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Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngFoci are a type of ranged (magical) Weapon used by the Oracle and the Witch in Dragon Marked For Death.


Basic List

This list contains the names of all base +grade Foci.

  • Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngJack-o'-Lantern
  • Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngPlush Doll
  • Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngPlaying Card (Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngTarot Card)
  • Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngCrystal Ball (Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngCrystal Skull)
  • Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngStraw Doll
  • Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngPaper Charm (Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngDisaster Charm)
  • Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngGreen Lantern
  • Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngFeather Wand (Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngYatagarasu)
  • Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngBlessed Amulet (Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngDivine Offering)
  • Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngCursed Doll
  • Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngCintāmani
  • Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngHieroglyph (Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngAbydos Temple Mural)
  • Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngFire Lantern (Icon Weapon Focus (N).png??? Lantern)
  • Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngGranodiorite Sphere (Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngDiquís Stone Sphere)
  • Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngQuill Pen (Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngCassowary Feather)
  • Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngTablet (Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngEye of Providence)
  • Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngIca Stone (Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngSedan Stone)
  • Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngDark Lantern (Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngCursed Lantern)
  • Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngHathor Temple Mural (Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngDendera Light)
  • Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngNimrud Lens
  • Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngMagatama
  • Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngDinosaur Statue
  • Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngIron Pillar of Delhi
  • Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngNebra Sky Disk
  • Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngAntikythera Mechanism
  • Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngVimana
  • Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngYata no Kagami
  • Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngUnidentified Object
  • Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngOut-of-Place Artifact

Drop List

This list contains Quest Drops and / or Materials for each Weapon. Please manually expand the charts that you want to view.

Normal Weapons Drop List
Weapon Quest Rarity
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngJack-o'-Lantern The Doomed Clan Q.Lv. 1 ?
The Ogre Fort Q.Lv. 1-10 ?
Cavern of Torment: Floor 31-40 ?
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngPlush Doll The Doomed Clan Q.Lv. 1 ?
Dreaming of Treasure Q.Lv. 3-25 ?
The Frigid Nest Q.Lv. 5 ?
Undying Dragon Q.Lv. 10 ?
Twin Dragon's End Q.Lv. 15 ?
Brother and Sister Q.Lv. 15 ?
Cavern of Torment: Floor 1-10 ?
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngPlaying Card (Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngTarot Card) Dragonblood Village Q.Lv. 10 ?
The Castle Burns Q.Lv. 15-35 ?
They Come From Hell Q.Lv. 20-30 ?
Aim for High Heaven Q.Lv. 10 ?
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngCrystal Ball (Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngCrystal Skull) Sea of Tumult Q.Lv. 5-40 ?
The Frigid Nest Q.Lv. 15 ?
Unearthed Royalty Q.Lv. 15 ?
Dragon's Struggle Q.Lv. 35 ?
Cavern of Torment: Floor 11-20 ?
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngStraw Doll Dragonblood Village Q.Lv. 20 ?
The Ogre Fort Q.Lv. 20-50 ?
Werewolf Hunting Q.Lv. 25 ?
Undying Dragon Q.Lv. 20 ?
Twin Dragon's End Q.Lv. 15-45 ?
The Sleeping Tome Q.Lv. 20 ?
Aim for High Heaven Q.Lv. 20 ?
Cavern of Torment: Floor 11-20, 21-30 ?
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngPaper Charm (Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngDisaster Charm) Dreaming of Treasure Q.Lv. 25-40 ?
The Frigid Nest Q.Lv. 25 ?
Brother and Sister Q.Lv. 25-45 ?
Unearthed Royalty Q.Lv. 25 ?
Displaced Royalty Q.Lv. 20-40 ?
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngGreen Lantern Dragonblood Village Q.Lv. 30 ?
Werewolf Hunting Q.Lv. 35 ?
Undying Dragon Q.Lv. 45-70 ?
The Sleeping Tome Q.Lv. 30 ?
They Come From Hell Q.Lv. 40-50 ?
Aim for High Heaven Q.Lv. 30 ?
Cavern of Torment: Floor 21-30 ?
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngFeather Wand (Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngYatagarasu) The Frigid Nest Q.Lv. 40 ?
The Bell Tolls Q.Lv. 35-50 ?
Unearthed Royalty Q.Lv. 35 ?
Calamity's Portent Q.Lv. 35-55 ?
Cavern of Torment: Floor 41-50 ?
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngBlessed Amulet (Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngDivine Offering) Dragonblood Village Q.Lv. 40 ?
Werewolf Hunting Q.Lv. 50 ?
Undying Dragon Q.Lv. 30 ?
Twin Dragon's End Q.Lv. 60-70 ?
The Sleeping Tome Q.Lv. 40 ?
Dragon's Struggle Q.Lv. 50 ?
Truth in Heaven Q.Lv. 40-60 ?
Aim for High Heaven Q.Lv. 40 ?
Cavern of Torment: Floor 31-40 ?
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngCursed Doll Dragonblood Village Q.Lv. 50 ?
Werewolf Hunting Q.Lv. 65 ?
Unearthed Royalty Q.Lv. 45 ?
Displaced Royalty Q.Lv. 50 ?
They Come From Hell Q.Lv. 60-80 ?
Soul Vessel Q.Lv. 25-60 ?
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngCintāmani Undying Dragon Q.Lv. 45-70 ?
Twin Dragon's End Q.Lv. 45-70 ?
The Sleeping Tome Q.Lv. 50 ?
Marked for Death Q.Lv. 30-110 ?
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngHieroglyph (Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngAbydos Temple Mural) Werewolf Hunting Q.Lv. 55 ?
The Bell Tolls Q.Lv. 65-75 ?
Unearthed Royalty Q.Lv. 55 ?
The Castle Burns Q.Lv. 55-70 ?
Calamity's Portent Q.Lv. 70-90 ?
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngFire Lantern (Icon Weapon Focus (N).png??? Lantern) The Ogre Fort Q.Lv. 60-80 ?
Dragon's Struggle Q.Lv. 65-90 ?
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngGranodiorite Sphere (Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngDiquís Stone Sphere) Soul Vessel Q.Lv. 70-90 ?
Cavern of Torment: Floor 61-70 ?
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngQuill Pen (Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngCassowary Feather) Unearthed Royalty Q.Lv. 70 ?
Truth in Heaven Q.Lv. 70-100 ?
Cavern of Torment: Floor 71-80 ?
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngTablet (Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngEye of Providence) The Castle Burns Q.Lv. 80-100 ?
Calamity's Portent Q.Lv. 100-110 ?
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngIca Stone (Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngSedan Stone) Undying Dragon Q.Lv. 80-100 ?
Twin Dragon's End Q.Lv. 80-100 ?
Unearthed Royalty Q.Lv. 80 ?
Dragon's Struggle Q.Lv. 100-110 ?
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngDark Lantern (Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngCursed Lantern) Sea of Tumult Q.Lv. 80-110 ?
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngHathor Temple Mural (Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngDendera Light) The Ogre Fort Q.Lv. 90-110 ?
Werewolf Hunting Q.Lv. 90-110 ?
The Bell Tolls Q.Lv. 90-110 ?
Unearthed Royalty Q.Lv. 90-100 ?
Special Upgrade Weapons Drop and Recipe List
Weapon Grade Quest / Material Rarity / Amount
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngNimrud Lens +0 Truth in Heaven Q.Lv.110 ?
The Castle Burns Q.Lv.110 ?
Cavern of Torment: Floor 101-110 ?
+1 Fork of Good Fortune 5
Nimrud Lens 1
+2 Fork of Good Fortune 10
Nimrud Lens +1 1
+3 Fork of Good Fortune 15
Nimrud Lens +2 1
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngMagatama +0 Undying Dragon Q.Lv.110 ?
Twin Dragon's End Q.Lv.110 ?
Soul Vessel: Q.Lv.110 ?
Cavern of Torment: Floor 111-120 ?
+1 Fork of Good Fortune 5
Magatama 1
+2 Fork of Good Fortune 10
Magatama +1 1
+3 Fork of Good Fortune 15
Magatama +2 1
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngDinosaur Statue +0 Unearthed Royalty Q.Lv. 55-90, 110 ?
Werewolf Hunting Q.Lv. 75 ?
+1 Mulberry Fiber 1
Dinosaur Statue 1
+2 Mulberry Fiber 3
Dinosaur Statue +1 1
+3 Mulberry Fiber 5
Dinosaur Statue +2 1
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngIron Pillar of Delhi +0 They Come From Hell Q.Lv. 60-110 ?
Werewolf Hunting Q.Lv. 75 ?
+1 Mulberry Fiber 1
Iron Pillar of Delhi 1
+2 Mulberry Fiber 3
Iron Pillar of Delhi +1 1
+3 Mulberry Fiber 5
Iron Pillar of Delhi +2 1
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngNebra Sky Disk +0 Sea of Tumult Q.Lv. 60-80 ?
+1 Ether 1
Nebra Sky Disk 1
+2 Ether 3
Nebra Sky Disk +1 1
+3 Ether 5
Nebra Sky Disk +2 1
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngAntikythera Mechanism +0 The Castle Burns Q.Lv. 45-90 ?
+1 Papyrus 1
Antikythera Mechanism 1
+2 Papyrus 3
Antikythera Mechanism +1 1
+3 Papyrus 5
Antikythera Mechanism +2 1
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngVimana +0 Soul Vessel: Q.Lv.100 ?
Cavern of Torment: Floor 91-100 ?
+1 Mulberry Fiber 1
Vimana 1
+2 Mulberry Fiber 3
Vimana +1 1
+3 Mulberry Fiber 5
Vimana +2 1
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngYata no Kagami +0 Marked For Death Q.Lv. 90-110 ?
+1 Ether 1
Yata no Kagami 1
+2 Ether 3
Yata no Kagami +1 1
+3 Ether 5
Yata no Kagami +2 1
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngUnidentified Object Ether 10
Iron Pillar of Delhi +2 1
Vimana +2 1
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngOut-of-Place Artifact Crystal 500
Antikythera Mechanism +3 1
Nimrud Lens +3 1

Detailed List

The following table includes stat information. Columns for certain attributes have been omitted due to being empty across all Equipment. Please manually expand the charts that you want to view.

Level 1-5 Foci
Weapon Lv AGI M.ATK M.ACC Effect
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngJack-o'-Lantern

Icon Class Witch (0).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

1 28 M.ATK Night vision
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngJack-o'-Lantern +1

Icon Class Witch (0).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

1 34 M.ATK 1 M.ACC Night vision
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngJack-o'-Lantern +2

Icon Class Witch (0).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

1 44 M.ATK 3 M.ACC Night vision
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngJack-o'-Lantern +3

Icon Class Witch (0).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

1 66 M.ATK 5 M.ACC Magic attacks always hit

Night vision

Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngPlush Doll

Icon Class Witch (0).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

5 32 M.ATK Recover 5% DP when taking dmg
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngPlush Doll +1

Icon Class Witch (0).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

5 1 AGI 42 M.ATK 1 M.ACC Recover 5% DP when taking dmg
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngPlush Doll +2

Icon Class Witch (0).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

5 2 AGI 54 M.ATK 2 M.ACC Recover 5% DP when taking dmg
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngPlush Doll +3

Icon Class Witch (0).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

5 3 AGI 64 M.ATK 3 M.ACC Recover 10% DP when taking dmg
Level 10-15 Foci
Weapon Lv AGI INT M.ATK Effect
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngPlaying Card

Icon Class Witch (0).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

10 38 M.ATK
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngPlaying Card +1

Icon Class Witch (0).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

10 2 INT 48 M.ATK Max 25% M.Atk+ from Retry pts.
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngPlaying Card +2

Icon Class Witch (0).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

10 5 INT 60 M.ATK Max 25% M.Atk+ from Retry pts.
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngTarot Card

Icon Class Witch (0).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

10 8 INT 70 M.ATK Max 50% M.Atk+ from Retry pts.
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngCrystal Ball

Icon Class Witch (0).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

15 44 M.ATK
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngCrystal Ball +1

Icon Class Witch (0).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

15 1 AGI 1 INT 54 M.ATK +50% effectiveness to Regen
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngCrystal Ball +2

Icon Class Witch (0).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

15 3 AGI 3 INT 66 M.ATK +50% effectiveness to Regen
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngCrystal Skull

Icon Class Witch (0).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

15 5 AGI 5 INT 76 M.ATK +100% effectiveness to Regen
Level 20-25 Foci
Weapon Lv AGI INT M.ATK M.ACC Effect
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngStraw Doll

Icon Class Witch (0).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

20 1 AGI 50 M.ATK 1 M.ACC Recover 5% DP when taking dmg
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngStraw Doll +1

Icon Class Witch (0).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

20 2 AGI 60 M.ATK 2 M.ACC Recover 10% DP when taking dmg
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngStraw Doll +2

Icon Class Witch (0).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

20 3 AGI 72 M.ATK 3 M.ACC Recover 15% DP when taking dmg
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngStraw Doll +3

Icon Class Witch (0).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

20 5 AGI 82 M.ATK 5 M.ACC Recover 20% DP when taking dmg
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngPaper Charm

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

25 1 INT 56 M.ATK Max 25% M.Atk+ from Retry pts.
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngPaper Charm +1

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

25 4 INT 68 M.ATK Max 25% M.Atk+ from Retry pts.
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngPaper Charm +2

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

25 8 INT 84 M.ATK Max 25% M.Atk+ from Retry pts.
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngDisaster Charm

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

25 14 INT 94 M.ATK Max 50% M.Atk+ from Retry pts.
Level 30-35 Foci
Weapon Lv INT M.ATK M.ACC Effect
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngGreen Lantern

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

30 62 M.ATK 1 M.ACC +10% M.dmg. VS Primal

Night vision

Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngGreen Lantern +1

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

30 74 M.ATK 3 M.ACC +20% M.dmg. VS Primal

Night vision

Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngGreen Lantern +2

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

30 90 M.ATK 5 M.ACC +30% M.dmg. VS Primal

Night vision

Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngGreen Lantern +3

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

30 100 M.ATK 10 M.ACC +50% M.dmg. VS Primal

Night vision

Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngFeather Wand

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

35 68 M.ATK
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngFeather Wand +1

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

35 2 INT 80 M.ATK 1 M.ACC M.Atk.50% during Drg Sphere
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngFeather Wand +2

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

35 5 INT 96 M.ATK 3 M.ACC M.Atk.50% during Drg Sphere
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngYatagarasu

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

35 8 INT 108 M.ATK 6 M.ACC M.Atk.100% during Drg Sphere
Level 40-45 Foci
Weapon Lv AGI INT LUC M.ATK M.ACC Effect
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngBlessed Amulet

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

40 2 INT 76 M.ATK Max 25% M.Atk+ from Retry pts.
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngBlessed Amulet +1

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

40 5 INT 86 M.ATK Max 25% M.Atk+ from Retry pts.
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngBlessed Amulet +2

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

40 10 INT 102 M.ATK Max 25% M.Atk+ from Retry pts.
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngDivine Offering

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

40 18 INT 114 M.ATK Max 50% M.Atk+ from Retry pts.
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngCursed Doll

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

45 2 AGI 80 M.ATK 2 M.ACC Recover 10% DP when taking dmg
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngCursed Doll +1

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

45 5 AGI 96 M.ATK 5 M.ACC Recover 15% DP when taking dmg
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngCursed Doll +2

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

45 8 AGI 118 M.ATK 8 M.ACC Recover 20% DP when taking dmg
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngCursed Doll +3

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

45 11 AGI -5 LUC 124 M.ATK 11 M.ACC Recover 25% DP when taking dmg
Level 50-55 Foci
Weapon Lv AGI INT M.ATK M.ACC Effect
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngCintāmani

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

30 2 AGI 2 INT 90 M.ATK 2 M.ACC +50% M.dmg. VS Asura
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngCintāmani +1

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

40 5 AGI 5 INT 108 M.ATK 5 M.ACC +50% M.dmg. VS Asura
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngCintāmani +2

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

50 9 AGI 9 INT 124 M.ATK 9 M.ACC +50% M.dmg. VS Asura
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngCintāmani +3

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

50 13 AGI 13 INT 134 M.ATK 13 M.ACC +50% M.dmg. VS Asura
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngHieroglyph

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

55 5 INT 98 M.ATK Max 25% M.Atk+ from Retry pts.
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngHieroglyph +1

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

55 8 INT 108 M.ATK Max 25% M.Atk+ from Retry pts.
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngHieroglyph +2

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

55 12 INT 124 M.ATK Max 25% M.Atk+ from Retry pts.
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngAbydos Temple Mural

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

55 20 INT 136 M.ATK Max 50% M.Atk+ from Retry pts.
Level 60-65 Foci
Weapon Lv AGI INT M.ATK M.ACC Effect
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngFire Lantern

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

60 104 M.ATK 2 M.ACC +10% to Fire magic attack

+10% Fire magic acc. Night vision

Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngFire Lantern +1

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

60 114 M.ATK 6 M.ACC +25% to Fire magic attack

+25% Fire magic acc. Night vision

Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngFire Lantern +2

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

60 130 M.ATK 10 M.ACC +50% to Fire magic attack

+50% Fire magic acc. Night vision

Icon Weapon Focus (N).png??? Lantern

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

60 142 M.ATK 15 M.ACC Magic attacks always hit

+100% to Fire magic attack Night vision

Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngGranodiorite Sphere

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

65 5 AGI 5 INT 110 M.ATK +50% effectiveness to Regen
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngGranodiorite Sphere +1

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

65 10 AGI 10 INT 120 M.ATK +50% effectiveness to Regen
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngGranodiorite Sphere +2

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

65 15 AGI 15 INT 138 M.ATK +100% effectiveness to Regen
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngDiquís Stone Sphere

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

65 20 AGI 20 INT 148 M.ATK +150% effectiveness to Regen
Level 70-75 Foci
Weapon Lv INT M.ATK M.ACC Effect
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngQuill Pen

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

70 5 INT 116 M.ATK 2 M.ACC M.Atk.50% during Drg Sphere
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngQuill Pen +1

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

70 10 INT 128 M.ATK 5 M.ACC M.Atk.50% during Drg Sphere
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngQuill Pen +2

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

70 15 INT 144 M.ATK 10 M.ACC M.Atk.100% during Drg Sphere
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngCassowary Feather

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

70 20 INT 154 M.ATK 15 M.ACC +50% to Fire magic attack

+50% Fire magic acc. M.Atk.200% during Drg Sphere

Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngTablet

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

75 5 INT 122 M.ATK Max 25% M.Atk+ from Retry pts.
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngTablet +1

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

75 10 INT 134 M.ATK Max 30% M.Atk+ from Retry pts.
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngTablet +2

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

75 15 INT 150 M.ATK Max 50% M.Atk+ from Retry pts.
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngEye of Providence

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

75 20 INT 160 M.ATK Magic attacks always hit

Max 80% M.Atk+ from Retry pts.

Level 80-85 Foci
Weapon Lv AGI INT M.ATK M.ACC Effect
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngIca Stone

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

80 10 AGI 10 INT 128 M.ATK +50% effectiveness to Regen
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngIca Stone +1

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

80 15 AGI 15 INT 140 M.ATK +100% effectiveness to Regen
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngIca Stone +2

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

80 20 AGI 20 INT 156 M.ATK +150% effectiveness to Regen
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngSedan Stone

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

80 25 AGI 25 INT 166 M.ATK +200% effectiveness to Regen
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngDark Lantern

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

85 134 M.ATK 5 M.ACC +20% M.dmg. VS Primal

Night vision

Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngDark Lantern +1

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

85 144 M.ATK 10 M.ACC +30% M.dmg. VS Primal

Night vision

Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngDark Lantern +2

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

85 160 M.ATK 15 M.ACC +40% M.dmg. VS Primal

Night vision

Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngCursed Lantern

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

85 172 M.ATK 20 M.ACC Magic attacks always hit

+50% M.dmg. VS Primal Night vision

Level 90 Foci
Weapon Lv INT M.ATK Effect
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngHathor Temple Mural

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

90 15 INT 140 M.ATK Max 30% M.Atk+ from Retry pts
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngHathor Temple Mural +1

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

90 20 INT 150 M.ATK Max 50% M.Atk+ from Retry pts
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngHathor Temple Mural +2

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

90 30 INT 166 M.ATK Max 80% M.Atk+ from Retry pts
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngDendera Light

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

90 40 INT 178 M.ATK Max 100% M.Atk+ from Retry pts
Special Upgrade Foci
Weapon Lv AGI INT M.ATK M.ACC Effect
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngNimrud Lens

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

95 15 AGI 25 INT 168 M.ATK +50% to Homing magic attack
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngNimrud Lens +1

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

95 20 AGI 20 INT 178 M.ATK +60% to Homing magic attack
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngNimrud Lens +2

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

95 25 AGI 40 INT 190 M.ATK +80% to Homing magic attack
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngNimrud Lens +3

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

95 30 AGI 50 INT 194 M.ATK +100% to Homing magic attack
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngMagatama

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

100 20 AGI 20 INT 174 M.ATK 10 M.ACC +150% effectiveness to Regen
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngMagatama +1

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

100 25 AGI 25 INT 184 M.ATK 15 M.ACC +200% effectiveness to Regen
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngMagatama +2

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

100 30 AGI 30 INT 196 M.ATK 20 M.ACC +250% effectiveness to Regen
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngMagatama +3

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

100 35 AGI 35 INT 200 M.ATK 25 M.ACC +300% effectiveness to Regen
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngDinosaur Statue

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

35 10 AGI 112 M.ATK 10 M.ACC +100% to Familiar attack
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngDinosaur Statue +1

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

70 15 AGI 154 M.ATK 15 M.ACC +200% to Familiar attack
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngDinosaur Statue +2

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

90 20 AGI 178 M.ATK 20 M.ACC +300% to Familiar attack
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngDinosaur Statue +3

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

100 25 AGI 190 M.ATK 25 M.ACC +400% to Familiar attack
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngIron Pillar of Delhi

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

60 10 INT 148 M.ATK 10 M.ACC M.Atk.100% during Drg Sphere
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngIron Pillar of Delhi +1

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

80 15 INT 172 M.ATK 15 M.ACC M.Atk.150% during Drg Sphere
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngIron Pillar of Delhi +2

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

90 20 INT 182 M.ATK 20 M.ACC M.Atk.200% during Drg Sphere
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngIron Pillar of Delhi +3

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

100 25 INT 196 M.ATK 25 M.ACC M.Atk.300% during Drg Sphere
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngNebra Sky Disk

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

65 15 AGI 15 INT 154 M.ATK +200% effectiveness to Regen
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngNebra Sky Disk +1

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

75 20 AGI 20 INT 166 M.ATK +300% effectiveness to Regen
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngNebra Sky Disk +2

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

95 25 AGI 25 INT 190 M.ATK +400% effectiveness to Regen
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngNebra Sky Disk +3

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

100 30 AGI 30 INT 196 M.ATK +600% effectiveness to Regen
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngAntikythera Mechanism

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

80 30 INT 172 M.ATK Max 50% M.Atk+ from Retry pts.
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngAntikythera Mechanism +1

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

90 35 INT 182 M.ATK Max 100% M.Atk+ from Retry pts.
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngAntikythera Mechanism +2

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

95 45 INT 190 M.ATK Max 150% M.Atk+ from Retry pts.
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngAntikythera Mechanism +3

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

100 55 INT 196 M.ATK Max 200% M.Atk+ from Retry pts.
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngVimana

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

100 15 AGI 15 INT 200 M.ATK 20 M.ACC +40% M.Atk. while fatigued
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngVimana +1

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

100 20 AGI 20 INT 220 M.ATK 25 M.ACC +55% M.Atk. while fatigued
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngVimana +2

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

100 25 AGI 25 INT 240 M.ATK 30 M.ACC +75% M.Atk. while fatigued
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngVimana +3

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

100 30 AGI 30 INT 260 M.ATK 35 M.ACC +100% M.Atk. while fatigued
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngYata no Kagami

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

90 20 AGI 20 INT 188 M.ATK +200% effectiveness to Regen
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngYata no Kagami +1

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

95 25 AGI 30 INT 194 M.ATK +250% effectiveness to Regen
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngYata no Kagami +2

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

100 30 AGI 40 INT 200 M.ATK +300% effectiveness to Regen
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngYata no Kagami +3

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

100 35 AGI 50 INT 200 M.ATK +350% effectiveness to Regen
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngUnidentified Object

Icon Class Witch (0).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

80 30 AGI 55 INT 178 M.ATK 50 M.ACC M.Atk.+300% during Drg Sphere
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngOut-of-Place Artifact

Icon Class Witch (0).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

100 30 AGI 65 INT 200 M.ATK +100% to Homing magic attack

Max 200% M.Atk+ from Retry pts.

All Foci
Weapon Lv AGI INT LUC M.ATK M.ACC Effect
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngJack-o'-Lantern

Icon Class Witch (0).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

1 28 M.ATK Night vision
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngJack-o'-Lantern +1

Icon Class Witch (0).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

1 34 M.ATK 1 M.ACC Night vision
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngJack-o'-Lantern +2

Icon Class Witch (0).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

1 44 M.ATK 3 M.ACC Night vision
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngJack-o'-Lantern +3

Icon Class Witch (0).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

1 66 M.ATK 5 M.ACC Magic attacks always hit

Night vision

Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngPlush Doll

Icon Class Witch (0).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

5 32 M.ATK Recover 5% DP when taking dmg
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngPlush Doll +1

Icon Class Witch (0).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

5 1 AGI 42 M.ATK 1 M.ACC Recover 5% DP when taking dmg
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngPlush Doll +2

Icon Class Witch (0).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

5 2 AGI 54 M.ATK 2 M.ACC Recover 5% DP when taking dmg
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngPlush Doll +3

Icon Class Witch (0).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

5 3 AGI 64 M.ATK 3 M.ACC Recover 10% DP when taking dmg
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngPlaying Card

Icon Class Witch (0).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

10 38 M.ATK
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngPlaying Card +1

Icon Class Witch (0).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

10 2 INT 48 M.ATK Max 25% M.Atk+ from Retry pts.
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngPlaying Card +2

Icon Class Witch (0).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

10 5 INT 60 M.ATK Max 25% M.Atk+ from Retry pts.
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngTarot Card

Icon Class Witch (0).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

10 8 INT 70 M.ATK Max 50% M.Atk+ from Retry pts.
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngCrystal Ball

Icon Class Witch (0).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

15 44 M.ATK
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngCrystal Ball +1

Icon Class Witch (0).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

15 1 AGI 1 INT 54 M.ATK +50% effectiveness to Regen
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngCrystal Ball +2

Icon Class Witch (0).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

15 3 AGI 3 INT 66 M.ATK +50% effectiveness to Regen
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngCrystal Skull

Icon Class Witch (0).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

15 5 AGI 5 INT 76 M.ATK +100% effectiveness to Regen
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngStraw Doll

Icon Class Witch (0).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

20 1 AGI 50 M.ATK 1 M.ACC Recover 5% DP when taking dmg
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngStraw Doll +1

Icon Class Witch (0).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

20 2 AGI 60 M.ATK 2 M.ACC Recover 10% DP when taking dmg
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngStraw Doll +2

Icon Class Witch (0).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

20 3 AGI 72 M.ATK 3 M.ACC Recover 15% DP when taking dmg
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngStraw Doll +3

Icon Class Witch (0).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

20 5 AGI 82 M.ATK 5 M.ACC Recover 20% DP when taking dmg
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngPaper Charm

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

25 1 INT 56 M.ATK Max 25% M.Atk+ from Retry pts.
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngPaper Charm +1

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

25 4 INT 68 M.ATK Max 25% M.Atk+ from Retry pts.
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngPaper Charm +2

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

25 8 INT 84 M.ATK Max 25% M.Atk+ from Retry pts.
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngDisaster Charm

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

25 14 INT 94 M.ATK Max 50% M.Atk+ from Retry pts.
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngGreen Lantern

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

30 62 M.ATK 1 M.ACC +10% M.dmg. VS Primal

Night vision

Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngGreen Lantern +1

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

30 74 M.ATK 3 M.ACC +20% M.dmg. VS Primal

Night vision

Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngGreen Lantern +2

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

30 90 M.ATK 5 M.ACC +30% M.dmg. VS Primal

Night vision

Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngGreen Lantern +3

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

30 100 M.ATK 10 M.ACC +50% M.dmg. VS Primal

Night vision

Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngFeather Wand

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

35 68 M.ATK
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngFeather Wand +1

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

35 2 INT 80 M.ATK 1 M.ACC M.Atk.50% during Drg Sphere
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngFeather Wand +2

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

35 5 INT 96 M.ATK 3 M.ACC M.Atk.50% during Drg Sphere
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngYatagarasu

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

35 8 INT 108 M.ATK 6 M.ACC M.Atk.100% during Drg Sphere
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngBlessed Amulet

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

40 2 INT 76 M.ATK Max 25% M.Atk+ from Retry pts.
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngBlessed Amulet +1

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

40 5 INT 86 M.ATK Max 25% M.Atk+ from Retry pts.
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngBlessed Amulet +2

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

40 10 INT 102 M.ATK Max 25% M.Atk+ from Retry pts.
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngDivine Offering

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

40 18 INT 114 M.ATK Max 50% M.Atk+ from Retry pts.
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngCursed Doll

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

45 2 AGI 80 M.ATK 2 M.ACC Recover 10% DP when taking dmg
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngCursed Doll +1

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

45 5 AGI 96 M.ATK 5 M.ACC Recover 15% DP when taking dmg
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngCursed Doll +2

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

45 8 AGI 118 M.ATK 8 M.ACC Recover 20% DP when taking dmg
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngCursed Doll +3

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

45 11 AGI -5 LUC 124 M.ATK 11 M.ACC Recover 25% DP when taking dmg
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngCintāmani

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

30 2 AGI 2 INT 90 M.ATK 2 M.ACC +50% M.dmg. VS Asura
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngCintāmani +1

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

40 5 AGI 5 INT 108 M.ATK 5 M.ACC +50% M.dmg. VS Asura
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngCintāmani +2

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

50 9 AGI 9 INT 124 M.ATK 9 M.ACC +50% M.dmg. VS Asura
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngCintāmani +3

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

50 13 AGI 13 INT 134 M.ATK 13 M.ACC +50% M.dmg. VS Asura
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngHieroglyph

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

55 5 INT 98 M.ATK Max 25% M.Atk+ from Retry pts.
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngHieroglyph +1

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

55 8 INT 108 M.ATK Max 25% M.Atk+ from Retry pts.
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngHieroglyph +2

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

55 12 INT 124 M.ATK Max 25% M.Atk+ from Retry pts.
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngAbydos Temple Mural

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

55 20 INT 136 M.ATK Max 50% M.Atk+ from Retry pts.
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngFire Lantern

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

60 104 M.ATK 2 M.ACC +10% to Fire magic attack

+10% Fire magic acc. Night vision

Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngFire Lantern +1

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

60 114 M.ATK 6 M.ACC +25% to Fire magic attack

+25% Fire magic acc. Night vision

Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngFire Lantern +2

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

60 130 M.ATK 10 M.ACC +50% to Fire magic attack

+50% Fire magic acc. Night vision

Icon Weapon Focus (N).png??? Lantern

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

60 142 M.ATK 15 M.ACC Magic attacks always hit

+100% to Fire magic attack Night vision

Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngGranodiorite Sphere

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

65 5 AGI 5 INT 110 M.ATK +50% effectiveness to Regen
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngGranodiorite Sphere +1

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

65 10 AGI 10 INT 120 M.ATK +50% effectiveness to Regen
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngGranodiorite Sphere +2

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

65 15 AGI 15 INT 138 M.ATK +100% effectiveness to Regen
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngDiquís Stone Sphere

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

65 20 AGI 20 INT 148 M.ATK +150% effectiveness to Regen
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngQuill Pen

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

70 5 INT 116 M.ATK 2 M.ACC M.Atk.50% during Drg Sphere
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngQuill Pen +1

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

70 10 INT 128 M.ATK 5 M.ACC M.Atk.50% during Drg Sphere
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngQuill Pen +2

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

70 15 INT 144 M.ATK 10 M.ACC M.Atk.100% during Drg Sphere
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngCassowary Feather

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

70 20 INT 154 M.ATK 15 M.ACC +50% to Fire magic attack

+50% Fire magic acc. M.Atk.200% during Drg Sphere

Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngTablet

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

75 5 INT 122 M.ATK Max 25% M.Atk+ from Retry pts.
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngTablet +1

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

75 10 INT 134 M.ATK Max 30% M.Atk+ from Retry pts.
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngTablet +2

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

75 15 INT 150 M.ATK Max 50% M.Atk+ from Retry pts.
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngEye of Providence

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

75 20 INT 160 M.ATK Magic attacks always hit

Max 80% M.Atk+ from Retry pts.

Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngIca Stone

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

80 10 AGI 10 INT 128 M.ATK +50% effectiveness to Regen
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngIca Stone +1

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

80 15 AGI 15 INT 140 M.ATK +100% effectiveness to Regen
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngIca Stone +2

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

80 20 AGI 20 INT 156 M.ATK +150% effectiveness to Regen
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngSedan Stone

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

80 25 AGI 25 INT 166 M.ATK +200% effectiveness to Regen
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngDark Lantern

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

85 134 M.ATK 5 M.ACC +20% M.dmg. VS Primal

Night vision

Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngDark Lantern +1

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

85 144 M.ATK 10 M.ACC +30% M.dmg. VS Primal

Night vision

Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngDark Lantern +2

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

85 160 M.ATK 15 M.ACC +40% M.dmg. VS Primal

Night vision

Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngCursed Lantern

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

85 172 M.ATK 20 M.ACC Magic attacks always hit

+50% M.dmg. VS Primal Night vision

Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngHathor Temple Mural

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

90 15 INT 140 M.ATK Max 30% M.Atk+ from Retry pts
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngHathor Temple Mural +1

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

90 20 INT 150 M.ATK Max 50% M.Atk+ from Retry pts
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngHathor Temple Mural +2

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

90 30 INT 166 M.ATK Max 80% M.Atk+ from Retry pts
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngDendera Light

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

90 40 INT 178 M.ATK Max 100% M.Atk+ from Retry pts
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngNimrud Lens

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

95 15 AGI 25 INT 168 M.ATK +50% to Homing magic attack
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngNimrud Lens +1

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

95 20 AGI 20 INT 178 M.ATK +60% to Homing magic attack
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngNimrud Lens +2

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

95 25 AGI 40 INT 190 M.ATK +80% to Homing magic attack
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngNimrud Lens +3

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

95 30 AGI 50 INT 194 M.ATK +100% to Homing magic attack
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngMagatama

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

100 20 AGI 20 INT 174 M.ATK 10 M.ACC +150% effectiveness to Regen
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngMagatama +1

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

100 25 AGI 25 INT 184 M.ATK 15 M.ACC +200% effectiveness to Regen
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngMagatama +2

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

100 30 AGI 30 INT 196 M.ATK 20 M.ACC +250% effectiveness to Regen
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngMagatama +3

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

100 35 AGI 35 INT 200 M.ATK 25 M.ACC +300% effectiveness to Regen
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngDinosaur Statue

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

35 10 AGI 112 M.ATK 10 M.ACC +100% to Familiar attack
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngDinosaur Statue +1

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

70 15 AGI 154 M.ATK 15 M.ACC +200% to Familiar attack
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngDinosaur Statue +2

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

90 20 AGI 178 M.ATK 20 M.ACC +300% to Familiar attack
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngDinosaur Statue +3

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

100 25 AGI 190 M.ATK 25 M.ACC +400% to Familiar attack
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngIron Pillar of Delhi

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

60 10 INT 148 M.ATK 10 M.ACC M.Atk.100% during Drg Sphere
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngIron Pillar of Delhi +1

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

80 15 INT 172 M.ATK 15 M.ACC M.Atk.150% during Drg Sphere
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngIron Pillar of Delhi +2

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

90 20 INT 182 M.ATK 20 M.ACC M.Atk.200% during Drg Sphere
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngIron Pillar of Delhi +3

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

100 25 INT 196 M.ATK 25 M.ACC M.Atk.300% during Drg Sphere
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngNebra Sky Disk

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

65 15 AGI 15 INT 154 M.ATK +200% effectiveness to Regen
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngNebra Sky Disk +1

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

75 20 AGI 20 INT 166 M.ATK +300% effectiveness to Regen
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngNebra Sky Disk +2

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

95 25 AGI 25 INT 190 M.ATK +400% effectiveness to Regen
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngNebra Sky Disk +3

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

100 30 AGI 30 INT 196 M.ATK +600% effectiveness to Regen
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngAntikythera Mechanism

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

80 30 INT 172 M.ATK Max 50% M.Atk+ from Retry pts.
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngAntikythera Mechanism +1

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

90 35 INT 182 M.ATK Max 100% M.Atk+ from Retry pts.
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngAntikythera Mechanism +2

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

95 45 INT 190 M.ATK Max 150% M.Atk+ from Retry pts.
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngAntikythera Mechanism +3

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

100 55 INT 196 M.ATK Max 200% M.Atk+ from Retry pts.
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngVimana

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

100 15 AGI 15 INT 200 M.ATK 20 M.ACC +40% M.Atk. while fatigued
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngVimana +1

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

100 20 AGI 20 INT 220 M.ATK 25 M.ACC +55% M.Atk. while fatigued
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngVimana +2

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

100 25 AGI 25 INT 240 M.ATK 30 M.ACC +75% M.Atk. while fatigued
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngVimana +3

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

100 30 AGI 30 INT 260 M.ATK 35 M.ACC +100% M.Atk. while fatigued
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngYata no Kagami

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

90 20 AGI 20 INT 188 M.ATK +200% effectiveness to Regen
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngYata no Kagami +1

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

95 25 AGI 30 INT 194 M.ATK +250% effectiveness to Regen
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngYata no Kagami +2

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

100 30 AGI 40 INT 200 M.ATK +300% effectiveness to Regen
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngYata no Kagami +3

Icon Class Witch (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

100 35 AGI 50 INT 200 M.ATK +350% effectiveness to Regen
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngUnidentified Object

Icon Class Witch (0).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

80 30 AGI 55 INT 178 M.ATK 50 M.ACC M.Atk.+300% during Drg Sphere
Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngOut-of-Place Artifact

Icon Class Witch (0).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

100 30 AGI 65 INT 200 M.ATK +100% to Homing magic attack

Max 200% M.Atk+ from Retry pts.