Legacy & Unused Materials

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Icon Item (N).pngLegacy & Unused Materials are Items that are no longer available in Version 3.1.5 of Dragon Marked For Death.


Black Market Crafting Materials

Version 2.0.0n introduced the Black Market system, along with the Black Market Item Chest. These small chests had a chance of dropping from certain enemies, with specific crafting materials inside. For example, killing a Battle Crab may drop an item chest with a Crab Claw. These materials were used to create special items.

Version 2.2.0n removed the old Black Market Item Chest system and replaced it with the regional coins system. Any crafting materials earned from Black Market Item Chests could be exchanged for Litus coins.

Although these items are technically unused, they remain in the game's data to compensate for any players who still have them in their inventory post-Version 2.2.0n.

Interestingly, although the game's different console versions do not have cross-play, data for these items still exist in them. Players of the Steam and PS4 versions of the game never got to collect these crafting materials, as those versions of the game were released with 3.0.0.

Black Market Crafting Materials
Item (English) Item (Japanese) Item (Korean) Item (Chinese (Traditional)) Rarity (Stars) Dropped from Enemy Obtainable before removal
Tough Beak クチバシ 부리 1 Tough Chick
Honey 蜂蜜 벌꿀 蜂蜜 1 Skullbee
Fiendish Carapace 甲虫の甲殻 갑충의 갑각 甲蟲的甲殼 1 Demonpillar
Sticky Thread 粘糸 끈끈이 실 粘絲 3 Demonpillar
Golden Scales 金色の鱗 금빛 비늘 金色鱗片 1 Flygolin (Thunder)
Blue Scales 水色の鱗 푸른 빛 비늘 水色鱗片 1 Flygolin (Ice)
Bombud Fruit ボムツボミの実 폭탄 봉오리의 열매 炸彈花蕾果實 1 Bombud (Yellow)
Bombud Poison ボムツボミの毒 폭탄 봉오리의 독 炸彈花蕾的毒 1 Bombud (Purple)
Fly Juice 羽虫の体液 날벌레의 체액 昆蟲體液 1 Fruit Fly
Slime Juice スライムの体液 슬라임의 체액 史萊姆體液 1 Deva Slime
Ice 얼음 1 Cloudfish (Ice)
Oil 기름 1 Cloudfish (Fire)
Paralyzing Venom 麻連毒 마비 독 麻痺毒 1 Cloudfish (Thunder)
Crab Shell カニの甲羅 게의 껍데기 螃蟹殼 1 Battle Crab
Crab Claw カニの爪 게의 발톱 螃蟹爪 3 Battle Crab
Do-dune Skin ドードドーの皮 도도도의 가죽 渡渡渡鳥皮 1 Do-dune
Suspicious Fruit 怪しげな実 수상한 열매 詭異的果實 1 Currently unknown. Currently unknown.
Smoldering Tail 燃え続ける尻尾 불타는 꼬리 持續燃燒的尾巴 1 Asura Bat (Fire)
Smoldering Wing 燃え続ける羽 불타는 날개 持續燃燒的翅膀 4 Asura Bat (Fire)
Frozen Tail 凍った尻尾 얼어 붙은 꼬리 冰凍尾巴 1 Asura Bat (Ice)
Frozen Wing 凍った羽 얼어 붙은 날개 冰凍翅膀持 4 Asura Bat (Ice)
Twitching Tail 動き続ける尻尾 꿈틀 대는 꼬리 續蠕動的尾巴 1 Asura Bat (Wind)
Twitching Wing 動き続ける羽 꿈틀 대는 날개 持續抖動的翅膀 4 Asura Bat (Wind)
Paralyzed Tail 麻揮した尻尾 마비 된 꼬리 麻痺的尾巴 1 Asura Bat (Thunder)
Paralyzed Wing 麻痩した羽 마비 된 날개 麻痺的翅膀 4 Asura Bat (Thunder)
Toxic Tail 劇毒の尻尾 극 독성 꼬리 劇毒尾巴 1 Asura Bat (Poison)
Toxic Wing 劇毒の羽 극 독성 날개 劇毒翅膀 4 Asura Bat (Poison)
Ogre Nails オーガの爪 오우거의 손톱 巨魔指甲 1 Ogre
Shockfish Scales デンキウオの鱗 전기 어의 비늘 電魚鱗片 1 Shockfish
Shockfish Sac デンキウオの毒袋 전기 어의 독주 머니 電魚的毒袋 4 Shockfish
Goblin Bow ゴブリンの弓 고블린의 활 哥布林弓 1 Pale Goblin
Bio-bulb Husk バルブワームの抜け殻 벌브 웜의 허물 流體蟲的空殼 1 Bio-bulb
Goblin Torch ゴブリンの松明 고블린의 횃불 哥布林火把 1 Red Goblin
Fire Rat Ear 火ネズミの耳 불쥐의 귀 火鼠的耳朵 1 Deva Rat (Fire)
Water Rat Foot 水ネズミの足 물쥐의 발 水鼠的耳朵 1 Deva Rat (Ice)
Electric Rat Tail 電気ネズミの尻尾 전기 쥐의 꼬리 電鼠的耳朵 1 Deva Rat (Thunder)
Toad Oil ガマの油 두꺼비의 기름 蟾蜍油 1 Thundertoad
Beetle Wing 甲虫の超 갑충의 날개 甲蟲的翅膀 1 Gold Beetle
Rusted Chain 錆びた鎖 녹슨 사슬 生鋪的鎖 1 Lampic
Spider Cocoon クモの繭 거미의 고치 蜘蛛繭 1 Void Spider
Watcher Whiskers モルモルの髭 모르 모르의 수염 觸手眼球的鬚 1 Watcher
Watcher Guts モルモルの腸 모르 모르의 내장 觸手眼球的腸 5 Watcher
Diamond ダイアモンド 다이아몬드 鑽石 8 Unknown / None
Horse Meat 桜肉 말고기 馬肉 8 Unknown / None; possibly Equus or The Trampling Lance ?
Enormous Hoof 巨大な蹄 거대한 발굽 巨蹄 8 Unknown / None; possibly Equus or The Trampling Lance ?
Ogre Fang オーガの牙 오우거 송곳니 巨魔牙 8 Unknown / None; possibly Ogre Prince or The Demon's Puppet ?
Gold Enhance Cube エンハンスキューブ・金 인핸스 큐브 금 增幅魔方・金 1 Unknown / None

Placeholder Black Market Crafting Materials in Japanese Version

These placeholder items were discovered in the Black Market shop list in Version 3.0.4s. Only in the Japanese translation do they have placeholder names. In the English, Korean, and Chinese (Traditional) translations, these item names are blank. All items listed have a rarity of 1 star and are in Item Trunk order.

  • 素材0045_
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  • 素材007F_

Miscellaneous Unused Materials & Drops

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These unused Materials and Drops were found in the Item Drops spritesheet, but are otherwise unknown to actually be objects in the game. As such, all of these items are considered to be unobtainable in any version of the game.

  • Placeholder