The Eastern Island Nation of Marlayus

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The Eastern Island Nation of Marlayus  (東部諸島国家マーレウス Tōbu shotō Māreusu, Eastern Islands State Māreusu) is a nation heavily inspired by East Asia, located on the wing of the continent of Remlia in Dragon Marked For Death. The Marlayus Divine Family resides here.[2]

Prior to the events of the game, the Shinobi's friend escaped to Marlayus, and the Shinobi was forced to hunt him down and kill him.[3]

Overview (Artbook)[4]

Note: The Artbook includes outdated information, such as describing the Divine Family's residence as a mallet instead of a sasumata.

The Eastern Island Nation of Marlayus consists of the wings of Atruum.

Only the western land of Marlayus is connected to the central continent, and the rest of the territory consists of medium-sized islands, so it is culturally disconnected from the other countries and is a unique cultural area (Ryukyu Islands, Chinese, Asian-style).

It has a large site similar to that of Medius, but most of it is a low flat land near the sea surface, divided by rivers, wetlands, and unpurified land. It has not reached the stage of development.

Therefore, the cultural area is divided into small parts, and it seems that there are some undeveloped lands and cultures (Kojima village with a culture that does not depend on gods and dragons, etc.).

According to the artbook, the royal capital is a huge mallet (a mace rather than a hammer) thrust into the land on the north side. In the final game, the royal capital resembles a sasumata.



Architecture and Culture

The buildings generally take inspiration from Japan and China. Structures resemble classic pagodas, and torii gates are strewn about, mainly in the castle areas. The most defining colors of the region are red, white, black, and orange.

The princess of Marlayus is a young girl named Princess Miya. She shows heavy compassion for all citizens of Marlayus and those of "Divine Family blood," including Dragonbloods.[5]



Geography and Locations

The Eastern Island Nation of Marlayus is primarily made up of medium-sized islands; only the western land is connected directly to the central continent. The capital city is situated on the northern side upon a huge ridge.[1] The ridge supports an unnamed divine weapon resembling a sasumata, one of the holy weapons used by the gods in the war. Waterfalls trail down the sides of the landscape. The leaves of the vegetation here are orange or salmon-colored. The sky is notably cloudy and red, and a blood moon can be seen through the clouds.

Muramasa Castle

Remlia Map Muramasa Castle (500% RESIZE) - DragonMFD PC Rip 3.0.0.png


Asura Gate

Remlia Map Asura Gate (500% RESIZE) - DragonMFD PC Rip 3.0.0.png




  1. 1.0 1.1 Inti Creates Official Twitter: (JP)
  2. The Castle Burns Quest Description: "Find and rescue the princess of the Marlayus Divine Family, held in the castle by rebels. Clashes with any rebels you encounter may be inevitable. It has been reported that the lord of the rebels is accompanied by a thunder dragon capable of paralyzing his opponents."
  3. Inti Creates Official Twitter: (JP) and (ENG)
  4. DMFD Artbook, page 14
  5. The end segment of the quest, The Castle Burns