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"The Shinobi's overwhelming mobility gives him a wide range of movement on the battlefield, allowing him to distract enemies while dealing devastating damage.

His fighting style centers around his invincible Dragon Dash. Dashing into an enemy allows him to lock on and rain attacks on enemies from a safe distance.

He can equip both short-range kunai and long-range shuriken simultaneously, rendering him capable of adapting to any situation the party finds themselves in.

The Shinobi is well suited to raising his agility and luck stats, but his HP is difficult to increase, making him vulnerable to one-hit KOs."

Icon Quest Notification.pngCharacter Select

The Shinobi (忍び Shinobi, Ninja) is the 3rd of the 6 playable characters in Dragon Marked For Death. He bears the Dragon Scar in his legs, allowing him to manifest Atruum to grant him enhanced evasive maneuvers as well as powerful, multi-hit aerial kicks via his Lock-on ability.

(delete these links once the re-formatting is done -G.R) If you are looking for specific details about Shinobi, please see the Quick References or view the following subpages:

Character Overview (remove this section when formatting is done -G.R)


Shinobi is a fast-paced character with high mobility, allowing him to traverse through the stage very quickly as well as dodging attacks with ease and unleashing a barrage of attacks on enemies. He is a character recommended for players looking for fast-paced gameplay with evasive maneuverability that focuses on multiple combo strings.

Shinobi’s AGI and LUC parameters grow well, but he has a deficit in VIT, making even small hits fatal for him. Throughout progression, he can be built as a Physical DPS character, a sweeping Holy damage character, etc., and his Elemental Contract greatly influences his playstyle. Skilled Shinobi players utilize his regular attacks, Lock-on Status attacks, Dragon Skill build-ups and timings, normal and Homing Shuriken throws, and precise hitbox positioning to make the most out of his attack power.


Shinobi is equip with both Icon Weapon Kunai (N).pngKunai and Icon Weapon Shuriken (N).pngShuriken, the stats of both Weapon stack up, with only the exception to ATK and M.ATK stat. Icon Weapon Kunai (N).pngKunai is his main weapon that he use as a primary source of damage, while Icon Weapon Shuriken (N).pngShuriken is used as a range attack, to hit enemy from a far or apply negative status upon enemy.

In combat, Shinobi can engage with the enemy from a long distance with shuriken attacks while closing the distance with kunai attacks. Against a powerful enemy, the Shinobi can Dragon Dash into the enemy to initiate Lock-on (indicated when a cross symbol appears on the enemy that the Shinobi dashes into), which gives his attacks homing properties, inflicting damage directly on the lock-on enemy and expanding the lock-on slash combo when the Shinobi performs the move in midair. His signature move when performing the lock-on slash combo in midair is the spinning move that hits the enemy multiple times. The shinobi can maximize the damage by spinning at lock on the enemy at close range, dealing double damage to the target.


Shinobi has a lot of evasive maneuvers that he can perform, allowing him to quickly traverse through the stage or dodge enemy attacks with ease. His double jump allows him to reach greater heights and dodge enemy attacks in a pinch. By using Dragon wings, Shinobi can hover in the air, allowing him to glide through the stage or stall out enemy ground attacks. In an area with a wall, Shinobi can wall climb to climb upward, making a shortcut of the stage. The highlight of Shinobi's mobilities is the Dragon Dash, a dash that moves Shinobi forward at a high speed, which allows him to quickly move through the stage and it can be used in the air. The Dragon Dash is also good at dodging enemy attacks and by dashing into enemy he can counterattack the enemy with a lock-on slash combo.


In a party, Shinobi excels at generating DP for his teammate, and he is capable of climbing the wall to reach treasure that other characters can't reach. By throwing multiple homing shuriken rapidly, he is able to lure the enemy toward his attention, giving his allies an opportunity to attack safely or recover themselves while the shinobi focus on dodging the enemy attack. He is a character that can fit into any team composition thanks to his high mobility, great DPS, and ability to generate a huge chunk of DP, which allow other team members to consistently use their abilities.



Shinobi and his childhood friend.

The Shinobi is a young Dragonblood boy who bears the power of the Astral Dragon in his legs. He had been training zealously alongside his best friend in ninjutsu since childhood, until his friend one day ran away to the kingdom of Marlayus. After hunting him down and killing him, upon his return home, he found his village destroyed.[1]

Character Voices

Character Voices
Type Voice Actor English (Translation) Japanese
A Koki Uchiyama Introduction: "I promise, I will rescue her." Introduction: 「絶対に、彼女は俺が救い出して見せる」
Dragonsphere: "Now is the time! This is the final secret art!" Dragonsphere: 「いまだ!これが必殺最終奥義!」
B Tomokazu Sugita Introduction: "I will cut off anyone who opposes me." Introduction: 「歯向かうものは、断ち切ってくれる」
Dragonsphere: "Hmph! Behold the power of the Shinobi!" Dragonsphere: 「フン!小生のシノビチカラを見よ!!」
C Wataru Takagi Introduction: "Yo, I'll be waiting for you in hell!" Introduction: 「よう、地獄で待ってるぜ」
Dragonsphere: "Hiyah! I'm gonna beat you down!" Dragonsphere: 「ヒィア!ぶちかますゼェ」
D Ayumu Murase Introduction: "Hahahaha! Let’s purge these demons!" Introduction: 「はっはっはっは!悪鬼どもに粛清を」
Dragonsphere: "It’s time to die! Let the fear consume your body!" Dragonsphere: 「必殺!恐怖をその身に刻みこめ!」
E Peter Von Gomm - -
F Peter Von Gomm - -
G Jack Merluzzi - -
H Iain Gibb - -


This is a list of Shinobi's inputs. To find the inputs set on your character, please go to the in-game Menu and select the Button Config option.

Shinobi Inputs
Skill Input(s) Hits for
Dragon Meteor
Damage Scaling
Placeholder (link here) Attack (Ground or Aerial)
Placeholder (link here) Placeholder



"The Shinobi can equip a Icon Weapon Kunai (N).pngKunai and Icon Weapon Shuriken (N).pngShuriken simultaneously.

The Shinobi benefits from the parameters of both weapons, as if he had an extra accessory slot.

AGI does not increase the number of hits on Shuriken, so STR is necessary to up their damage."

Icon Quest Notification.pngGame Tips



Icon Weapon Kunai (N).pngKunai

Icon Weapon Kunai (N).pngKunai are available starting from Level 1. [Placeholder]

Icon Weapon Shuriken (N).pngShuriken

Icon Weapon Shuriken (N).pngShuriken are available starting from Level 1. [Placeholder]

Swapping Weapons

You can't swap weapons as Shinobi.

Hit!! Count Calculation

The following table shows the minimum amount of AGI over the enemy's AGI that you need for a higher Hit!! count and the damage multiplier for that Hit!! count.[2]

Hit!! Counts per Weapon
Weapon Hit!! Count AGI over Enemy AGI Damage Multiplier
Icon Weapon Kunai (N).pngKunai 2 Hit!! 5 AGI 1.5
3 Hit!! 15 AGI 1.8
4 Hit!! 25 AGI 2.03
5 Hit!! 35 AGI 2.25
6 Hit!! 45 AGI 2.47
Icon Weapon Shuriken (N).pngShuriken 1 Hit!! Restricted to 1 Hit!! 1

Attack Values & Dragon Power (DP) Gain

The following table shows various attacks and their Motion Values and how much Dragon Power (DP) you can gain from them. 10 points = 1 segment.[2]

Attack Values & Dragon Power (DP) Gain
Attack Motion Value DP Gain (Points)
Ground Slash 1 2.10 0.50
Ground Slash 2 2.10 0.50
Unlocked-on Air Slash 2.10 2.00
Ground Slash 3 3.10 0.75
Dragon Dash 1.10 0.75
Locked-on Slash 1.20 0.60
Dragon Knee 3.00 16.00
Shuriken 1.70

Basic Abilities




Placeholder  (N/A)
Skill Input(s)
[Name of Skill] [Input from Button Config menu]

Slash is [description of skill]. [Physical / Holy / Magic damage info]


Placeholder  (N/A)
Skill Input(s)
[Name of Skill] [Input from Button Config menu]

Shuriken is [description of skill]. [Physical / Holy / Magic damage info]

Giant Shuriken

Placeholder  (N/A)
Skill Input(s)
[Name of Skill] [Input from Button Config menu]

Giant Shuriken is [description of skill]. [Physical / Holy / Magic damage info]

Evasive Maneuvers

Placeholder  (N/A)
Skill Input(s)
[Name of Skill] [Input from Button Config menu]

Shinobi can double jump, glide, and wall jump.

Double Jump

Double Jump [Placeholder]

Dragon Wing

Dragon Wing [Placeholder]

Wall Jump

Wall Jump [Placeholder]

Dragon Skills

"The Shinobi's lock-on shuriken excel at inflicting status ailments.

The Dragon Kick and Dragon Meteor deal great damage at the cost of DP.

Giant shuriken and standard thrown shuriken attacks are not considered Dragon Skills."

Icon Quest Notification.pngGame Tips


[Name of Skill]

Placeholder  (N/A)
Skill Input(s)
[Name of Skill] [Input from Button Config menu]

[Name of Skill] is [description of skill]. [Physical / Holy / Magic damage info][a]

Dragon Dash

Placeholder  (N/A)
Skill Input(s)
[Name of Skill] [Input from Button Config menu]

Dragon Dash [Placeholder]

Lock-on Status

Placeholder  (N/A)
Skill Input(s)
[Name of Skill] [Input from Button Config menu]

Lock-on Status [Placeholder]

Midair Lock-on Slash

Placeholder  (N/A)
Skill Input(s)
[Name of Skill] [Input from Button Config menu]

Midair Lock-on Slash [Placeholder]

Dragon Knee

Placeholder  (N/A)
Skill Input(s)
[Name of Skill] [Input from Button Config menu]

Dragon Knee [Placeholder]

Homing Shuriken

Placeholder  (N/A)
Skill Input(s)
[Name of Skill] [Input from Button Config menu]

Homing Shuriken [Placeholder]

Dragon Kick

Placeholder  (N/A)
Skill Input(s)
[Name of Skill] [Input from Button Config menu]

Dragon Kick [Placeholder]

Advanced Dragon Skills



Homing Giant Shuriken

Placeholder  (N/A)
Skill Input(s)
[Name of Skill] [Input from Button Config menu]

Homing Giant Shuriken [Placeholder]

Dragon Meteor

Placeholder  (N/A)
Skill Input(s)
[Name of Skill] [Input from Button Config menu]

Dragon Meteor [Placeholder]

Hits for Dragon Meteor Damage Scaling per Ability

The damage of Dragon Meteor can be increased by the number of hits that each move does during Midair Lock-on Slash.[b] More hits = more damage scaling. You need to do the combo in rapid succession, or else the damage scaling will be reset. All Contracts also have different maximum limits to the damage scaling of Dragon Meteor.

Hits for Dragon Meteor Damage Scaling per Ability
Attack Action Hits for Damage Scaling
Dragon Dash 2 hits
Midair Slashes 3 hits
Spins 7 hits
Dragon Knee 1 hit
Dragon Kick 1 hit

Dragon Contracts

[Description on how Dragon Contracts affect this character's playstyle. OLD PAGE IS HERE COPYPASTED FROM:]

Shinobi's Contracts affect his playstyle significantly, as they change the behavior of his Dragon Skills and non-Dragon Skills. Behavior that is affected include air jumps, Dragon Dash, Shuriken counts, and more hidden values, such as Dragon Meteor Damage Scaling.

Icon Element Poison.pngPoison Contract

Placeholder  (N/A)

"Mobility is increased, normal power." ― Atruum's Den

"Icon Element Poison.pngPoison Shinobi is overall balanced and easy to use.

He throws 4 shuriken at once during lock-on, making Icon Status Ailment Poison.pngpoison easy to apply on enemies.

His DP input and output are balanced, so he will rarely run dry on DP, and thus suited for single-player."

Icon Quest Notification.pngGame Tips

Icon Element Poison.pngPoison Contract is Shinobi's default Contract. [Placeholder]

Icon Element Fire.pngFire Contract

Placeholder  (N/A)

"High DP consumption, but high power and long lock-on time." ― Atruum's Den

"Icon Element Fire.pngFire Shinobi's Dragon Skills all deal high damage at the expense of DP consumption.

He can only Dragon Dash in the air a single time, but its travel distance is lengthened as well as his lock-on time.

He can jump twice in mid-air.

He can unleash the Dragon Meteor early in his combo[c] allowing him to deal great damage in a short time."

Icon Quest Notification.pngGame Tips

Icon Element Fire.pngFire Contract is Shinobi's second available Contract, added in Version 2.0.0. [Placeholder]

Icon Element Wind.pngWind Contract

Placeholder  (N/A)

"Increased mobility and attack number, lowered power." ― Atruum's Den

"Icon Element Wind.pngWind Shinobi's Dragon Skills consume little DP, but have low attack power.

He can Dragon Dash up to four times in the air, allow [sic] him to avoid attacks with ease.

At any point in his lock-on combo, he can perform a Dragon Kick.

His lock-on shuriken attacks generate immense aggro."

Icon Quest Notification.pngGame Tips

Icon Element Wind.pngWind Contract is Shinobi's third available Contract, added in Version 2.1.0. [Placeholder]

[Do we need this chart? -G.R]

Situation Actions Buttons
Landing Dragon Dash → Lock-on → Dragon Kick → Land → Dragon Kick → Land, etc. R → Lock-on → ↓ + Y → Land → ↓ + Y → Land, etc.
Double Jump and landing Dragon Dash → Lock-on → Dragon Kick → Jump → Dragon Kick → Land → Dragon Kick → Jump → Dragon Kick → Land, etc. R → Lock-on → ↓ + YB↓ + Y → Land → ↓ + YB↓ + Y → Land, etc.
Double Jump and midair Dragon Dash (total of 5 kicks) Dragon Dash → Lock-on → Dragon Kick → Jump → Dragon Kick → Dragon Dash → Lock-on → Dragon Kick → Dragon Dash → Lock-on → Dragon Kick → Dragon Dash → Lock-on → Dragon Kick R → Lock-on → ↓ + YB↓ + Y → R → Lock-on → ↓ + Y → R → Lock-on → ↓ + Y → R → Lock-on → ↓ + Y
Landing starter, Double Jump, and midair Dragon Dash (total of 6 kicks) Dragon Dash → Lock-on → Land → Jump → Dragon Kick → Jump → Dragon Kick → Dragon Dash → Lock-on → Dragon Kick → Dragon Dash → Lock-on → Dragon Kick → Dragon Dash → Lock-on → Dragon Kick → Dragon Dash → Lock-on → Dragon Kick R → Lock-on → Land → B↓ + YB↓ + Y → R → Lock-on → ↓ + Y → R → Lock-on → ↓ + Y → R → Lock-on → ↓ + Y → R → Lock-on → ↓ + Y

Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder Contract

Placeholder  (N/A)

"Specialized in fighting groups. Capable of multiple lock-ons." ― Atruum's Den

"Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder Shinobi can lock onto multiple enemies at once, allowing his Dragon Skills (except for Meteor) to attack many targets at once.

His Dragon Kick will lose power when connecting with multiple enemies, but his shuriken[d] will always deal the same amount.

He can also air jump up to 3 times and perform a Dragon Kick at any point during lock-on."

Icon Quest Notification.pngGame Tips

Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder Contract is Shinobi's fourth available Contract, added in Version 2.2.0. [Placeholder]

[Info about Thunder Dragon Kick]

Dragon Kick Damage based on Total Target Count
Targets Motion Value Formula
1 PIE * 21.00
2 PIE * 16.80
3 PIE * 15.75
4 PIE * 14.70
5 PIE * 13.65
6+ PIE * 13.12

Icon Element Ice.pngIce Contract

Placeholder  (N/A)

"Atk. increased, def. decreased. Meteor power limits removed." ― Atruum's Den

"Icon Element Ice.pngIce Shinobi's Dragon Dash cannot avoid enemy attacks, but his Dragon Skills have high power.

His Dragon Meteor can only be used late in his lock-on combo, but in exchange it deals the most damage of any Shinobi contract.[e]"

Icon Quest Notification.pngGame Tips

Icon Element Ice.pngIce Contract is Shinobi's fifth available Contract, added in Version 2.3.0. [Placeholder]

Differences Between Contracts per Ability

The following charts show specific data for the differences between each Contract.[2]

Double Jump Contract Differences

Double Jump Contract Differences
Contract Additional Air Hops
Icon Element Poison.pngPoison 1
Icon Element Fire.pngFire 2
Icon Element Wind.pngWind 1
Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder 3
Icon Element Ice.pngIce 1

Dragon Dash & Lock-on Time Contract Differences

Dragon Dash & Lock-on Time Contract Differences
Contract DP Cost Lock-on Time Air Uses Distance Distance ÷ DP Cost Speed
Icon Element Poison.pngPoison 0.5 segment 5 sec. 2 4.5 9.0 9.0
Icon Element Fire.pngFire 1 segment 7.9 sec. 1 6.7 6.7 7.9
Icon Element Wind.pngWind 0.25 segment 5 sec. 4 2.2 8.8 7.3
Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder 1 segment 5 sec. 2 2.6 5.2 8.7
Icon Element Ice.pngIce 0.5 segment 5 sec. 2 3.0 6.0 8.6

Dragon Kick Contract Differences

Dragon Kick Contract Differences
Contract DP Cost Motion Value Min. Combo before Activation
Icon Element Poison.pngPoison 2 segments PIE * 34 3 midair slashes
Icon Element Fire.pngFire 2.5 segments PIE * 44 4 midair slashes
Icon Element Wind.pngWind 1 segments PIE * 16.75 0 midair slashes
Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder 2 segments PIE * 21 0 midair slashes
Icon Element Ice.pngIce 2 segments PIE * 40 3 midair slashes

Dragon Meteor Contract Differences

Dragon Meteor Contract Differences
Note: More hits = more damage scaling until max. combo reached.
Element DP Cost Min. Power Max. Power Damage Scaling Max. Hits for Damage Scaling
Icon Element Poison.pngPoison 3 segments 32.05 73.98 2.47 21 hits
Icon Element Fire.pngFire 4 segments 90.00 90.00 0 0 hits
Icon Element Wind.pngWind 1 segment 21.15 40.18 0.70 31 hits
Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder 3 segments 23.33 69.99 1.17 41 hits
Icon Element Ice.pngIce 3 segments 17.45 233.83 3.49 66 hits

Normal Shuriken Contract Differences

Normal Shuriken Contract Differences
Contract DP Cost Shuriken Count
Icon Element Poison.pngPoison 0.5 segments 6
Icon Element Fire.pngFire 0.8 segments 8
Icon Element Wind.pngWind 0.2 segments 4
Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder 0.4 segments 3
Icon Element Ice.pngIce 0.5 segments 7

Homing Shuriken Contract Differences

Homing Shuriken Contract Differences
Contract DP Cost Shuriken Count Motion Value Total Motion Value
Icon Element Poison.pngPoison 0.5 segments 4 PIE * 1.4 PIE * 5.6
Icon Element Fire.pngFire 0.8 segments 2 PIE * 4.4 PIE * 8.8
Icon Element Wind.pngWind 0.2 segments 8 PIE * 0.6 PIE * 4.8
Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder 0.4 segments 2 PIE * 1.5 PIE * 3.0
Icon Element Ice.pngIce 0.5 segments 3 PIE * 1.65 PIE * 4.95

Normal Giant Shuriken Contract Differences

Normal Giant Shuriken Contract Differences
Contract DP Cost Motion Value
Icon Element Poison.pngPoison 1 segment 13.00
Icon Element Fire.pngFire 1.5 segments 16.25
Icon Element Wind.pngWind 0.4 segment 6.80
Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder 0.8 segment 9.00
Icon Element Ice.pngIce 1 segment 14.58

Homing Giant Shuriken Contract Differences

Homing Giant Shuriken Contract Differences
Contract DP Cost Motion Value Duration
Icon Element Poison.pngPoison 2 segments 7.50 3.1 sec.
Icon Element Fire.pngFire 3 segments 4.50 7.9 sec.
Icon Element Wind.pngWind 0.8 segment 1.40 6.4 sec.
Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder 1.6 segments 5.00 3.1 sec.
Icon Element Ice.pngIce 2 segments 8.17 3.1 sec.

Maximum Hits for Dragon Meteor Damage Scaling Contract Differences

Maximum Hits for Dragon Meteor Damage Scaling Contract Differences
Contract Max. Limit for Damage Scaling
Icon Element Poison.pngPoison 21 hits
Icon Element Fire.pngFire 0 hits
Icon Element Wind.pngWind 31 hits
Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder 41 hits
Icon Element Ice.pngIce 66 hits

Example Builds

Status Calculation

Final Status = Base Status + (Growth Rate * Level) + Equipment Status

The following tables show Shinobi's Growth Rates and Base Status values per Level.

Growth Rates per Stat
Growth Rate 20% 40% 10% 20% 30% 30%
Base Stats per Level
1 4 7 4 4 6 5
2 4 7 4 4 6 5
3 4 8 4 4 6 5
4 4 8 4 4 7 6
5 5 9 4 5 7 6
6 5 9 4 5 7 6
7 5 9 4 5 8 7
8 5 10 4 5 8 7
9 5 10 4 5 8 7
10 6 11 5 6 9 8
11 6 11 5 6 9 8
12 6 11 5 6 9 8
13 6 12 5 6 9 8
14 6 12 5 6 10 9
15 7 13 5 7 10 9
16 7 13 5 7 10 9
17 7 13 5 7 11 10
18 7 14 5 7 11 10
19 7 14 5 7 11 10
20 8 15 6 8 12 11
21 8 15 6 8 12 11
22 8 15 6 8 12 11
23 8 16 6 8 12 11
24 8 16 6 8 13 12
25 9 17 6 9 13 12
26 9 17 6 9 13 12
27 9 17 6 9 14 13
28 9 18 6 9 14 13
29 9 18 6 9 14 13
30 10 19 7 10 15 14
31 10 19 7 10 15 14
32 10 19 7 10 15 14
33 10 20 7 10 15 14
34 10 20 7 10 16 15
35 11 21 7 11 16 15
36 11 21 7 11 16 15
37 11 21 7 11 17 16
38 11 22 7 11 17 16
39 11 22 7 11 17 16
40 12 23 8 12 18 17
41 12 23 8 12 18 17
42 12 23 8 12 18 17
43 12 24 8 12 18 17
44 12 24 8 12 19 18
45 13 25 8 13 19 18
46 13 25 8 13 19 18
47 13 25 8 13 20 19
48 13 26 8 13 20 19
49 13 26 8 13 20 19
50 14 27 9 14 21 20
51 14 27 9 14 21 20
52 14 27 9 14 21 20
53 14 28 9 14 21 20
54 14 28 9 14 22 21
55 15 29 9 15 22 21
56 15 29 9 15 22 21
57 15 29 9 15 23 22
58 15 30 9 15 23 22
59 15 30 9 15 23 22
60 16 31 10 16 24 23
61 16 31 10 16 24 23
62 16 31 10 16 24 23
63 16 32 10 16 24 23
64 16 32 10 16 25 24
65 17 33 10 17 25 24
66 17 33 10 17 25 24
67 17 33 10 17 26 25
68 17 34 10 17 26 25
69 17 34 10 17 26 25
70 18 35 11 18 27 26
71 18 35 11 18 27 26
72 18 35 11 18 27 26
73 18 36 11 18 27 26
74 18 36 11 18 28 27
75 19 37 11 19 28 27
76 19 37 11 19 28 27
77 19 37 11 19 29 28
78 19 38 11 19 29 28
79 19 38 11 19 29 28
80 20 39 12 20 30 29
81 20 39 12 20 30 29
82 20 39 12 20 30 29
83 20 40 12 20 30 29
84 20 40 12 20 31 30
85 21 41 12 21 31 30
86 21 41 12 21 31 30
87 21 41 12 21 32 31
88 21 42 12 21 32 31
89 21 42 12 21 32 31
90 22 43 13 22 33 32
91 22 43 13 22 33 32
92 22 43 13 22 33 32
93 22 44 13 22 33 32
94 22 44 13 22 34 33
95 23 45 13 23 34 33
96 23 45 13 23 34 33
97 23 45 13 23 35 34
98 23 46 13 23 35 34
99 23 46 13 23 35 34
100 24 47 14 24 36 35

[Name of Attack Type or Build] - [Insert main stats here]


Recommended Dragon Contracts
Contract Info
Icon Element Ice.pngIce It is a baseline contract and Dragon Guard is easy to use, making it good for an all-around or support build in parties
Icon Element Fire.pngFire Icon Status Ailment Burn.pngBurn deals 1.5x Physical damage and it has the strongest Icon Weapon Axe (N).pngAxe War Cry (5.4x Physical damage)
Icon Element Poison.pngPoison It takes advantage of long Dragon's Rage time (15 seconds) with a +100% damage boost

Teamwork Strategies

Your Role


[Any subsections]



The following sections show miscellaneous information and data.

Movement Speed

The following table shows Shinobi's movement speed in certain situations compared to Empress.[2]

Movement Speed
Situation Movement Speed
VS. Empress 107.0%

Attack Types & Stats for Abilities

The following is a summary of the Attack Types and relevant stats that affect Shinobi's abilities.

Attack Types & Stats for Abilities
Ability Affected By
Basic Abilities Physical (STR and AGI) or Magical (INT and LUC)
Attack Dragon Skills Holy (PIE)
Dragon Guard Amount of Healing Warrior's PIE and target's VIT

Favorite Food

Shinobi's favorite foods are:

  • Icon Consumable Candy (N).pngPlum Rice Ball (heal 100% HP)
  • Icon Drop Rice Ball.pngRice Ball (heal 30% HP)
  • Icon Drop Rice Ball Set.pngRice Ball Set (heal 50% HP)

Every other character's favorite food heals 15% HP (S) and 25% HP (L).[2]



  1. Example footnote.
  2. Icon Element Fire.pngFire Contract does not have this feature.
  3. This is false. You can only perform the Icon Element Fire.pngFire Dragon Meteor after 4 hits of the Lock-on spin combo, right before the Knee kick.
  4. Homing Shuriken.
  5. This means that Icon Element Ice.pngIce Dragon Meteor's damage scaling is the highest of Shinobi's Contracts. You can increase the damage of the Dragon Meteor extremely high.
