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In the beginning, upon losing the war against the Celestial Primatis, the Astral Dragon Atruum's body fell to the earth and was purified by the holy weapons of five gods, turning into the continent known as Remlia (レムリア大陸 Remuria Tairiku, Remuria Continent, Lemuria Continent). It is the setting in which Dragon Marked For Death takes place.

Five Divine Weapons exist on the continent. In the sky of purified land, a white moon known as the "Moon of Mercy" shines. In the sky of unpurified land, a red moon known as the "Moon of Condemnation" is always visible.[1]


The continent of Remlia is roughly divided into five sections according to the environment of the land and the four existing residencies of the Divine Family. There used to be five royalties, but one has been destroyed.[2]

There are five countries scattered throughout the continent:[3]


An illustration made by humans. The true forms of the beings are unknown to humans, so they are only pictures symbolizing "Celestial" and "Astral Dragon."[4]

Age of Creation (Year ??? - 0)[5]

Creation of Remlia[6]

Once in a chaotic land, there was a battle between the Celestial’s army and the Astral Dragon’s army. Humans were at the mercy of the battle between the Celestial and the Astral Dragon.

Some sought salvation from the Celestial, and some hid in the shadow of the Astral Dragon, waiting for the end of the battle. In the end, the largest of the ancient dragons, Atruum, lost the battle.

The Celestial Primatis thrust His weapons one after another into Atruum’s body, and Atruum fell to the ground. The army of dragons who lost their powers collapsed one after another, and the battle ended in the victory of the Celestial’s army.

The Astral Dragon’s corpse, which lost the battle, was cleansed by the weapons of the Celestials, replacing the lands lost in the battle.

Afterwards, the Celestials left two moons, the Moon of Mercy and the Moon of Condemnation, watching over the earth in the sky, then disappeared to heal themselves.

The Celestial Primatis defeated the Astral Dragon Atruum, ending the battle in the victory of the Celestials. The weapons of Primatis were thrust into Atruum's corpse, and the corpse became the new land known as Remlia.

Creation of the Dragonblood Clan[6]

In the battle between the Celestials and the Astral Dragons, the ancestors of the Dragonblood Clan who were involved in the vortex of the war were on the verge of death. At the time, dragon’s blood poured out of the body of Atruum, who was also dying.

In exchange for Atruum’s life, the Clan’s ancestors escaped death.

As proof of the blood contract, a dragon mark (aka Dragon Scar) was engraved on the bodies of the Clan members.

The Clan began to worship Atruum as a guardian dragon.

In modern times, it is no longer known whether Atruum’s actions in the battle were to pity the weak, or just an act that looked down on the people from the heights of the Astral Dragon.

Age of the Divine Family (Year 0 - 600)

Five Divine Weapons, or "holy relics," were thrust into the impure dragon land. These relics purified the surrounding nature and made the land habitable.

The Divine Family, said to have been baptized by the gods, named the country Medius after the king, and built their kingdoms around the Divine Weapons. In order to unite the people as a nation, the Divine Family used the Dragonblood Clan as a scapegoat by making the Clan that offers to the abominable Astral Dragon a common enemy.

The Divine Family seized control and spread their teachings that because Remlia was made from Atruum's corpse, those who live closer to the earth or underground are impure, while those who live at great heights are purer.[7] Due to the great heights of the Divine Weapons, members of the Divine Family resided at their peaks, while the rest of the population gathered at the bottom.[8]

The population of Remlia gradually increased after becoming a safer place to live. Eventually, a conflict between the nations began to form over the continent's domination and the possession of the Divine Weapons.

Under the rule of the Divine Family, history will be repeated in a world where the gods have disappeared.

Age of the Relic War (Year 600 - 700)[9]

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The Central Kingdom of Medius, enticed by the southern nation of Litus and its excellent magical civilization, began to invade it to obtain its relics. This began the Relic War (600 - 700).

The Southwestern Island Republic of Hasta was forced to form an alliance with the Magic Kingdom of Litus because it was the only land-based source of funding. The Northern Federation of Pagnas formed an alliance with Medius, the two sharing a common problem of volcanic monsters, to combat Litus.

Suddenly, the relics of Litus lost their magical power, and most of the southern part of the continent transformed into a desert. Medius also lost its reason for the invasion due to the stalemate battle in the south.

Thus, the Relic War ended without a winner. Many magic-derived gimmicks, such as transfer teams around the world, used what was left behind by the invasion of Litus during this period.

Age of the Eastern War / Marlayus War (Year 912 - 915)[10]

Plans for colonization were shelved and asylum was granted to people from Litus. Due to the migration, slums began to form around the royal capital of Medius. Hasta began trading by sea with Medius due to the development of shipbuilding technology. To avoid the influx of immigrants from Medius and Litus, Pagnas began a blockade and turned into a more closed military nation.

After the Relic War, each country was in equilibrium, but a new force emerged: The Eastern Island Nation of Marlayus. The nation had been isolated from the center of the continent by great mountains, and thus nurtured its own cultural sphere. Marlayus's army crossed the great mountains and invaded Medius. The Divine Knights of Medius countered and repelled this threat near the mountains.

The battle was thus called the Eastern War / Marlayus War (912 - 915).

Modern Times (Year 920 - Game Start)[11]

A few years after the Eastern War, the slums in Medius expanded, and tensions with Marlayus continued. Pagnas did not break its blockade, and constantly collided with the monsters in the volcanic area. In Marlayus, which failed to invade the center of the continent, the lords of each island constantly fought each other, and the civil war continued. Rumors of another invasion began to flow. Hasta busied itself with trade with Medius.

The grudge of Medius that remained since the Relic War was deeply rooted.

Although no terrible war occurred, King Medius remained in a delicate state of tension.



All five Divine Families worship the Celestial Primatis and have a policy against worship of the Astral Dragon Atruum. By fighting Asuras, giving offerings, and living cleanly, the soul lives after death. After death, the soul is said to be called to reside in the divine world (the Moon of Mercy), where Primatis lives.

Although they all believe in the same gods, the doctrines of the Divine Families in each country are different.

Doctrines and Values
Nations Main Doctrine Values
The Central Kingdom of Medius Kings of humanity Centrality, high-bridging
The Magic Kingdom of Litus Omniscience seekers Scholars, investigators, many changes
The Northern Federation of Pagnas Strong heroes Strict, conservative, respectful of strength
The Eastern Island Nation of Marlayus Rough champions Bold, warlike, various unique and diverse values
The Southwestern Island Republic of Hasta Happy with a lot of greenery Easy-going, optimistic, many merchants

Social Hierarchy

Because it has been said that the continent of Remlia was made from the corpse of the Astral Dragon Atruum, it is taught that the closer one is to the ground, the more unclean they are and the lower the status they have. In contrast, those in a high position, far from the ground, are considered to be high-class and holy.

Members of the Divine Families live near the tops of the Divine Weapons, spending their lives almost never descending to the cities. Next, priests and aristocrats live on the hillsides of the Divine Weapons. Everyone else lives in the cities at the foot of the mountains.

Food Preparation & Material Cleansing

In terms of food preparation, animals that live near the ground, such as four-legged walking creatures, are low in rank. On the contrary, fruits growing from high up, birds, and fish are all valuable because they do not touch the ground. However, food that has undergone a cleansing ritual by a priest are considered good. This also applies to ordinary materials, such as stone bricks used for buildings.


In the past, the Magic Kingdom of Litus had an excellent civilization, but their magical technology became lost after its destruction. In the present time, magical techniques are distributed within a small part of the Divine Family, the Dragonblood Clan, and high-level monsters. Rare magic items can only be obtained from excavations and archaeological sites in Litus.

In general, there is not enough magic technology left to recreate it.


Power is generally derived from water and wind turbines. Motors such as steam engines are rarely used. Technology is used to open and close castle gates, move large gondolas through the cities, etc. The Northern Federation of Pagnas is one major example that uses industrialized technology.


  1. DMFD Artbook, page 8
  2. DMFD Artbook, page 10
  3. DMFD Trailer 2:
  4. DMFD Artbook, page 6
  5. DMFD Artbook, page 30
  6. 6.0 6.1 DMFD Artbook, page 4
  7. DMFD Artbook, page 5
  8. 8.0 8.1 DMFD Artbook, page 16
  9. DMFD Artbook, page 31
  10. DMFD Artbook, page 32
  11. DMFD Artbook, page 33
  12. 12.0 12.1 DMFD Artbook, page 17