.pngFire Dragon Relic
(Icon Class Empress (1).pngDragon Cannon)
Press and hold Dragon Relic (Ground Only)
Icon Dragon Relic Ice.pngIce Dragon Relic
(Icon Class Warrior (1).pngDragon Shield)
Press and hold Dragon Relic (Ground Only)
Icon Dragon Relic Wind.pngWind Dragon Relic
(Icon Class Witch (1).pngDragon Surge)
Dragon Relic (Ground Only)


Icon Weapon Small-sword (N).pngSmall-swords

Placeholder  (N/A)

"When equipped with a sword [sic], the Bandit's attacks are fast but short range. With precise timing, the Bandit's attacks can be cancelled into relic or Dragon Claw activations.

The Quick Dragon Claw is usable in mid-air.

Attacks restore a large amount of DP, suitable for making relics the Bandit's primary damage source."

Icon Quest Notification.pngGame Tips

Skill Input(s) Canceled by
Slash (Icon Weapon Small-sword (N).pngSmall-sword Only) Attack (Ground or Aerial) Almost everything

Icon Weapon Small-sword (N).pngSmall-swords are available starting from Level 1. With Small-swords, Bandit can do Slash attacks, which do 2 hits per Slash. He can continuously slash multiple times in the ground or in midair. The basic Slash gives 1.2 DP per hit, so combined with its rapid attack speed, it's an effective Weapon for building up DP.

After slashing at least 2x, you can cancel into Quick Dragon Claw. Also, the sword hitbox is bigger than it looks and the rate of damage is comparable to Empress's and Warrior's.

Ground vs. Aerial Slashes

On the ground, you can step forward one by one while slashing by pressing your movement inputs. Alternatively, if you want move fast while attacking, you can keep running and jumping to do repeated aerial slashes without stopping.

Icon Weapon Shuriken (N).pngShuriken

Placeholder  (N/A)

"When equipped with a shuriken, the Bandit's [sic] can attack at long range in various directions. Due to the radial throwing pattern, close range attacks will do more damage.

Shuriken attacks cannot be canceled into relic activations. Relics are best used to maintain a close range with enemies to connect with more shuriken and maximize damage."

Icon Quest Notification.pngGame Tips

Skill Input(s) Canceled by
Throw (Icon Weapon Shuriken (N).pngShuriken Only) Attack (Ground x3 or Aerial)
Upward Throw (Icon Weapon Shuriken (N).pngShuriken Only) ↑ + Attack (Ground or Aerial)
Downward Throw (Icon Weapon Shuriken (N).pngShuriken Only) ↓ + Attack (Aerial)

Icon Weapon Shuriken (N).pngShuriken are available starting from Level 1.[a] Shuriken can be thrown 3 times on the ground to do a 3-hit combo. During the 3-hit combo, Bandit will first throw his 3 Shuriken forward, followed by 3 more Shuriken that are thrown slightly upward, before finishing off with 8 Shuriken thrown in front of him. Shuriken can also be thrown in the air, but they do not form a combo.

The main drawback of Shuriken is that they give 0 DP and you can't cancel into Quick Dragon Claw, but they are effective in damaging enemies in a "shotgun" fashion. By the endgame, Shuriken are especially powerful.

Upward, Downward, and Aerial Shuriken Throws

By tilting the joystick up either on the ground or in midair, Bandit can do an Upward Throw, which shoots out 3 Shuriken diagonally upward while on the ground or in midair. By tilting the joystick down while in midair only, Bandit can also do a Downward Throw, which shoots out 3 Shuriken diagonally downward.

Aerial Shuriken fire significantly faster than grounded Shuriken. While using Icon Relic Ice.pngIce Relic, you can throw aerial Shuriken with barely any cooldown while suspended in midair.

Swapping Weapons

You can bring both Weapon types because the Small-sword Slash is effective at gaining DP, while the Shuriken Throw is effective with "shotgun"-type damage. Past Level 50, Shuriken's damage tends to be stronger than Small-sword's, but Small-sword still has more DP gain and has more opportunities for combos with the Quick Dragon Claw.

Hit!! Count Calculation

The following table shows the minimum amount of AGI over the enemy's AGI that you need for a higher Hit!! count and the damage multiplier for that Hit!! count.[2]

Hit!! Counts per Weapon
Weapon Hit!! Count AGI over Enemy AGI Damage Multiplier
Icon Weapon Small-sword (N).pngSmall-sword 2 Hit!! 5 AGI 1.5
3 Hit!! 10 AGI 1.8
4 Hit!! 15 AGI 2.03
5 Hit!! 20 AGI 2.25
6 Hit!! 25 AGI 2.47
7 Hit!! 30 AGI 2.7
8 Hit!! 35 AGI 2.94
Icon Weapon Shuriken (N).pngShuriken 1 Hit!! Restricted to 1 Hit!! 1

Attack Values & Dragon Power (DP) Gain

The following table shows various attacks and their Motion Values and how much Dragon Power (DP) you can gain from them depending on the Weapon. 10 points = 1 segment. Relics do not generate DP.[2]

Attack Values & Dragon Power (DP) Gain
Attack Motion Value DP Gain (Points)
Small-sword Slash 2.8 1.2
Shuriken 5.5

Dragon Skills

"The Bandit's Dragon Skills consist of the Dragon Claw and Dragon Relic.

However, under a Icon Element Ice.pngwater [sic] or Icon Element Wind.pngwind contract, the Dragon Relic will not have any direct attack power."

Icon Quest Notification.pngGame Tips


For Dragon Relics, please see the Dragon Contracts section.

Dragon Claw and Dragon Reload are the Dragon Skills that allow Bandit to extract Relics. Both abilities will extract at least 1 Relic that corresponds to the Bandit's current Dragon Contract. For example, Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder Contract will extract at least 1 Icon Relic Thunder.pngThunder Relic every time Dragon Claw or Dragon Reload is performed.

General Relic Extraction

LUC increases the number of Relics pulled from Dragon Claw and Dragon Reload and also increases the likelihood of Dragon Relics:[2]

  • 60 LUC = 4 pulls
  • 100 LUC = 5 pulls

In general, you should use:

Dragon Relic Probability

The probability of extracting a Dragon Relic (with no cap) is:[2]

Probability = LUC / 5

Even if you draw 2 Relics of the same type, the probability of pulling a Dragon Relic is unaffected.

Dragon Claw

Placeholder  (N/A)
Skill Input(s) Canceled by
Dragon Claw Dragon Claw
Dragon Claw Combo Hold Dragon Claw
Quick Dragon Claw (Icon Weapon Small-sword (N).pngSmall-sword Only) Dragon Claw after Slash
Air Dragon Claw Dragon Claw in midair

Dragon Claw is a Dragon Skill with multiple alternatives that allows Bandit to extract Relics from enemies and deals Holy damage. Ground Dragon Claw consumes 2 DP, while Air and Quick Dragon Claw consume 1 DP.

When performing Dragon Claw on the ground, Bandit winds up before he leaps forward and extends his attack.[b] Upon landing a hit on an enemy, Bandit extracts Relics and inflicts his Dragon Contract's corresponding Status Ailment.

Dragon Claw changes depending on if you decide to hold the input or release it early. It also changes depending on whether you are using a Icon Weapon Small-sword (N).pngSmall-sword or a Icon Weapon Shuriken (N).pngShuriken.

Dragon Claw Combo

If you hold down the Dragon Claw input after landing the attack on an enemy, Bandit will perform a Dragon Claw Combo. This attack latches onto enemies, dealing a maximum of 16 hits and extracting extra Relics at intervals of ~0.7 seconds (4 extra Relics total) before Bandit rebounds into the air.

During the Dragon Claw Combo, Bandit is stationary and vulnerable to attacks. After he extracts 4 Relics, he will rebound. Alternatively, releasing the input early will also cause an early rebound. The leaping animation has I-frames.

Quick Dragon Claw (Icon Weapon Small-sword (N).pngSmall-sword Only)

Exclusive to Bandit's Icon Weapon Small-sword (N).pngSmall-sword, a Quick Dragon Claw can be performed by pressing the Dragon Claw input after 1 or more Slashes, thus removing the start-up frames. Like the other versions of Dragon Claw, you will rebound into the air.

You can combo Quick Dragon Claw into an Air Dragon Claw after the rebound is completed.

Air Dragon Claw

Bandit can perform Dragon Claw in midair to do an Air Dragon Claw. It has a wind-up period that is slightly faster than the grounded version, and you can perform it to cancel aerial Slashes. After the wind-up period, Bandit will launch himself diagonally downward until he touches the ground or hits an enemy. Again, after hitting an enemy, Bandit will rebound.

You can perform an Air Dragon Claw up to 2 times in a row.

Dragon Claw Relic Extraction

When extracting Relics from an enemy using Dragon Claw, you are guaranteed up to 2 different Relics:[2]

  • 1 that matches with your Dragon Contract (ex. Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder Contract extracts 1 Icon Relic Thunder.pngThunder Relic)
  • 1 with an Element that "wins" against the enemy's Element (ex. You will get 1 Icon Relic Fire.pngFire Relic from a Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder enemy)

If you use Dragon Claw against an enemy that does not have an Element, then a "winning Element Relic" won't be guaranteed, so there's a higher probability of pulling a Icon Dragon Relic Thunder.pngDragon Relic instead.

Dragon Reload

Placeholder  (N/A)
Skill Input(s) Canceled by
Dragon Reload ↓ + Dragon Claw

Dragon Reload can be used on the ground to extract Relics at the cost of 2 DP. When performing Dragon Reload, Bandit will extract Relics after a short animation, and the number of Relics pulled depends on LUC. He's vulnerable to attacks while extracting but gets I-frames afterwards. Dragon Claw automatically activates if you are short on DP or you try to do it after a Slash.

Dragon Reload Relic Extraction

Out of your total number of pulls[c], 2 pulls prioritize missing Relics. The rest of the pulls are random, meaning you can also pull Icon Dragon Relic Thunder.pngDragon Relics.[2]

Limitations with Dragon Sphere

After activating the Dragon Sphere, Dragon Reload will always extract 1 of every normal Relic, but will no longer extract Dragon Relics. However, you'll still be able to extract Dragon Relics when using Dragon Claw on enemies.

Relic Abilities


Relic Stock

Bandit carries his Relics in a Relic Stock. By default, Bandit starts with 1 of each Relic. Using a Relic will consume 1 Relic from the number stored. For example, using a Icon Relic Thunder.pngThunder Relic will deduct 1 Icon Relic Thunder.pngThunder Relic from his stock. Each Relic has its own stock and different maximum stocks. If Bandit runs out of a certain type of Relic, he will not be able to perform that Relic's move, and a speech bubble showing the depleted Relic will appear above his head.

Cancelling Attacks

Most of Bandit's Relics can cancel into each other, allowing you to create a variety of combos for him. Each Relic can cancel into a specific other set of Relics or attacks and vise-versa. In the following sections, these cancel routes are listed in the input charts for each of the Relics.

Icon Relic Fire.pngFire Relic

Placeholder  (N/A)
Skill Input(s) Canceled by
Icon Relic Fire.pngFire Relic ↑ + Dragon Claw (2x is spike attack) (Spike landing)
Icon Relic Ice.pngIce
Icon Relic Wind.pngWind
Icon Relic Thunder.pngThunder
Icon Relic Poison.pngPoison

Icon Relic Fire.pngFire Relic is a 2-part attack with great maneuverability. Upon doing the first input, Bandit performs an uppercut high into the air. Then, at the peak of the uppercut and with no stock cost, you can press the Fire Relic command again to crash down in a spike attack, descending until you impact the ground. As the spike attack descends, enemies are knocked down with it. This attack deals Magical Damage, can give Icon Status Ailment Burn.pngBurn to susceptible enemies, and consumes 1 Fire Relic to use.

Both the Fire Relic's rising duration and falling duration have I-frames throughout their animations. If an enemy is moving downward while performing the Fire Relic, you can land multiple extra hits until the enemy touches the ground.

Relic Stock

By default, Bandit can carry 3 Fire Relics and perform 1 in the air. Icon Element Fire.pngFire Bandit can carry 6 Fire Relics and perform 2 in the air. Icon Element Fire.pngFire Contract also increases the number of hits during Fire Relic's uppercut, and increases the damage of the falling spike.

Combo Opportunities

You can choose to use the Icon Relic Fire.pngFire Relic with only the uppercut to reach high heights, especially when chaining with Icon Relic Wind.pngWind Relic.

Icon Relic Ice.pngIce Relic

Placeholder  (N/A)
Skill Input(s) Canceled by
Icon Relic Ice.pngIce Relic ↓ + Relic in midair (Cancellable) Dragon Claw
Icon Relic Fire.pngFire
Icon Relic Wind.pngWind
Icon Relic Thunder.pngThunder
Icon Dragon Relic Thunder.pngThunder Dragon
Icon Dragon Relic Poison.pngPoison Dragon

With an Icon Relic Ice.pngIce Relic (AKA Icon Relic Ice.pngWater Relic), Bandit fires a stream of water at the ground, allowing him to suspend himself in the air for a limited time. The jetstream hits enemies below him multiple times before deactivating. This move deals Magical Damage, can give Icon Status Ailment Frostbite.pngFrostbite to susceptible enemies, and consumes 1 Ice Relic to use.

Bandit can move left and right while the jetstream is active, but cannot change the direction he is facing. For example, if Bandit was facing to the left when the Ice Relic was activated, then he will remain facing the left direction, and he cannot turn to the right.

Relic Stock

By default, Bandit can carry 3 Ice Relics and perform 1 Ice Relic in the air. Icon Element Ice.pngIce Bandit can carry up to 6 Ice Relics and perform 2 Ice Relics in the air. Icon Element Ice.pngIce Contract also doubles the active duration of Ice Relic.

Combo Opportunities

Advantages for Icon Weapon Shuriken (N).pngShuriken

Icon Relic Ice.pngIce Relic suspends Bandit in the air at the height the Relic was activated, making it easier to aim aerial Shuriken throws. Aerial Shuriken fire much faster than grounded Shuriken, so using them in tandem with Icon Relic Ice.pngIce Relic results in almost no cooldown between shots.

Icon Relic Wind.pngWind Relic

Placeholder  (N/A)
Skill Input(s) Canceled by
Icon Relic Wind.pngWind Relic ↑ + Relic Dragon Claw
Icon Relic Fire.pngFire
Icon Relic Ice.pngIce
Icon Relic Thunder.pngThunder
Icon Dragon Relic Thunder.pngThunder Dragon
Icon Dragon Relic Poison.pngPoison Dragon

Icon Relic Wind.pngWind Relic is an attack and movement utility that blasts Bandit upward in a floaty jump, hitting all enemies near him. This move deals Magic Damage, can give Icon Status Ailment Confusion.pngConfusion to susceptible enemies, and consumes 1 Wind Relic to use.

Relic Stock

By default, Bandit can carry 4 Wind Relics and perform 2 in the air. Icon Element Wind.pngWind Bandit can carry up to 6 Wind Relics and perform 3 in the air.

Combo Opportunities

When Bandit launches himself upward with Icon Relic Wind.pngWind Relic, he will briefly float in the air before regaining his fall speed. The floating phase can be canceled with Icon Relic Ice.pngIce Relic.

Icon Relic Thunder.pngThunder Relic

Placeholder  (N/A)
Skill Input(s) Canceled by
Icon Relic Thunder.pngThunder Relic Relic (Rebound)
Icon Relic Fire.pngFire
Icon Relic Wind.pngWind
(End of Rebound)
Icon Relic Ice.pngIce

Icon Relic Thunder.pngThunder Relic is an attack and movement utility in which Bandit dashes far forward and, if he hits an enemy, rebounds into the air. This move deals Magical Damage, can inflict Icon Status Ailment Paralysis.pngParalysis on susceptible enemies, and consumes 1 Thunder Relic to use.

Activating the Relic has some start-up frames, which leaves Bandit vulnerable to attacks before he can actually launch forward. Throughout the dashing animation of Thunder Relic, Bandit has I-frames.

Relic Stock

By default, Bandit can carry 4 Thunder Relics and perform 2 in the air. Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder Bandit can carry up to 5 Thunder Relics and perform 3 in the air. Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder Contract also increases Thunder Relic's damage.

Combo Opportunities

Icon Relic Thunder.pngThunder Relic can be used as a quick starting attack to catch enemies off-guard and travel long distances.

You can chain the somersault into Air Dragon Claw to dive back into the enemy.

Icon Relic Poison.pngPoison Relic

Placeholder  (N/A)
Skill Input(s) Canceled by
Icon Relic Poison.pngPoison Relic ↓ + Relic on the ground

Icon Relic Poison.pngPoison Relic temporarily increases the damage of all of Bandit's attacks by 1.75x (2x with Icon Element Poison.pngPoison Contract). It consumes 1 Poison Relic to use.

Upon activating the Relic, Bandit cannot move for a short time. You should use this Relic when in a safe distance away from enemies or when the enemy is incapacitated.

Relic Stock

By default, Bandit can carry up to 3 Poison Relics. Icon Element Poison.pngPoison Bandit can carry up to 5 Poison Relics

Combo Opportunities

You can't chain Icon Relic Poison.pngPoison Relic into anything, but you can use it at the start of any combo to raise your damage.

Example Combos & Techniques

[Insert Combo 1 Here]

Placeholder  (N/A)
Combo Input(s)
Placeholder → Placeholder Placeholder → Placeholder


[Insert Combo 1 Here]

Placeholder  (N/A)
Combo Input(s)
Placeholder → Placeholder Placeholder → Placeholder


[Insert Combo 1 Here]

Placeholder  (N/A)
Combo Input(s)
Placeholder → Placeholder Placeholder → Placeholder


Relic Values

The following tables show the maximum number of Relics Bandit can carry depending on the situation, the number of times Bandit can use certain Relics in the air, the Relic Motion Values, and more information regarding Relics and Dragon Relics. Icon Relic Poison.pngPoison Relic multiplies all damage by 1.75x, or 2x with Icon Element Poison.pngPoison Contract.[2]

Normal Relic Maximum Stocks & Aerial Uses

Normal Relic Maximum Stocks & Aerial Uses
Relic Type or Situation Relic Max. Stock Aerial Uses
Normal Relic Icon Relic Fire.pngFire 3 1
Icon Relic Ice.pngIce 3 1
Icon Relic Wind.pngWind 4 2
Icon Relic Thunder.pngThunder 4 2
Icon Relic Poison.pngPoison 3
Contract-matching Icon Relic Fire.pngFire 6 2
Icon Relic Ice.pngIce 6 2
Icon Relic Wind.pngWind 6 3
Icon Relic Thunder.pngThunder 5 3
Icon Relic Poison.pngPoison 5
With Icon Dragon Relic Wind.pngWind Dragon Relic Icon Relic Fire.pngFire Infinite 2
Icon Relic Ice.pngIce Infinite 2
Icon Relic Wind.pngWind Infinite 4
Icon Relic Thunder.pngThunder Infinite 3
Icon Relic Poison.pngPoison Infinite

Normal Relic Motion Values

Normal Relic Motion Values
Relic or Situation Normal Contract-matching
Icon Relic Fire.pngFire Up 2 * 2 hits 2 * 6 hits
Icon Relic Fire.pngFire Down 36 44
Icon Relic Ice.pngIce 3 * 15 hits 3 * 30 hits
Icon Relic Wind.pngWind 13 13
Icon Relic Thunder.pngThunder 15 23
Icon Relic Poison.pngPoison

Dragon Contracts

Bandit's Dragon Contracts change his Dragon Relic and increases the maximum stock of their matching Relics.

Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder Contract

Placeholder  (N/A)

"Thunder relic focus. Dragon Relic is area attack." ― Atruum's Den

"Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder Bandit's Dragon Claw will always generate at least 1 thunder relic when used.

They can store more thunder relics as well as use thunder relics more times consecutively in mid-air.

Their Dragon Relic allows them to throw a large bomb that causes multiple hits when it explodes."

Icon Quest Notification.pngGame Tips

Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder Contract is Bandit's default Contract. His Icon Relic Thunder.pngThunder Relic stock increases to 5 and aerial uses to 3.

Icon Dragon Relic Thunder.pngThunder Dragon Relic

Thunder Bandit Consecutive Bomb Jump  (13 April 2024)
Skill Input(s) Canceled by
Icon Dragon Relic Thunder.pngThunder Dragon Relic
(Icon Class Bandit (1).pngMegaton Bomb)
Dragon Relic (Ground or Aerial)

Icon Dragon Relic Thunder.pngThunder Dragon Relic can be used in midair or on the ground. When performing Dragon Relic, Bandit will launch himself backwards and diagonally upward, then throw a Icon Class Bandit (1).pngMegaton Bomb that will explode upon hitting an enemy, wall, or solid object, dealing multiple hits. The bomb deals Holy damage and consumes 1 Dragon Relic to use. You will rise diagonally backwards into the air each time you throw.

You can carry a maximum of 4 Icon Dragon Relic Thunder.pngThunder Dragon Relics and throw bombs one after the other.

If you are hit during the rebound animation, it will consume 1 Dragon Relic but won't throw the bomb, so be careful not to get hit while throwing.

Also, if you press the Jump button on the right frame (immediately after the throw animation), you can make an air hop (AKA a "Neon Jump"[d]), to reach unintended heights (see the video above).

Icon Element Poison.pngPoison Contract

Placeholder  (N/A)

"Poison relic focus. Dragon Relic allows lock-on." ― Atruum's Den

"Icon Element Poison.pngPoison Bandit's Dragon Claw will always generate at least 1 poison relic when used.

They can store more poison relics and poison relics will have an increased effect.

Using a Dragon Relic will cause the Bandit to dash forward and lock onto any enemy on contact for a period of time."

Icon Quest Notification.pngGame Tips

Icon Element Poison.pngPoison Contract is one of Bandit's Contracts. His Icon Relic Poison.pngPoison Relic stock increases to 5 and damage boost to 2x.

Icon Dragon Relic Poison.pngPoison Dragon Relic

Skill Input(s) Canceled by
Icon Dragon Relic Poison.pngPoison Dragon Relic
(Icon Class Shinobi (1).pngDragon Dash)
Dragon Relic (Ground or Aerial)

Dragon Relic can be used on the ground or in mid-air. Upon pressing the Dragon Relic input, Bandit performs Icon Class Shinobi (1).pngShinobi's Dragon Dash, in which he dashes forward and, if the attack hits an enemy, it will deal Holy Damage and lock onto that enemy for a period of time. Depending on the Weapon, attacks will deal either Physical or Holy Damage. This move consumes 1 Dragon Relic to use. You can carry a maximum of 3 Icon Dragon Relic Poison.pngPoison Dragon Relics.

Throughout the Dragon Dash animation, Bandit has I-frames. The duration of the lock-on can be increased with PIE.

Icon Dragon Relic Poison.pngPoison Dragon Relic Icon Weapon Small-sword (N).pngSmall-swords

Icon Weapon Small-sword (N).pngSmall-swords deal Physical Damage. When locked onto an enemy, Bandit's Slash will automatically hit the target that he is locked onto. Slash still retains its hitbox, which means it still damages the locked-on enemy as well as other enemies that come in contact with the sword.

Icon Dragon Relic Poison.pngPoison Dragon Relic Icon Weapon Shuriken (N).pngShuriken

Icon Weapon Shuriken (N).pngShuriken deal Holy Damage. While locked onto an enemy, Bandit's Shuriken will now hit only the target that he is locked onto.

Icon Element Fire.pngFire Contract

Placeholder  (N/A)

"Fire relic focus. Dragon Relic is a fire attack." ― Atruum's Den

"Icon Element Fire.pngFire Bandit's Dragon Claw will always generate at least 1 fire relic when used.

They can store more fire relics as well as use fire relics more times consecutively in mid-air.

Their Dragon Relic fires powerful, forward-facing shots for a set period of time."

Icon Quest Notification.pngGame Tips

Icon Element Fire.pngFire Contract is one of Bandit's Contracts. His Icon Relic Fire.pngFire Relic stock increases to 6 and aerial uses to 2. For the Icon Relic Fire.pngFire Relic, it also increases the number of hits of the uppercut and increases the damage of its spike attack.

Along with Icon Element Ice.pngIce Contract, Icon Element Fire.pngFire Contract has the strongest Dragon Claw and Quick Dragon Claw.

Icon Dragon Relic Fire.pngFire Dragon Relic

Skill Input(s) Canceled by
Icon Dragon Relic Fire.pngFire Dragon Relic
(Icon Class Empress (1).pngDragon Cannon)
Press and hold Dragon Relic (Ground Only)

Dragon Relic can only be used on the ground. To use it, you need to hold down the Dragon Relic button. Bandit performs Icon Class Empress (1).pngEmpress's Dragon Cannon, in which he charges up his Dragon Claw before firing a barrage of projectiles in the direction he is facing. This move deals Holy damage and consumes 1 Dragon Relic to use. You can carry a maximum of 2 Icon Dragon Relic Fire.pngFire Dragon Relics.

Bandit will be stationary throughout the entire attack, making him vulnerable to attacks. Bandit will stop firing Dragon Cannon when he gets hit or you let go of the Dragon Relic button. When ending the Dragon Cannon, there will be recovery frames in which Bandit cannot move nor attack before he can do any action again.

Icon Element Ice.pngIce Contract

Placeholder  (N/A)

"Ice relic focus. Dragon Relic is a guard skill." ― Atruum's Den

"Icon Element Ice.pngIce Bandit's Dragon Claw will always generate at least 1 ice relic when used.

They can store more ice relics as well as use ice relics more times consecutively in mid-air.

Their Dragon Relic deploys a protective barrier, but only for a limited period of time."

Icon Quest Notification.pngGame Tips

Icon Element Ice.pngIce Contract is one of Bandit's Contracts. His Icon Relic Ice.pngIce Relic stock increases to 6 and aerial uses to 2. The duration in which the Ice Relic is active is also doubled.

Along with Icon Element Fire.pngFire Contract, Icon Element Ice.pngIce Contract has the strongest Dragon Claw and Quick Dragon Claw.

Icon Dragon Relic Ice.pngIce Dragon Relic

Skill Input(s) Canceled by
Icon Dragon Relic Ice.pngIce Dragon Relic
(Icon Class Warrior (1).pngDragon Shield)
Press and hold Dragon Relic (Ground Only)

Dragon Relic can only be used on the ground. To perform, you need to tap or hold down the Dragon Relic button. Bandit will perform Icon Class Warrior (1).pngWarrior's Dragon Guard, in which he deploys a shield that will block all attacks. You can keep holding the Dragon Relic button to heal an amount of HP per tick for a limited time. However, if you hold the Dragon Guard for too long, Bandit will get stunned for a few seconds. This move consumes 1 Dragon Relic to use. You can carry a maximum of 2 Icon Dragon Relic Ice.pngIce Dragon Relics.

The duration and HP heal per tick for Dragon Relic can be increased with PIE.

Icon Element Wind.pngWind Contract

Placeholder  (N/A)

"Wind relic focus. Dragon Relic allows unlimited relic use." ― Atruum's Den

"Icon Element Wind.pngWind Bandit's Dragon Claw will always generate at least 1 wind relic when used.

They can store more wind relics as well as use wind relics more time consecutively in mid-air.

Their Dragon Relic enables unlimited usage of elemental relics and the ability to use them repeatedly in mid-air."

Icon Quest Notification.pngGame Tips

Icon Element Wind.pngWind Contract is one of Bandit's Contracts. His Icon Relic Wind.pngWind Relic stock increases to 6 and aerial uses to 3.

Icon Dragon Relic Wind.pngWind Dragon Relic

Skill Input(s) Canceled by
Icon Dragon Relic Wind.pngWind Dragon Relic
(Icon Class Witch (1).pngDragon Surge)
Dragon Relic (Ground Only)

Dragon Relic can only be used on the ground. To perform, you need to tap the Dragon Relic button. Bandit will unleash Icon Class Witch (1).pngWitch's Dragon Surge, which will:

  • Enable unlimited usage of all normal Relics for a limited amount of time (duration increases with PIE).
  • Temporarily increase his damage for all Relic moves (except for Icon Relic Poison.pngPoison Relic).
  • Allow him to use 1 extra Relic in the air (except for Icon Relic Poison.pngPoison Relic).
  • Consume 1 Dragon Relic to use.

You can carry a maximum of 3 Icon Dragon Relic Wind.pngWind Dragon Relics.

While in the Dragon Surge state, Bandit can perform:

  • 2 Icon Relic Fire.pngFire Relics in the air.
  • 2 Icon Relic Ice.pngIce Relics in the air.
  • 4 Icon Relic Wind.pngWind Relics in the air.
  • 3 Icon Relic Thunder.pngThunder Relics in the air.

Differences Between Contracts per Ability

The following charts show specific data for the differences between each Contract.[2]

Dragon Claw Contract Differences

Dragon Claw Contract Differences
Contract Normal Quick
Icon Element Fire.pngFire or Icon Element Ice.pngIce PIE * 25 PIE * 6.66
Icon Element Wind.pngWind or Icon Element Poison.pngPoison PIE * 15 PIE * 4.00
Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder PIE * 20 PIE * 5.32

Dragon Relic Contract Differences

Dragon Relic Contract Differences
Dragon Relic Max. Stock Aerial Uses Base Duration Extra Duration
per PIE
Motion Value
Hits Notes
Icon Dragon Relic Fire.pngFire Dragon Relic
(Icon Class Empress (1).pngDragon Cannon)
2 3.10 sec. PIE * 5.5 60 Takes 1.075 sec. to prepare.
Icon Dragon Relic Ice.pngIce Dragon Relic
(Icon Class Warrior (1).pngDragon Shield)
2 3.40 sec. 0.0167 sec. Recovery frames take 0.5 sec.
Icon Dragon Relic Wind.pngWind Dragon Relic
(Icon Class Witch (1).pngDragon Surge)
3 20.00 sec. 0.0667 sec. Aerial Relic uses generally increase by 1 and power increases by 1.2x
Icon Dragon Relic Thunder.pngThunder Dragon Relic
(Icon Class Bandit (1).pngMegaton Bomb)
4 4 PIE * 12 12 Unique ability
Icon Dragon Relic Poison.pngPoison Dragon Relic
(Icon Class Shinobi (1).pngDragon Dash)
3 1 16.00 sec. 0.0333 sec. PIE * 0.15 1 No DP generation while active.

Example Builds

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Status Calculation

Final Status = Base Status + (Growth Rate * Level) + Equipment Status

The following tables show Bandit's Growth Rates and Base Status values per Level.

Growth Rates per Stat
Growth Rate 20% 20% 30% 20% 40% 20%
Base Stats per Level
1 5 5 5 3 7 5
2 5 5 5 3 7 5
3 5 5 5 3 8 5
4 5 5 6 3 8 5
5 6 6 6 4 9 6
6 6 6 6 4 9 6
7 6 6 7 4 9 6
8 6 6 7 4 10 6
9 6 6 7 4 10 6
10 7 7 8 5 11 7
11 7 7 8 5 11 7
12 7 7 8 5 11 7
13 7 7 8 5 12 7
14 7 7 9 5 12 7
15 8 8 9 6 13 8
16 8 8 9 6 13 8
17 8 8 10 6 13 8
18 8 8 10 6 14 8
19 8 8 10 6 14 8
20 9 9 11 7 15 9
21 9 9 11 7 15 9
22 9 9 11 7 15 9
23 9 9 11 7 16 9
24 9 9 12 7 16 9
25 10 10 12 8 17 10
26 10 10 12 8 17 10
27 10 10 13 8 17 10
28 10 10 13 8 18 10
29 10 10 13 8 18 10
30 11 11 14 9 19 11
31 11 11 14 9 19 11
32 11 11 14 9 19 11
33 11 11 14 9 20 11
34 11 11 15 9 20 11
35 12 12 15 10 21 12
36 12 12 15 10 21 12
37 12 12 16 10 21 12
38 12 12 16 10 22 12
39 12 12 16 10 22 12
40 13 13 17 11 23 13
41 13 13 17 11 23 13
42 13 13 17 11 23 13
43 13 13 17 11 24 13
44 13 13 18 11 24 13
45 14 14 18 12 25 14
46 14 14 18 12 25 14
47 14 14 19 12 25 14
48 14 14 19 12 26 14
49 14 14 19 12 26 14
50 15 15 20 13 27 15
51 15 15 20 13 27 15
52 15 15 20 13 27 15
53 15 15 20 13 28 15
54 15 15 21 13 28 15
55 16 16 21 14 29 16
56 16 16 21 14 29 16
57 16 16 22 14 29 16
58 16 16 22 14 30 16
59 16 16 22 14 30 16
60 17 17 23 15 31 17
61 17 17 23 15 31 17
62 17 17 23 15 31 17
63 17 17 23 15 32 17
64 17 17 24 15 32 17
65 18 18 24 16 33 18
66 18 18 24 16 33 18
67 18 18 25 16 33 18
68 18 18 25 16 34 18
69 18 18 25 16 34 18
70 19 19 26 17 35 19
71 19 19 26 17 35 19
72 19 19 26 17 35 19
73 19 19 26 17 36 19
74 19 19 27 17 36 19
75 20 20 27 18 37 20
76 20 20 27 18 37 20
77 20 20 28 18 37 20
78 20 20 28 18 38 20
79 20 20 28 18 38 20
80 21 21 29 19 39 21
81 21 21 29 19 39 21
82 21 21 29 19 39 21
83 21 21 29 19 40 21
84 21 21 30 19 40 21
85 22 22 30 20 41 22
86 22 22 30 20 41 22
87 22 22 31 20 41 22
88 22 22 31 20 42 22
89 22 22 31 20 42 22
90 23 23 32 21 43 23
91 23 23 32 21 43 23
92 23 23 32 21 43 23
93 23 23 32 21 44 23
94 23 23 33 21 44 23
95 24 24 33 22 45 24
96 24 24 33 22 45 24
97 24 24 34 22 45 24
98 24 24 34 22 46 24
99 24 24 34 22 46 24
100 25 25 35 23 47 25

Builds in General

More than the other playable characters, Bandit has a wide variety of builds you can make. Even if you try to specialize in 1 attack type, most if not all of Bandit's moveset is still viable, making him a versatile character. The following builds are just baseline suggestions for building him.

Magical - INT, LUC, & PIE

A Magical build focuses on dealing damage with Relic combos. The M.ATK stat from your Weapons matters the most to determine how much damage your normal Relics will do.

Recommended Dragon Contracts
Contract Info
Icon Element Wind.pngWind Dragon Surge provides infinite Relics and more options for Relic combos

Holy - PIE & LUC

If you want to go for a Holy build, you can select a Dragon Contract with a Dragon Relic that deals high Holy damage. You'll need LUC to have a higher chance of pulling Dragon Relics.

If you have Icon Weapon Small-sword (N).pngSmall-swords from a higher-level Empress in your save file, you can potentially equip high-level PIE weapons like Icon Weapon Small-sword (N).pngHeavy Schiavona prematurely, although your basic attacks will be poor.

Recommended Dragon Contracts
Contract Info
Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder Megaton Bomb's total damage formula is PIE * 12 * 12 hits * 4 bombs (ex. 100 PIE * 12 * 12 hits * 4 bombs = 57600)
Icon Element Fire.pngFire Dragon Cannon's total damage formula (with 1 successful Dragon Relic) is PIE * 5.5 * 60 hits (ex. 100 PIE * 5.5 * 60 = 33000)

Physical - STR


If you're using only Icon Weapon Shuriken (N).pngShuriken, you don't need AGI because Shuriken are restricted to 1 Hit!! count.

Recommended Dragon Contracts
Contract Info
Icon Element Ice.pngIce Icon Relic Ice.pngIce Relic's active duration is 2x longer, making it more effective for aerial Shuriken positioning; aerial Shuriken have almost no cooldown between throws
Icon Element Poison.pngPoison (help explain pls -G.R)
Icon Element Fire.pngFire Icon Status Ailment Burn.pngBurn increases your Physical damage against enemies by 1.5x

Teamwork Strategies

Your Role


[Any subsections]



The following sections show miscellaneous information and data.

Chest Reroll

When opening chests, Bandit gets 2 rolls to pick up a rare item. Basically, upon opening a chest, the game rolls a drop, but if the drop is not rare, it will roll again. The formula is:[2]

Chest Reroll = 1 - binomdist(0, 2, rare frame rate, false)[e]

Attack Types & Stats for Abilities

The following is a summary of the Attack Types and relevant stats that affect Bandit's abilities.

Attack Types & Stats for Abilities
Ability Affected By
Basic Abilities Physical (STR and AGI) or Magical (INT and LUC)
Relic Attacks Magical (INT and LUC)
Dragon Relic Attack Damage (non-Icon Dragon Relic Poison.pngPoison Dragon Relic) Holy (PIE)
Icon Dragon Relic Poison.pngPoison Dragon Relic Dragon Dash Lock-on Duration PIE
Icon Dragon Relic Poison.pngPoison Dragon Relic Icon Weapon Small-sword (N).pngSmall-sword Damage Physical (STR and AGI)
Icon Dragon Relic Poison.pngPoison Dragon Relic Icon Weapon Shuriken (N).pngShuriken Damage Holy (PIE)
Icon Dragon Relic Ice.pngIce Dragon Relic Amount of Healing Bandit's PIE and target's VIT
Icon Dragon Relic Wind.pngWind Dragon Relic Duration PIE

Movement Speed

The following table shows Bandit's movement speed compared to Empress.[2]

Movement Speed
Situation Movement Speed
vs. Empress 103.5%

Favorite Food

Bandit's favorite foods are:

  • Icon Consumable Candy (N).pngBeef Sandwich (heal 100% HP)
  • Icon Drop Egg Sandwich.pngEgg Sandwich (heal 30% HP)
  • Icon Drop Bacon Sandwich.pngBacon Sandwich (heal 50% HP)

Every other character's favorite food heals 15% HP (S) and 25% HP (L).[2]

Gameplay Videos

Thunder Bandit Consecutive Bomb Jump  (13 April 2024)
Bandit Ipetam + Demonic Talwar Weapon Combo  (29 March 2024)




  1. Some Shuriken are exclusive to Bandit, while others are exclusive to Shinobi.
  2. Also, when performing Dragon Claw on the ground, if you press the Dragon Claw input again right as Bandit lands a hit on the enemy, he will do 1 extra hit and his rebound animation will be faster.
  3. 60 LUC = 4 pulls. 100 LUC = 5 pulls.
  4. A community term that is a reference to Mega Man X2 and X3's "Neon Jump" exploit.
  5. "Binomdist()" is "binomial distribution".
