Game Tips

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Game Tips are entries in an in-game manual about the gameplay of Dragon Marked For Death. You can access them by selecting the "Tips" option in the menu or in the Inn. This page contains all of the Game Tips, Character Select entries, and Control Help entries as of Version 3.1.5.

Please note the following changes between the in-game Tips and the Tips on this page:

  • Related Game Tips have been grouped into larger sections.
  • All Game Tips are written exactly as they are in the game. Exceptions are formatting bullet points and adding relevant icons and color-coding.
  • Typos will be marked with "[sic]".
  • There will be some corrections in the explanations, shown in footnotes.

Character Select

Icon Class Empress (1).pngEmpress

The Empress is a capable attacker at any range, with both projectile and melee attacks.

Her sword attacks have an average speed and range and are easy to handle. However, these tacks [sic] leave her open to attack. She must stay alert when on the offensive.

In contrast, when wielding a small-sword she becomes highly mobile. She can dance around enemies while nimbly making her own attacks.

The Empress benefits from balanced stat growth.

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngWarrior

The Warrior's Dragon Guard provides an [sic] steady barrier for his allies, but he can trade his defense for sheer attack power by activating Berserk.

While equipping an axe, the Warrior has access to skills to strengthen himself and benefits from an attacking style of managing distance from enemies while he charges his attacks.

With a great sword [sic] in hand, he can unleash powerful combination attacks to keep enemies in check.

Focus on raising the Warrior's HP and physical attack stats to keep him alive and healthy while battling foes.

Icon Class Shinobi (1).pngShinobi

The Shinobi's overwhelming mobility gives him a wide range of movement on the battlefield, allowing him to distract enemies while dealing devastating damage.

His fighting style centers around his invincible Dragon Dash. Dashing into an enemy allows him to lock on and rain attacks on enemies from a safe distance.

He can equip both short-range kunai and long-range shuriken simultaneously, rendering him capable of adapting to any situation the party finds themselves in.

The Shinobi is well suited to raising his agility and luck stats, but his HP is difficult to increase, making him vulnerable to one-hit KOs.

Icon Class Witch (1).pngWitch

The Witch accesses a variety of magic spells by inputting a series of commands. She can precision target enemy weak points by choosing the right element at the right time.

In addition to powerful spells that wipe out enemies, she also has knowledge of healing and support magics to assist allies.

The Witch can also equip a magic focus that gives her access to spells that increase the capabilities of her allies.

The Witch suffers from very poor HP growth and a lack of evasion options, but she is well suited to increasing her intelligence which in turn strengthens her magic, unrivaled in attack and restorative potential.

Icon Class Oracle (1).pngOracle

The Oracle has a variety of support magic at her disposal and an equally diverse range of attacks.

Simultaneously equipping a physically powerful greatsword and a magic crystal specialized in party support allows the Oracle to adapt to any scenario.

However, without the effects from her supports, the Oracle cannot reach her full potential. She must take time to activate her supports between attacks.

The Oracle benefits from balanced stat growth.

Icon Class Bandit (1).pngBandit

The Bandit is capable of acquiring special items called "Relics" from enemies and using them in battle.

Having both movement and attack Relics is key to the Bandit's playstyle. He must keep an eye on his stock and grow his luck to keep up a steady flow of Relics.

The Bandit can equip both small-swords and throwing weapons, enabling him to choose an appropriate attack style for each enemy.

The Bandit's luck stat increases easily, protecting him from status effects and making it easier for him to acquire Relics.

Control Help

General Control Help


Left Stick or Arrow Keys

Move in the direction pressed.


[Button Config]

Move forward quickly for a fixed distance. Use the Dash to approach enemies and escape attacks.

The control type can be changed in the options.


[Button Config]

Jump into the air.

Keep the button held to jump higher, and jump while dashing to jump further.


Left Stick ↓ + Jump

Pick up item

Left Stick ↓

Move camera

Right Stick ↑: Zoom in
Right Stick ↓: Zoom out
Press Right Stick: Lock camera


- (Minus) Button

Change map

Quick command

ZR: Rotate clockwise
ZL: Rotate counter-clockwise
Right Stick: Confirm

Icon Class Empress (1).pngEmpress Control Help



Attack in front of you with your equipped weapon.

Press the button again quickly to perform a combo attack.

Combo attacks do increasingly more damage and generate more DP.


Left Stick ↑ + Dash in midair

The Dragon Arm extends to hook onto certain objects, allowing the Empress to swing.

Dragon Shot

[Button Config]

Spend DP to fire a shot in front of you.

Fires horizontally when equipped with a [sic] Empress's sword.

Fires diagonally downward while jumping backward when equipped with a small-sword.

Dragon Cannon

Hold Dragon Shot

Continuously unleashes a powerful shot while the button is held down.

DP will be spent quickly while firing.


Left Stick ↓

when activating to begin charging immediately.

Dragon Sword

[Button Config]

Transform your arm into a giant sword and attack.

Generates a large amount of DP.

Activates more quickly when used at the end of a slash combo.

Dragon Sword Neo

Activating Dragon Sword in mid-air 2 or more times will change the attack to Dragon Sword Neo.

Works well in combination with the Rebound Slash and Dragon Shot.

(Icon Weapon Small-sword (N).pngSmall-swords only)

Running Thrust

[Button Config]

Perform a forward-moving thrust attack.

Impervious while moving and pierces enemies.

Movement faster on successive uses.

(Icon Weapon Small-sword (N).pngSmall-swords only)

Rebound Slash



after hitting an enemy with Dragon Sword in mid-air to perform a Rebound Slash.

(Icon Weapon Small-sword (N).pngSmall-swords only)

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngWarrior Control Help



Attack in front of you with your equipped weapon.

Charge Slash

Hold Attack to charge, release to attack.

Stores power in your weapon and unleashes it upon impact.

High attack power and can be used [sic] mid-air.

Charges faster when using an axe.[a]

  1. This is false. This should say "greatsword," not "axe."


Left Stick ↓ + Dash

Rush forward with a tackle attack.

Knocks enemies back and can move certain heavy objects.

Damage taken from enemies is reduced while performing.

Rising Slash

With a greatsword equippied [sic], tackle an enemy to automatically activate a Rising Slash attack.

Charge can be stored for a Charge Slash while performing, which works well as a follow-up attack.

Dragon Guard

[Button Config]

Deploy a barrier that guards against enemy attacks and heals allies in its range.

Consumes a large amount of DP when deployed, and continuously drains DP while the barrier is deployed.


[Button Config]

Increases attack power at the expense of defense.

Some attacks can only be used during Berserk.

DP will be continuously consumed during Berserk.

Dragon Smash

During Berserk, hold

Left Stick ↓

and unleash a Charge Slash to change the attack to a Dragon Smash.

Consumes a large amount of DP.

(Becomes a standard Charge Slash when DP [sic] insufficient)

Stuns some enemies.

Dragon Tackle


Left Stick ↓ + Dash

during berserk [sic].

Unleashes a powerful tackle.

Stuns some enemies.

Damage taken from enemies is reduced while performing.

(If DP is insufficient, a normal tackle will be performed instead)

Dragon's Rage

Blocking attacks with the Dragon Guard will increase the strength of the next attack based on how many attacks were blocked. At the highest level, Dragon Tackle or Dragon Smash can be performed.

War Cry


Left Stick ↓ + Berserk

during Berserk.

Consumes DP to increase the attack power on the next attack.

Icon Class Shinobi (1).pngShinobi Control Help



Attack in front of you with your equipped kunai.

Press the button again quickly to perform a combo attack.


[Button Config]

Throw your equipped shuriken forward.

If locked on, attack properties change, giving shuriken homing properties and the element of the Shinobi's current dragon contract.

Consumes a small amount of DP.

Double jump

Jump in midair.

Jump once more in midair.

Movements will be restricted after a full air lock-on combo, but a double jump will reset the Shinobi's movement.

(Number of midair jumps available changes with the Shinobi's dragon contract)

Wall jump

Jump next to a wall.

Hold toward the wall and press jump repeatedly to climb up the wall.

Dragon Wing

Hold Dash in midair.

Spread the Shinobi's wings to slow your descent.

Can attack freely while wings are deployed.

Dragon Dash

[Button Config]

Consume DP to dash quickly forward with a tackle attack.

Impervious from most attacks during the dash, and will lock onto an enemy upon contact.

Attacks and skills will differ when locked onto an enemy.

Lock-on Slash

Normal slash attacks will become lock-on slashes when locked onto an enemy. These will strike an enemy from any position.

Attack repeatedly in midair to unleash a series of combination attacks, ending with a knee strike that generates a large amount of DP.

Dragon Kick

During a lock-on slash combo, press

Left Stick ↓

to perform the bone-crushing Dragon Kick.

(Activation timing depends on dragon contract)

Giant Shuriken

[Button Config]

Throws a large shuriken that returns to the point from which it was thrown.

When locked-on, the shuriken will continue to follow the target.

Dragon Meteor


Left Stick ↑

during a lock-on slash combo with a kunai combo to unleash a Dragon Meteor attack with power relative to the combo length.

(Activation timing depends on dragon contract)

Icon Class Witch (1).pngWitch Control Help

Magic Bullet


Fire a low-power magic shot forward.


Left Stick ↓ + Attack

Send your familiar forward to attack.

Can knockback some enemies

Powers up during Dragon Surge.

(Number of attacks and their power changes depending on the contract)

Incantation / Activate magic

[Button Config] Begin incantation / Attack after a successful incantation

Power up

Power-Up Button Graphic.gif

While incanting, press


to level up stored magic by 1.


Homing Button Graphic.gif

While incanting, press


to give stored magic a homing property.


Condense Button Graphic.gif

While incanting, press


to give stored magic a multi-hit property.

Enchant Icon Element Wind.pngNature [sic]

Wind Button Graphic.gif

While incanting, press


to enchant your stored magic with the wind element.

Enchant Icon Element Ice.pngIce

Ice Button Graphic.gif

While incanting, press


to enchant your stored magic with the ice element.

This can be used from Level 3 onward.

Enchant Icon Element Fire.pngFire

Fire Button Graphic.gif

While incanting, press


to enchant your stored magic with the fire element.

This can be used from Level 5 onward.

Enchant Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder

Thunder Button Graphic.gif

While incanting, press


to enchant your stored magic with the thunder element.

This can be used from Level 6 onward.


Heal Button Graphic.gif

While incanting, press


to store a Heal or Regen spell that restores allies' HP.

  • Heal recovers HP immediately.
  • Regen recovers HP slowly over time.

The spell cast depends on the equipped weapon.

  • Magic tome: Heal
  • Magic focus: Regen


Shine Button Graphic.gif

While incanting, press


to store a Shine spell that will light up dark areas.

Accrues aggro quickly from enemies while active.


Levitate Button Graphic.gif

While incanting, press


to store a Levitation spell that can allow the Witch to float.

Dragon Surge

[Button Config]

Completed incantations input after activating Dragon Surge will remain stored and can be cast multiple times until your DP reaches 0.

Status Boost

Heal Button Graphic.gif

Combine Regen and a spell of any element to temporarily increase an attribute.

Attribute changes depending on the element.

(Only affects caster)[a]

  1. This is false. If your teammates are standing "on top of" you, then they'll also get the status boost. You can also apply Homing to this spell.

Cure Ailment

Cure Ailment Button Graphic.gif

While incanting, press


to store a [sic] Ailment Cure [sic] spell that can remove ailments from allies.

(Only affects caster)[a]

  1. This is false. If your teammates are standing "on top of" you, then they'll also get cured. You can also apply Homing to this spell.

Icon Class Oracle (1).pngOracle Control Help

Thrust Form


Perform a forward thrusting attack with the equipped weapon and Mirages in quick succession.

Standard DP generation.

Guard Form

Left Stick ↓ + Attack

The equipped weapon and Mirages rotate around the Oracle's body for a close-range attack.

High DP generation.

Slash Form

Left Stick ↑ + Attack

The equipped weapon and Mirages fly a distance ahead of the Oracle and slash for a time.

High damage, but leaves the Oracle open and defenseless until they return.

Low DP generation.

Continuous Thrust Form

[Button Config]

The equipped weapon and Mirages perform a continuous thrusting attack.

Consumes DP slowly while active.

Press again to cancel.

Reinforced Guard Form

Left Stick ↓ + Continuous Thrust Form

The equipped weapon and Mirages continuously rotate around the Oracle.

Consumes DP while active.

Press again to cancel.

Cleaving Slash Form

Left Stick ↑ + Continuous Thrust Form

The equipped weapon and Mirages fly forward and slash continuously.

Consumes DP quickly while active.

Press again to cancel.

Magic Bullet

During continuous Sword Form attacks, press


to fire a magic bullet.

Incantation / Activate magic

[Button Config] Begin incantation / Attack after a successful incantation

Power up

Power-Up Button Graphic.gif

While incanting, press


to level up stored magic by 1.


Homing Button Graphic.gif

While incanting, press


to give stored magic a homing property.


Heal Button Graphic.gif

While incanting, press


to give stored magic a continuous healing property.

Cure Ailment

Cure Ailment Button Graphic.gif

While incanting, press


to store a Cure spell that will remove negative status effects.


Ice Button Graphic.gif

While incanting, press


to store a [sic] Extend spell that extends beneficial effects on the caster to their maximum duration.

Consumes a large amount of DP.

Imbue Element

Wind Button Graphic.gif

While incanting, press


to store an Enchant spell that converts magic bullets to spells of the contracted element.


Fire Button Graphic.gif

While incanting, press


to store a Mirage spell that summons an additional greatsword.

Summons up to 2 additional greatswords.

Only affects the caster.


Thunder Button Graphic.gif

While incanting, press


to store a Feather spell that bestows an additional midair jump temporarily.

Only affects the caster.


Protection Button Graphic.gif

While incanting, press

Y A Y A Y A Y A 

to store a Protection spell that grands temporary resistance to instant death.

The effect ends after activating once.


Quick Button Graphic.gif

While incanting, press


to store a Quick spell that increases movement speed temporarily.


Condense Button Graphic.gif

While incanting, press


to store a Finesse spell that decreases DP consumption temporarily.

However, DP generation will also be reduced.


Armor Button Graphic.gif

While incanting, press


to store an Armor spell that will prevent any knockback from attacks.

The effect ends after activating once.

Dragon Boost


[Button Config]

to activate Dragon Boost, turning all greatsword attacks into Dragon Skills. Also, any incanted spells will automatically be powered up.

Consumes DP while active.

Dragon Advent

Press and gold

Left Stick ↓ + Dragon Boost

to summon a manifestation of the Astral Dragon to unleash its wrath.

Consumes DP quickly while active.

Changes to a healing effect while entered into a poison contract.

Icon Class Bandit (1).pngBandit Control Help



Attack with the equipped sword.

Only available with small-swords.



Throw the equipped shuriken forward.

Up to 3 attacks can be activated quickly while on the ground.

Upward Throw

Left Stick ↑ + Attack

Throw the equipped shuriken diagonally upward.

Downward Throw

Left Stick ↓ + Attack in midair

THrow the equipped shuriken diagonally downward.

Dragon Claw

[Button Config]

Transform the Bandit's arm into a claw that attacks enemies and extracts relics.

Luck increases the amount of relics extracted and makes Dragon Relics more common.

Consumes DP.

Dragon Claw Combo

Hold [Dragon Claw] during Dragon Claw

Continue to attack with the Dragon Claw and extract more relics from the enemy.

Quick Dragon Claw

Dragon Claw during a slash attack.

Cancels the current slash to unleash a Dragon Claw with a short start-up.

Only available with small-swords.

Air Dragon Claw

Dragon Claw in midair

Rush diagonally downward with the Dragon Claw, attacking and extracting relics from an enemy.

Dragon Reload

Left Stick ↓ + Dragon Claw on ground

Consume a slightly large amount of DP to acquire a random selection of relics.

Luck increases the amount of relics acquired.

Icon Element Fire.pngFire Relic

Left Stick ↑ + Dragon Claw

Consumes 1 fire relic.

Unleashes an anti-air uppercut.

Activate again at the uppercut's peak to perform a powerful spike attack.

Icon Element Ice.pngIce Relic

Left Stick ↓ + [Relic Button] in midair

Consumes 1 ice relic.

Fires a stream of water at the ground.

The Bandit hovers while activated.

May be combined with other attacks.

Icon Element Wind.pngWind Relic

Left Stick ↑ + [Relic Button]

Consumes 1 wind relic.

Blasts the surrounding area with wind.

Launches the Bandit upward when activated, making it useful for movement.

Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder Relic

[Relic Button]

Consumes 1 thunder relic.

Unleashes a quick dash attack imbued with lightning.

The Bandit is invincible during the dash, making it useful for dodging attacks.

Icon Element Poison.pngPoison Relic

Left Stick ↓ + [Relic Button] on ground

Consumes 1 poison relic.

Activates the power inside the relic, temporarily increasing damage dealt.

Dragon Relic (Icon Element Fire.pngFire)

In a fire contract,

hold [Dragon Relic] on ground

Consumes a Dragon Relic.

Fires a powerful shot forward temporarily.

Let go of the button to stop the attack.

Dragon Relic (Icon Element Ice.pngIce)

In a ice contract,

hold [Dragon Relic] on ground

Consumes a Dragon Relic.

Deploys a barrier temporarily.

Holding the barrier longer than the allotted time will cause a dizzy state, leaving the bandit vulnerable.

Dragon Relic (Icon Element Wind.pngWind)

In a wind contract,

hold [Dragon Relic] on ground

Consumes a Dragon Relic.

Allows unlimited use of all 5 elemental relics temporarily. Also increases the number of consecutive relic uses in midair.

Increases the attack power of elemental relics while active.

Dragon Relic (Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder)

In a thunder contract,

[Dragon Relic]

Consumes a Dragon Relic.

Throws a large bomb that detonates multiple times.

Dragon Relic (Icon Element Poison.pngPoison)

In a poison contract,

[Dragon Relic]

Consumes a Dragon Relic.

Dashes forward and locks onto to [sic] any enemy the Bandit collides with.

Locked-on enemies can be attacked with weapons from anywhere, and shuriken attacks will change to Dragon Skills.

Equipment & Inn Tips

Purchasing Equipment

Weapons can be purchased at the Weapon Shop, and accessories and items are found at the General Store.


Equipment purchased or obtained as rewards needs to be equipped before use.

Equipment can be changed at the Inn.

Items also must be equipped before they can be used on a quest.

Upgrading Equipment

Weapons and accessories can be upgraded at the Weapon Shop or General Store if you possess the required materials.

Upgrading a weapon will increase its rank by 1.

Certain weapon properties may only be obtained through upgrading.


Up to 2 weapons can be equipped at a time.

However, except for the Shinobi and the Oracle, these 2 weapons cannot be used simultaneously.

You may switch between the 2 weapons during a quest.

Weapon Levels

Each weapon has a recommended level.

A character can still equip a weapon with a recommended level above their own, though its accuracy will be reduced.

However, accuracy is the only stat affected, so it may be possible to make good use of higher-level weapons.

Accessory Levels

Each accessory has a required level.

Unlike weapons, accessories cannot be equipped by characters below their required level.

Weapon Grades

Many weapons have 4 different grades. As a rule of hand, a base-grade weapons [sic] is appropriate for quests of a level equal to its recommended level.

However, a +1 grade weapon can handle 5 levels above its level. This increases to 10 levels for +2, and 20 levels for +3.

Be aware that this rule of hand starts to break down on high-level quests.

Changing Equipment

You can change to any held weapon during a quest as long as it is of the same type.[a]

You can also switch to weapons of a different type, such as axe and greatsword, but only during certain times and places.[b]

Also, accessories can be equipped and removed at any time.


  1. This means that you can switch to another Weapon provided it’s a valid Weapon for your current character. For example, Empress can switch to Swords or Small-swords, but not to Axes. However, Shinobi and Oracle cannot switch to another Weapon mid-Quest.
  2. This might be referring to some of the exceptions to switching Weapons. For example, Warrior can switch between Axes and Greatswords, but not when in the middle of landing a Charged Slash. Also, switching between an Axe and Greatsword results in his charge time being reset.


Consumable items have various effects in battle.

The items available on the Black Market are especially potent despite their low costs, so use them generously.

You may find that the highest level quests are difficult to complete without using items to buff your stats appropriately. Make a habit of bringing these items into batle [sic].

Changing Characters

You can change to any created character in the inn.

To create a new character, select LOAD GAME from the title screen.

Enemy Type Tips

Enemy Types

Enemies have 3 primary types with their own characteristics.

  • Primal species
    • Most enemies are Primal. They have no special traits.
  • Asura
    • High resistance to Dragon Skills.
  • Deva
    • Weak against Dragon Skills.

Distinguishing Enemies

When attacking enemies with Dragon Skills, the color of displayed damage will change depending on the enemy species.

  • Primal: White
  • Asura: Purple
  • Deva: Orange

Distinguishing Attacks

While most enemies deal primarily physical damage, a few attacks are magical or holy in nature.

The color of displayed damage received will change depending on its nature.

  • Magic damage: Blue
  • Holy damage: Orange

Enemy Attack Types

Enemy attacks are divided into 3 categories as follows:

  • Physical attacks
    • AGI and VIT will reduce damage from physical attacks.
  • Magic attacks
    • INT will increase the chance to resist magic.
  • Holy attacks
    • PIE will increase the chance to resist Holy attacks.

Mimics and Traps

On a quest, participants' luck [sic] will determine the rate of appearance for mimics and traps in treasure chests.

Items can be acquired chests [sic] even when trapped.

However, mimics must be defeated before the item contained can be acquired.

Combat Tips

Dragon Points (DP)

Certain powerful actions, Dragon Skills, consume Dragon Points when performed.

Current Dragon Points (DP) are displayed in a blue gauge underneath the current character's life bar.

Attacking and defeating enemies will restore DP.

Physical Damage & Hit!! Count

Physical Attacks

Many members of the Dragonblood Clan specialize in physical attacks.

Physical attacks increase in power with the STR stat and are reduced by the enemy's VIT. Likewise, attack accuracy increases with AGI and decreases with enemy AGI.

The number of hits from an attack depends on the weapon equipped.

Number of Physical Hits

The number of hits on a physical attack is different for each weapon.[a][1]

  • Sword - 5 hits max
  • Small-sword - 8 hits max
  • Axe - 3 hits max
  • Greatsword - 4 hits max
  • Kunai - 6 hits max
  • Shuriken - 1 hit max

The fewer max hits a weapon has, the larger an AGI advantage you will need over an enemy to increase the number of hits.[b]

  1. Physical Tomes give 6 hits max. Physical Foci, while possible with cheats but nonexistent in-game, give 6 hits max.
  2. Please see the individual Playable Character pages for more information on how much AGI you'll need.

Damage from Additional Hits

The difference between your AGI and an enemy's will increase or decrease the number of attacks you deal.

However, 2 hits does not strictly mean double damage. Each additional hit deals increasingly less damage.[a][2]

  1. The Hit!! multipliers are as follows: 1, 1.5, 1.8, 2.03, 2.28, 2.5, 2.73, 2.94.

Number of Hits Received

Your AGI advantage over an enemy also determines how many hits you receive from enemy attacks. High-AGI enemies are capable of dealing 6-hit attacks for huge damage.

Against physical-attack-focused bosses, increasing your AGI can be more effective at preventing damage than increasing VIT.

Icon Status Ailment Frostbite.pngFrostbite will lower an enemy's AGI, so keep that in mind.

Magic Damage

Magic Types

Magic can be performed in 3 different types: normal, homing, and condensed.[a]

  • Normal
    • Low attack power, but high DP generation.
  • Homing
    • Medium attack power and DP generation.
  • Condensed
    • High attack power and low DP generation.
  1. This Tip is just a general rule of thumb. You can find more detailed information on Magic attack power and DP generation on the Witch's and Oracle's pages.

Magic Attack Power

Magic attacks will deal more damage depending on your character's INT.

However, magic accuracy is affected by the difference between your and the enemy's INT. High INT enemies will be difficult to damage.

Increasing LUC and M.ACC will increase your magic accuracy.

Elements Tips


Each enemy has an innate element and elemental weakness.

Icon Element Fire.pngFireIcon Element Thunder.pngThunderIcon Element Wind.pngWindIcon Element Poison.pngPoisonIcon Element Ice.pngIceIcon Element Fire.pngFire

Effective elemental attacks will be displayed in yellow, and ineffective attacks will be displayed in blue.

Elemental weaknesses only affect magic attacks.

Various Spell Elements

Using magic of an element that the enemy is weak to will deal more damage.

However, damage from magic of elements the enemy resists will be decreased.

As the Witch cannot cast spells of the Icon Element Poison.pngPoison element, care must be taken with Icon Element Ice.pngWater [sic] enemies.

Elemental Attacks

There exist weapons with elemental and magic properties.

Elemental weapons are capable of inflicting the corresponding status effect, but their damage will not be affected by elemental weaknesses.

Playable Character Weapons Tips

Empress Weapons

Empress (Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngSword)

The Empress's sword attacks are well-rounded with no special properties.

When rushing down an enemy toe-to-toe on the ground, the Empress has top-class damage.

Her Dragon Shot fires horizontally and is easy to use. Use it to inflict statuses on enemies.

Empress (Icon Weapon Small-sword (N).pngSmall-sword)

Compared to the Empress's sword, the small-sword is a specialized style.

On the ground, its damage is low but gains DP easily. It gains damage in the air but loses DP gain.

The Dragon Shot will fire diagonally down, making it difficult to hit enemies. Use its recoil to move and focus on the Dragon Sword Neo.

Warrior Weapons

Warrior (Icon Weapon Axe (N).pngAxe)

The Warrior's axe is focused on its slow but powerful charge attack.

In combination with the War Cry to power up his next attack, the Warrior should use hit-and-run tactics.

If an enemy should leave its defenses down, the Warrior can unleash the powerful Dragon Smash instead.

Warrior (Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngGreat Sword) [sic]

The Warrior's great sword [sic] is capable of rushing down enemies with combo attacks.

Its single attack damage can't compare to the axe, but relentless attacks with the sword can match its damage output.

The sword generates DP easily, and its damage output during Berserk can outpace War Cry.

Shinobi [sic]

The Shinobi can equip a Icon Weapon Kunai (N).pngKunai and Icon Weapon Shuriken (N).pngShuriken simultaneously.

The Shinobi benefits from the parameters of both weapons, as if he had an extra accessory slot.

AGI does not increase the number of hits on Shuriken, so STR is necessary to up their damage.

Witch Weapons

Witch (Icon Weapon Tome (N).pngMagic Tome) [sic]

The Witch's tome focuses on decimating enemies with sheer magic power.

Tomes give the Witch's spells more damage than magic foci.

INT will increase her spells' attack power, and PIE increases the amount of time she can store spells.

Witch (Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngMagic Focus) [sic]

The Witch's magic focus is focused on support, allowing her to bestow long-lasting effects.

Magic foci give her spells less damage than magic tomes.

INT and PIE have the same effects as tomes, but LUC[a][2] will also allow her support effects to last longer.[b][2]

  1. This is false. This should be PIE, not LUC, as of Version 3.1.5n.
  2. Stat Buff effect duration starts at 20 seconds. It increases by 0.167 seconds per PIE, maximum 80 PIE.

Oracle [sic]

The Oracle can equip two weapons at once: a greatsword and a magic focus.

She can incant spells while she controls her sword remotely. She is also capable of changing her physical attacks into holy attacks using her Dragon Boost.

While her options are vast, her basic stats are low. For top performance, she must maintain various buffs on herself.

Bandit Weapons

Bandit (Icon Weapon Small-sword (N).pngSmall-sword)

When equipped with a sword [sic], the Bandit's attacks are fast but short range. With precise timing, the Bandit's attacks can be cancelled into relic or Dragon Claw activations.

The Quick Dragon Claw is usable in mid-air.

Attacks restore a large amount of DP, suitable for making relics the Bandit's primary damage source.

Bandit (Icon Weapon Shuriken (N).pngShuriken)

When equipped with a shuriken, the Bandit's [sic] can attack at long range in various directions. Due to the radial throwing pattern, close range attacks will do more damage.

Shuriken attacks cannot be canceled into relic activations. Relics are best used to maintain a close range with enemies to connect with more shuriken and maximize damage.

Playable Character Dragon Skills Tips

Dragon Skills

Members of the Dragonblood Clan have powerful abilities known as Dragon Skills.

Dragon Skills take on an element corresponding to the wielder's dragon contract.

While the Skills take on an elemental appearance, such as Icon Element Fire.pngfire, their damage is not affected by an enemy's element.

Dragon Skill Attack Power

Damage dealt by Dragon Skills will increase with your PIE.

However, the enemy's resist chance is affected by the difference between your and the enemy's PIE. High PIE enemies will be difficult to damage.

Dragon Skills per Playable Character

Dragon Skills (Empress)

The Empress can use her Dragon Shot to inflict damage and statuses on the enemy, or deal continuous damage with the Dragon Cannon.

The Dragon Sword is not considered a Dragon Skill.

Dragon Skills (Warrior)

The Warrior's Dragon Tackle is capable of stunning enemies and keeping them under control. The Dragon Smash can deal immense damage.[a]

  1. The Dragon Smash can also stun enemies.

Dragon Skills (Shinobi)

The Shinobi's lock-on shuriken excel at inflicting status ailments.

The Dragon Kick and Dragon Meteor deal great damage at the cost of DP.

Giant shuriken and standard thrown shuriken attacks are not considered Dragon Skills.

Dragon Skills (Witch)

The Witch's sole Dragon Skill is her familiar attack.

During Dragon Surge, her familiar attacks greatly increase in power.[a][2]

  1. The Holy (PIE×) damage calculation motion values for normal Familiar attacks, in the order of Icon Element Poison.pngPoison, Icon Element Ice.pngIce, Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder, Icon Element Fire.pngFire, and Icon Element Wind.pngWind are as follows: 2, 2.1, 2.25, 1.5, 1.15. The motion values while in Dragon Surge are as follows: 6, 4.2, 10, 10, 1.8.

Dragon Skills (Oracle)

The Oracle's Dragon Skills consist of her greatsword attacks while Dragon Boosted and Dragon Advent.

However, while under a Icon Element Poison.pngPoison contract, Dragon Advent will become a healing spell instead of an attack.

Dragon Skills (Bandit)

The Bandit's Dragon Skills consist of the Dragon Claw and Dragon Relic.

However, under a Icon Element Ice.pngwater [sic] or Icon Element Wind.pngwind contract, the Dragon Relic will not have any direct attack power.

Dragon Sphere Tips

Dragon Sphere

During certain boss battles, a Dragon Sphere will appear as the fighting intensifies.

The Sphere will move in a pattern around the arena. Attack it will allow it to be picked up.

Picking up the Sphere will activate a Dragon Combo.

Dragon Combo

The Dragon Combo is an area attack that activates when picking up a Dragon Sphere.

A set amount of damage will be dealt to the boss, and all players will have unlimited DP until the end of the fight.

Players are also immune to status ailments during Dragon Combo.

Enemy Effects Tips

Status Ailments

Negative Status

Enemy attacks can inflict a number of status ailments.

  • Icon Status Ailment Burn.pngBurn
  • Icon Status Ailment Frostbite.pngFrostbite
    • Slowed movement and reduced jump height.
  • Icon Status Ailment Confusion.pngConfusion
    • Left and right controls reversed.
  • Icon Status Ailment Paralysis.pngParalysis
    • Unable to dash or attack.
  • Icon Status Ailment Poison.pngPoison
    • Continuous damage.
  1. All of an enemy's attacks deal 1.5x more damage to you.

Afflicting Statuses 1

Elemental attacks have a chance of inflicting status ailments on enemies.

  • Icon Status Ailment Burn.pngBurn
    • Enemy takes extra physical damage.[a][2]
  • Icon Status Ailment Frostbite.pngFrostbite
    • Enemy AGI reduced.
  • Icon Status Ailment Confusion.pngConfusion
    • Enemy cannot detect players, may attack other enemies.
  • Icon Status Ailment Paralysis.pngParalysis
    • Cannot move.
  • Icon Status Ailment Poison.pngPoison
    • Continuous damage.
  1. Physical damage increases by 1.5x.

Afflicting Statuses 2

Rarely, certain enemies will exhibit unique behaviors when afflicted with certain statuses.[a]

These behaviors should afford you advantages in combat, so make the best of the situation.

  1. For example, hitting the Sea Lord's tentacles with a Icon Element Wind.pngWind attack causes its water laser beam to deal damage to the Sea Lord's Executioner.


Certain boss monsters will flash red during attacks.

If a Warrior times a Dragon Tackle or Dragon Smash during these attacks, the boss will be stunned.

Aggro & Hate


Actions taken during combat will accrue aggro from enemies.

In multi-player [sic], enemies will attack the player that has accrued the most aggro.

Players have both static aggro and dynamic aggro. The sum of the two values will determine their total aggro.

Static and Dynamic Aggro

Aggro has two types: static and dynamic.

  • Static aggro
    • Grows gradually as the player performs actions.
    • Reduces slowly over time.
  • Dynamic Aggro
    • Increases dramatically from specific actions.
    • Reduces quickly over time.

Building Dynamic Hate [sic]

Each character has actions that generate dynamic aggro.

  • Empress: Dragon Cannon
  • Warrior: Berserk, Dragon Guard
  • Shinobi: Lock-on combo (knee strike), lock-on shuriken
  • Witch: Dragon Surge, Shine
  • Oracle: Dragon Boost, Dragon Advent
  • Bandit: Dragon Claw, Berserk Relic[a], certain Dragon Relics
  1. This may be referring to the normal Icon Element Poison.pngPoison Relic or Icon Element Wind.pngWind Bandit's Dragon Relic.

Experience Points

Defeating enemies and clearing quests will award experience points (EXP).

When clearing a quest, any remaining retry gauge will be converted into bonus EXP.

Any EXP gained from defeating enemies will be lost upon retrying a quest.[a]


  1. This is false. You still keep any XP you gain from defeating enemies, even if you failed the Quest.

Status Tips

Status Overview

During a quest, check the status screen for the following data:

  • Lv.Bonus[a]
    • Currently assigned bonus points from levels gained
  • E.Bonus[b]
    • Stats gained from current equip [sic]
  • T.Bonus[c]
    • Stats gained from used or picked up consumable items[d]


  1. Level Bonus.
  2. Equipment Bonus.
  3. Temporary Bonus.
  4. This is referring to Item Drops, such as Icon Drop Peach.pngPeach.


STR determines how much damage physical attacks deal to enemies.

If your STR is lower than the enemy's VIT, damage dealt will be reduced.


AGI determines the accuracy of physical attacks and your evasion.

If your AGI is higher than the enemy's, accuracy and number of hits will increase.

Number of hits can be seen in the log.

AGI has both offensive and defensive effects. Characters dealing physical damage should prioritize their AGI.


INT affects the damage you do with magic attacks, their chance to be resisted by enemies, and your chance to resist magic.

When magic is resisted, the amount of damage reduction can vary greatly depending on luck [sic].


VIT determines your maximum HP and physical defense.

The difference between your VIT and the enemy's STR determines how much damage you receive.

While VIT will raise your HP, it only reduces damage from physical attacks.


LUC has a small effect on dodge rate, accuracy, critical rate, status resistance, among other things.

If a character with high LUC opens a treasure chest, there is a better chance that it will contain a rare item.


PIE affects the amount of damage dealt by Dragon Skills and resistance to holy attacks.

The amount of damage reduced by a successful resist can vary greatly based on chance, from a large portion of the damage to almost nothing.


ATK determines the power of physical attacks. It can only be increased by equipment.

Higher values increase the damage dealt to enemies.


M.ATK determines the power of magical attacks. It can only be increased by equipment.

Higher values increase the damage dealt to enemies.

M.ATK as a larger influence on magic damage than INT.


DEF determines defense against physical attacks. It can only be increased by equipment.

Higher values reduce the damage dealt by enemies.


M.DEF determines defense against magical attacks. It can only be increased by equipment.

M.DEF increases your chance to resist magical attacks after the chance to resist from the difference in INT from enemy INT.


ACC affects the accuracy of physical attacks. Accuracy is based on the difference between your AGI and the enemy's AGI, and ACC boosts it further.

ACC is an important attribute for characters with low AGI growth.


M.ACC affects the accuracy of magical attacks. Magic accuracy is based on the difference between your INT and the enemy's INT, and M.ACC boosts it further.

M.ACC has a larger effect on the accuracy of magic attacks than INT in exchange for having no effect on magical damage.


CRT affects the critical rate of physical attacks. Increasing CRT will increase the chance of scoring a critical hit.

A critical hit will increase the damage dealt to the enemy.

Critical hits can only be dealt by physical attacks.


Vision Effects

Some equipment comes with the special effect of.

Night vision will allow you to see dark areas without needing to zoom the camera close.

Different levels of the night vision effect are available, and can be increased by equipping multiple pieces of night vision equipment.

Instant Death Resistance

Some equipment comes with the special effect of resist instant-death.

When receiving an attack that would deplete your character's HP completely while it is above a certain threshold[a], your character will instead be left with 1 HP.


  1. This threshold refers to the "Fatigued State", AKA when you have less than 25% HP left.

Fatigued State

When the player character's HP is below 25%, they'll enter the fatigued state. (The character will look tired when standing still) [sic]

Some pieces of equipment have abilities that only activate during this fatigued state.

Quest Tips

Quest Progress

If you lose track of your quest progress during a quest, you can check the status of quest objectives an [sic] items by opening the menu log and switching to the "INFO" display.

Also, switching to the "TALK" display will show conversations you've had with NPCs during the quest.

Quest Difficulty

The difficulty level of the current quest is displayed in the upper middle of the screen, labeled "Q.Lv."

While increasing the quest level will affect enemy parameters, fast enemies can still be dangerous at low quest levels, and slow enemies may still be weak at high quest levels. Be careful when judging the difficulty of a quest.

Recommended Quest Difficulty

When playing solo, quests 5 levels below your character level are recommended.

Challenging quests at higher levels may require rare and powerful items or help from other players.

Quest Difficulty and Rewards

Treasure chests found during a quest will contain different items depending on the quest level.

If you encounter difficulty progressing, try returning to an earlier quest at a higher difficulty to find better equipment.

Quest Failure

When failing a quest, any items picked up will be lost, but consumable items used will be returned.

However, gold and experience gained from defeating enemies is kept.

Leaving a quest manually will forfeit gold and experienced [sic] gained from enemies, but will still return any used consumables.

Training Grounds

The "Training Grounds" quest at the inn will allow you to fight various large monsters.

At first, the monsters and difficulty levels available will be limited. More will unlock after meeting certain conditions.[a]

Any items consumed during a Training Grounds quest will be returned when finished.


  1. Progressing through the main and DLC scenarios.

Retry Gauge

The Retry Gauge is depleted by deaths during a quest.

It is displayed as a green bar in the bottom center of the screen. The quest will be failed when it reaches 0.

The maximum value of the gauge is increased in multiplayer, thus increasing the number of deaths permitted on a quest.[a]


  1. This is equal to all party members' Retry Costs (AKA 1/4th of a party member's Retry Gauge when in singleplayer) added together.

Retry Cost

The Revival Cost is the amount the Retry Gauge will be depleted when the character dies.

In single-player [sic], this cost is equal to 1/4 of the Gauge.

In multi-player [sic], lower level characters will have a lower Revival Cost to make up for the difference in power.

Settings & Options Tips

Camera Distance

Zooming the camera in will reduce the field of view, but has a number of beneficial effects:

  • The names of dropped items will be displayed.
  • Dark areas will be lit.
  • Some areas will display hints to puzzles and traps.

Among other effects [sic]

Stick Commands

Directions on the right stick can be assign [sic] simple chat messages in the Inn.

In addition to chat messages, items, equipment, and certain actions can also be assigned to the right stick as shortcuts.[a]


  1. On keyboard, these shortcuts are assigned to the Function keys (i.e. F1, F2, etc.).

Mini-map Magnification

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The mini-map is displayed in the bottom left corner of the screen during quests. Its size can be adjusted with the "-" button.[a]

It can also be adjusted by with [sic] a quick command by assigning the appropriate command.


  1. On keyboard, adjusting the mini-map is assigned to ???.

Shortcut Assignment

Shortcuts can be assigned in the options menu.

Chat messages and quick commands can be set in this way to be quickly accessible. They can be assigned to a stick direction or buttons.

They are set to OFF by default.

Dash Type

Dash controls can be changed among 3 different types.

  • Fixed Distance:
    • Dash ends automatically after a set distance.
  • Continuous 1:
    • Pressing the dahs button once will dash as long as a direction is held.
  • Continuous 2:
    • Dash continues as long as the button is held down.

Other Options

Various other options are available:

  • Marker
    • Displays a marker above your character to make them easier to find in combat. Does not appear while in town.
  • Screen Shake
    • Change the conditions under which the screen will shake due to player actions.
  • Effect Type
    • Flashy effects from certain attacks can be made less obtrusive.

Icon Item (N).pngDragonite & Dragon Contracts Tips

Bonus Point Allotment

The bonus attribute points you assign when leveling up can be reset by presenting the Astral Drago with a piece of Icon Item (N).pngDragonite.

Dragonite can be acquired from townspeople and by defeating boss monsters.

Dragonite can also be purchased from some stores.

Changing Dragon Contracts

A character's dragon contracts can be changed in the Astral Dragon's cave. The contract a character enters will determine their element and aspects of their attacks and abilities.

However, a player character's element does not affect damage received from enemies.

A piece of Dragonite is required to change contracts.

Empress Dragon Contracts

Empress - Icon Element Fire.pngFire Contract

Icon Element Fire.pngFire Empress excels at inflicting Icon Status Ailment Burn.pngBurn on enemies with very low DP fire Shots and dealing damage with powerful physical attacks.

Her Shot and Cannon damage is average.

Empress - Icon Element Ice.pngWater Contract [sic]

Icon Element Ice.pngIce Empress's low DP ice shots can give enemies Icon Status Ailment Frostbite.pngFrostbite with her Shot, perfect for a playstyle with balanced attack and defense.

She excels at fighting enemies with high AGI.

Her Dragon Cannon's range is short, but deals extreme damage. Both the Shot and Cannon can fire at 2 angles.[a]

  1. You can fire sideways or upward.

Empress - Icon Element Wind.pngWind Contract

Icon Element Wind.pngWind Empress has high DP consumption and can confuse enemies with her Shot.

While most bosses are immune to Icon Status Ailment Confusion.pngconfusion, her Shot and Cannon have high base damage which can be increased with PIE.

Her Icon Element Wind.pngWind attacks arc upwards after firing and pierce enemies.

Empress - Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder Contract

Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder Empress has high DP consumption and attacks with lightning blasts that hit nearby enemies automatically.

While she can inflict Icon Status Ailment Paralysis.pngparalysis with her attacks, due to their low number of hits, she cannot apply it with much consistency.

Attacking enemies at close range will cause them to be hit twice[a], supplementing her attack power.

  1. Because both the lightning ball and lightning laser will hit the enemy.

Empress - Icon Element Poison.pngPoison Contract

Icon Element Poison.pngPoison Empress has extreme DP consumption and poisons enemies with her Shot.

Her shots will emit poison gas when they strike an enemy, dealing continuous damage. Her potential damage is very high thanks to these clouds.

Her Cannon is low powered, but has very low DP consumption and can be aimed up and down.

Warrior Dragon Contracts

Warrior - Icon Element Fire.pngFire Contract

Icon Element Fire.pngFire Warrior can charge the Dragon Tackle by holding the attack button, and unleash it at full charge for immense damage.

However, his Berserk damage is low[a], his Guard range is small, and his Smash damage is reduced. In addition, his DP consumption [is] extremely high overall.

  1. But his War Cry damage is the highest of all Contracts.

Warrior - Icon Element Ice.pngWater Contract [sic]

Icon Element Ice.pngIce Warrior has a balanced style with powerful attacks and overall slow movement.

Berserk greatly increases his attack power and allows his Smash to give enemies Icon Status Ailment Frostbite.pngFrostbite. Along with its high base damage, and bonus damage when hitting in its sweet spot[a], the Smash is the center of his arsenal.

  1. The "sweet spot" is referring to the "axehead" or "base" of the Dragon Smash. For Icon Element Ice.pngIce Contract specifically, hitting an enemy with the axehead will deal more damage than just hitting with the laser.

Warrior - Icon Element Wind.pngWind Contract

Icon Element Wind.pngWind Warrior's strengths are DP generation and a high-powered Dragon Smash.

His Berserk and Guard have low performance. Activating Berserk consumes DP, but in exchange DP generation during Berserk is increased.

Maintain a Berserk state, gain DP with the Dragon Tackle and let the Dragon Smashes fly.

Warrior - Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder Contract

Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder Warrior has lowered attack power across the board, but is fast and easy to use.

His Berserk doesn't increase his attack much, but consumes little DP. He's best suited to fighting with his Dragon Skills.

His Dragon Smash does more damage in the wave[a] instead of the base[b], making it suited for anti-air.

  1. The laser.
  2. The axehead.

Warrior - Icon Element Poison.pngPoison Contract

Icon Element Poison.pngPoison Warrior has immense power in his Berserk, but his Dragon Skills are all low-power.

His Berserk consumes DP extremely quickly, but his Dragon's Rage lasts a long time, and his Dragon Guard will grant him a Berserk state at low DP cost when blocking enemy attacks.

During Dragon's Rage, he won't generate DP, but connecting with a Smash will recover DP greatly.

Shinobi Dragon Contracts

Shinobi - Icon Element Fire.pngFire Contract

Icon Element Fire.pngFire Shinobi's Dragon Skills all deal high damage at the expense of DP consumption.

He can only Dragon Dash in the air a single time, but its travel distance is lengthened as well as his lock-on time.

He can jump twice in mid-air.

He can unleash the Dragon Meteor early in his combo[a] allowing him to deal great damage in a short time.

  1. This is false. You can only perform the Icon Element Fire.pngFire Dragon Meteor after 4 hits of the Lock-on spin combo, right before the Knee kick.

Shinobi - Icon Element Ice.pngWater Contract [sic]

Icon Element Ice.pngIce Shinobi's Dragon Dash cannot avoid enemy attacks, but his Dragon Skills have high power.

His Dragon Meteor can only be used late in his lock-on combo, but in exchange it deals the most damage of any Shinobi contract.[a]

  1. This means that Icon Element Ice.pngIce Dragon Meteor's damage scaling is the highest of Shinobi's Contracts. You can increase the damage of the Dragon Meteor extremely high.

Shinobi - Icon Element Wind.pngWind Contract

Icon Element Wind.pngWind Shinobi's Dragon Skills consume little DP, but have low attack power.

He can Dragon Dash up to four times in the air, allow [sic] him to avoid attacks with ease.

At any point in his lock-on combo, he can perform a Dragon Kick.

His lock-on shuriken attacks generate immense aggro.

Shinobi - Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder Contract

Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder Shinobi can lock onto multiple enemies at once, allowing his Dragon Skills (except for Meteor) to attack many targets at once.

His Dragon Kick will lose power when connecting with multiple enemies, but his shuriken[a] will always deal the same amount.

He can also air jump up to 3 times and perform a Dragon Kick at any point during lock-on.

  1. Homing Shuriken.

Shinobi - Icon Element Poison.pngPoison Contract

Icon Element Poison.pngPoison Shinobi is overall balanced and easy to use.

He throws 4 shuriken at once during lock-on, making Icon Status Ailment Poison.pngpoison easy to apply on enemies.

His DP input and output are balanced, so he will rarely run dry on DP, and thus suited for single-player.

Witch Dragon Contracts

Witch - All Contracts

Each of the Witch's contracts has a number of effects on the spell of her focus element:

  • Increased DP generation
  • Powers up 2 levels with 1 inchantment [sic]
  • Increased storage time

However, other elemental spells will have reduced storage time.

For Icon Element Poison.pngPoison Witches, healing spells are enhanced in the manner above.

Witch - Icon Element Fire.pngFire Contract

Icon Element Fire.pngFire Witch's familiar will pierce enemies and can attack rapidly.

Its attack power is somewhat low, but can stick close to enemies and attack repeatedly for more damage.

Dragon Surge increases her familiar's attack power dramatically.

Witch - Icon Element Ice.pngWater Contract [sic]

Icon Element Ice.pngIce Witch's familiar moves slowly and deals damage repeatedly.

It [sic] attack range is long, but if it misses, it stops attacking.

It won't deal much damage if it doesn't have the opportunity to hit the enemy repeatedly. It works best on immobile foes.

Dragon Surge won't increase its power much.

Witch - Icon Element Wind.pngWind Contract

Icon Element Wind.pngWind Witch's familiar moves quickly and deals low damage with repeated strikes.

In normal circumstances, its attacks deal great damage and are easy to connect with.

However, its attack power is barely affected by Dragon Surge.

Witch - Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder Contract

Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder Witch's familiar has high attack power both in and out of Dragon Surge.

It moves quickly, but has a long delay between attacks. It will not be able to repeatedly hit enemies very often.

Witch - Icon Element Poison.pngPoison Contract

Icon Element Poison.pngPoison Witch's familiar can poison enemies with its attack.

A Icon Element Poison.pngPoison Witch has no other means of inflicting poison upon enemies.

The familiar's attacks are somewhat low power both in and out of Dragon Surge.

Oracle Dragon Contracts

Oracle - Icon Element Fire.pngFire Contract

Icon Element Fire.pngFire Oracle can attack with fire spells when imbuing her spells with an element.

Her Dragon Advent will unleash a powerful flame attack in the direction she is facing.

Oracle - Icon Element Ice.pngWater Contract [sic]

Icon Element Ice.pngIce Oracle can attack with ice spells when imbuing her spells with an element.

Her Dragon Advent will launch ice in every direction around her.

Oracle - Icon Element Wind.pngWind Contract

Icon Element Wind.pngWind Oracle can attack with wind spells when imbuing her spells with an element.

Her Dragon Advent summons giant tornadoes both behind and in front of her.

Oracle - Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder Contract

Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder Oracle can attack with thunder spells when imbuing her spells with an element.

Her Dragon Advent will rain lightning down upon enemies over a large attack area.

Oracle - Icon Element Poison.pngPoison Contract

Icon Element Poison.pngPoison Oracle can attack with poison spells when imbuing her spells with an element. She has access to poison spells the Witch cannot cast.

Her Dragon Advent creates a healing field within a certain radius.

Bandit Dragon Contracts

Bandit - Icon Element Fire.pngFire Contract

Icon Element Fire.pngFire Bandit's Dragon Claw will always generate at least 1 fire relic when used.

They can store more fire relics as well as use fire relics more times consecutively in mid-air.

Their Dragon Relic fires powerful, forward-facing shots for a set period of time.

Bandit - Icon Element Ice.pngWater Contract [sic]

Icon Element Ice.pngIce Bandit's Dragon Claw will always generate at least 1 ice relic when used.

They can store more ice relics as well as use ice relics more times consecutively in mid-air.

Their Dragon Relic deploys a protective barrier, but only for a limited period of time.

Bandit - Icon Element Wind.pngWind Contract

Icon Element Wind.pngWind Bandit's Dragon Claw will always generate at least 1 wind relic when used.

They can store more wind relics as well as use wind relics more time consecutively in mid-air.

Their Dragon Relic enables unlimited usage of elemental relics and the ability to use them repeatedly in mid-air.

Bandit - Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder Contract

Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder Bandit's Dragon Claw will always generate at least 1 thunder relic when used.

They can store more thunder relics as well as use thunder relics more times consecutively in mid-air.

Their Dragon Relic allows them to throw a large bomb that causes multiple hits when it explodes.

Bandit - Icon Element Poison.pngPoison Contract

Icon Element Poison.pngPoison Bandit's Dragon Claw will always generate at least 1 poison relic when used.

They can store more poison relics and poison relics will have an increased effect.

Using a Dragon Relic will cause the Bandit to dash forward and lock onto any enemy on contact for a period of time.

Materials, Rolls, & Money Tips

Bandit and Rare Items

When a Bandit opens a treasure chest, 2 rolls will be made for a rare item.

During multiplayer, it is advantageous to have a high LUC Bandit open treasure chests.

The Black Market

Old currency[a] found in battle can be exchanged for equipment and items at the Black Market.

The Black Market contains many valuable items that cannot be found anywhere else.


  1. Icon Drop Litus Copper Coin.pngLitus Copper Piece, Icon Drop Litus Silver Coin.pngLitus Silver Piece, Icon Drop Litus Gold Coin.pngLitus Gold Piece, Icon Drop Litus Platinum Coin.pngLitus Platinum Piece, Icon Marlayus Coin (S).pngOld Marlayus Coin (S), Icon Marlayus Coin (M).pngOld Marlayus Coin (M), Icon Marlayus Coin (L).pngOld Marlayus Coin (L), Icon Marlayus Coin (XL).pngOld Marlayus Coin (XL), Icon Pagnas Coin (S).pngOld Pagnas Coin (S), Icon Pagnas Coin (M).pngOld Pagnas Coin (M), Icon Pagnas Coin (L).pngOld Pagnas Coin (L)

When you need more money

Money is mostly acquired from enemy drops and quest rewards.

However, this may not be enough money to properly prepare a character for battle at times.

On such occasions, it may be a good idea to sell unneeded equipment to shops. Preparing for high-level quests can be expensive, so try to make money when you can.

Quest Progression Tips

If you have no new quests

If you run out of new quests or reach a road block [sic] on your journey, try talking to people around town.

People who seem unfriendly at first may open up to you if you talk to them a few times.[a]

If you still cannot find any new quests, pay attention to the Icon Quest Flag.pngflags on quests you have already completed.


  1. In Medius City (the hub area), a speech bubble with a "!" symbol above a person indicates that talking to them will result in some sort of event, whether it's a new Quest or they give you an extra reward as thanks.


Certain quests have Icon Quest Flag.pngflags that will be activated when clearing the quest under certain conditions.

Each map has only 1 flag.

Activating all 8 flags will cause something to happen…

Carefully check the quest discriptions [sic] for more details.

Escort Targets

Some quests will require you to escort a companion to a destination while you defend them.

The quest will be failed if the target dies. Heal the target with magic or items to keep them safe.

Locked Doors

Some doors and treasure chests are locked and will need a Icon Drop Key.pngkey to open them.

Quests may contain multiple locked doors or chests and each one will need a specific key.

If you have a key, but a lock still won't open, you likely have the wrong key for that lock.

Named Monsters (NM)

Clearing certain high-level quests may cause a second, ominous-looking clear gate to appear.

These gates contain powerful Named Monsters. Defeat them for a chance to earn rare rewards.

NMs have very strong resistances to many types of attacks. Choose your attacks carefully to have any chance of defeating them.

Quest Drops Tips

Luck and Rare Items

When opening a treasure chest, the LUC of the character opening it will affect the item inside.

Characters with high LUC will find rare items more easily. Items inside chests are not affected by LUC at any other point in time.

However, there is a limit to how much LUC will increase the chance of a rare item drop.[a][3][1] If you cannot reach that upper limit on your own, try equipping LUC-boosting items.


  1. On the official live broadcast Dragon Marked For Live, the developers announced that the soft cap of LUC affecting the treasure chest is 100 as of Version 2.1.0. Based on stat testing, LUC overflows at 151, making it seem as if you have very low LUC. Therefore, try not to reach more than ~140 LUC.

Rare Drops

The contents of chests are divided into two types of items: normal and rare.

Upon discovering rare items, an item your character can equip will take priority if that type of item can be pulled from the chest. LUC has no effect on which specific rare item will be obtained.

Quest Drop Overview

When selecting the quest level, you can confirm the possible item drops for that quest.

The icons next to a drop (SR, R++, R+, R) will give you a rough idea of the item's rarity.

Items will have different drop rates on different quests. When the item you want appears on different quests, avoid ones where it drops at a lower rate.

Multiplayer Tips

Open Matching

When using Open Matching to search for a party on the internet, only parties that are currently recruiting will be displayed. Parties mid-quest will not appear.

If you cannot seem to find a party for a quest, try creating a party yourself to find some eager comrades.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Lancer:
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Neka_Mahime_'s Notes:
  3. オンラインプレイの心得 - Dragon Marked For Death攻略Wiki - atwiki(アットウィキ) (