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Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngSwords are a type of melee Weapon used by the Empress in Dragon Marked For Death.


Basic List

This list contains the names and levels of all base +grade Swords.

Weapons Basic List
Weapon Equipment Level
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngShortsword 1
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngHunter's Sword 5
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngWakizashi (Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngWakizashi-kai) 10
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngLongsword 15
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngBastard Sword (Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngMighty Sword) 20
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngSpatha (Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngLucky Sword) 25
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngBroadsword (Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngApas Blade) 30
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngKatana (Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngKikuichimonji) 35
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngKnight Sword (Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngJoyeuse) 40
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngAnelace (Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngRune Anelace) 45
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngDragon Slayer (Sword) 50
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngRepaired Nagamaki (Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngYamato Norinaga) 55
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngFlamberge (Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngFroberge) 60
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngExecutioner's Sword (Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngSword of Justice) 65
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngKatzbalger (Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngEmperor Sword) 70
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngSengo Masashige (Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngSengo Muramasa) 75
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngArming Sword (Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngBlutgang) 80
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngBacksword (Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngClaiomh Solais) 85
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngScramasax (Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngCaladbolg) 90
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngHrotti 95, 95, 95, 95
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngLævateinn 100, 100, 100, 100
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngBlood Sword 35, 70, 90, 100
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngGoujian Sword 60, 80, 90, 100
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngTizona 65, 75, 95, 100
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngMasamune 80, 90, 95, 100
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngExcalibur 100, 100, 100, 100
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngVorpal Sword 90, 95, 100, 100
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngBalmung 80
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngSanmyou-no-Ken 100
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngSumeragi Glaive 10
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngMedius Knight's Sword 5
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngMedius Captain's Sword 45
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngMedius Heirloom Sword 60
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngMedius Templar's Sword 70
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngMedius Templar's Blade 80
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngMedius Templar's Glaive 90
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngMedius Relic Blade 100

Drop List

This list contains Quest Drops and / or Materials for each Weapon. Please manually expand the charts that you want to view.

Normal Weapons Drop List
Weapon Quest Rarity
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngShortsword The Doomed Clan Q.Lv. 1 ?
The Ogre Fort Q.Lv. 1-10 ?
Cavern of Torment: Floor 31-40 ?
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngHunter's Sword The Doomed Clan Q.Lv. 1 ?
Dreaming of Treasure Q.Lv. 3-25 ?
The Frigid Nest Q.Lv. 5 ?
Undying Dragon Q.Lv. 10 ?
Twin Dragon's End Q.Lv. 15 ?
Brother and Sister Q.Lv. 15 ?
Cavern of Torment: Floor 1-10 ?
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngWakizashi (Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngWakizashi-kai) Dragonblood Village Q.Lv. 10 ?
The Castle Burns Q.Lv. 15-35 ?
They Come From Hell Q.Lv. 20-30 ?
Aim for High Heaven Q.Lv. 10 ?
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngLongsword Sea of Tumult Q.Lv. 5-40 ?
The Frigid Nest Q.Lv. 15 ?
Unearthed Royalty Q.Lv. 15 ?
Dragon's Struggle Q.Lv. 35 ?
Cavern of Torment: Floor 11-20 ?
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngBastard Sword (Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngMighty Sword) Dragonblood Village Q.Lv. 20 ?
The Ogre Fort Q.Lv. 20-50 ?
Werewolf Hunting Q.Lv. 25 ?
Undying Dragon Q.Lv. 20 ?
Twin Dragon's End Q.Lv. 15-45 ?
The Sleeping Tome Q.Lv. 20 ?
Aim for High Heaven Q.Lv. 20 ?
Cavern of Torment: Floor 11-20, 21-30 ?
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngSpatha (Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngLucky Sword) Dreaming of Treasure Q.Lv. 25-40 ?
The Frigid Nest Q.Lv. 25 ?
Brother and Sister Q.Lv. 25-45 ?
Unearthed Royalty Q.Lv. 25 ?
Displaced Royalty Q.Lv. 20-40 ?
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngBroadsword (Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngApas Blade) Dragonblood Village Q.Lv. 30 ?
Werewolf Hunting Q.Lv. 35 ?
Undying Dragon Q.Lv. 45-70 ?
The Sleeping Tome Q.Lv. 30 ?
They Come From Hell Q.Lv. 40-50 ?
Aim for High Heaven Q.Lv. 30 ?
Cavern of Torment: Floor 21-30 ?
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngKatana (Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngKikuichimonji) The Frigid Nest Q.Lv. 40 ?
The Bell Tolls Q.Lv. 35-50 ?
Unearthed Royalty Q.Lv. 35 ?
Calamity's Portent Q.Lv. 35-55 ?
Cavern of Torment: Floor 41-50 ?
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngKnight Sword (Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngJoyeuse) Dragonblood Village Q.Lv. 40 ?
Werewolf Hunting Q.Lv. 50 ?
Undying Dragon Q.Lv. 30 ?
Twin Dragon's End Q.Lv. 60-70 ?
The Sleeping Tome Q.Lv. 40 ?
Dragon's Struggle Q.Lv. 50 ?
Truth in Heaven Q.Lv. 40-60 ?
Aim for High Heaven Q.Lv. 40 ?
Cavern of Torment: Floor 31-40 ?
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngAnelace (Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngRune Anelace) Dragonblood Village Q.Lv. 50 ?
Werewolf Hunting Q.Lv. 65 ?
Unearthed Royalty Q.Lv. 45 ?
Displaced Royalty Q.Lv. 50 ?
They Come From Hell Q.Lv. 60-80 ?
Soul Vessel Q.Lv. 25-60 ?
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngDragon Slayer (Sword) Undying Dragon Q.Lv. 45-70 ?
Twin Dragon's End Q.Lv. 45-70 ?
The Sleeping Tome Q.Lv. 50 ?
Marked for Death Q.Lv. 30-110 ?
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngRepaired Nagamaki (Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngYamato Norinaga) Werewolf Hunting Q.Lv. 55 ?
The Bell Tolls Q.Lv. 65-75 ?
Unearthed Royalty Q.Lv. 55 ?
The Castle Burns Q.Lv. 55-70 ?
Calamity's Portent Q.Lv. 70-90 ?
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngFlamberge (Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngFroberge) The Ogre Fort Q.Lv. 60-80 ?
Dragon's Struggle Q.Lv. 65-90 ?
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngExecutioner's Sword (Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngSword of Justice) Soul Vessel Q.Lv. 70-90 ?
Cavern of Torment: Floor 61-70 ?
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngKatzbalger (Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngEmperor Sword) Unearthed Royalty Q.Lv. 70 ?
Truth in Heaven Q.Lv. 70-100 ?
Cavern of Torment: Floor 71-80 ?
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngSengo Masashige (Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngSengo Muramasa) The Castle Burns Q.Lv. 80-100 ?
Calamity's Portent Q.Lv. 100-110 ?
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngArming Sword (Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngBlutgang) Undying Dragon Q.Lv. 80-100 ?
Twin Dragon's End Q.Lv. 80-100 ?
Unearthed Royalty Q.Lv. 80 ?
Dragon's Struggle Q.Lv. 100-110 ?
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngBacksword (Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngClaiomh Solais) Sea of Tumult Q.Lv. 80-110 ?
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngScramasax (Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngCaladbolg) The Ogre Fort Q.Lv. 90-110 ?
Werewolf Hunting Q.Lv. 90-110 ?
The Bell Tolls Q.Lv. 90-110 ?
Unearthed Royalty Q.Lv. 90-100 ?
Special Upgrade Weapons Drop and Recipe List
Weapon Grade Quest / Material Rarity / Amount
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngHrotti +0 Truth in Heaven Q.Lv.110 ?
The Castle Burns Q.Lv.110 ?
Cavern of Torment: Floor 101-110 ?
+1 Fork of Good Fortune 5
Hrotti 1
+2 Fork of Good Fortune 10
Hrotti +1 1
+3 Fork of Good Fortune 15
Hrotti +2 1
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngLævateinn +0 Undying Dragon Q.Lv.110 ?
Twin Dragon's End Q.Lv.110 ?
Soul Vessel: Q.Lv.110 ?
Cavern of Torment: Floor 111-120 ?
+1 Fork of Good Fortune 5
Lævateinn 1
+2 Fork of Good Fortune 10
Lævateinn +1 1
+3 Fork of Good Fortune 15
Lævateinn +2 1
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngBlood Sword +0 Unearthed Royalty Q.Lv. 55-90, 110 ?
Werewolf Hunting Q.Lv. 75 ?
+1 Orichalcum Ore 1
Blood Sword 1
+2 Orichalcum Ore 3
Blood Sword +1 1
+3 Orichalcum Ore 5
Blood Sword +2 1
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngGoujian Sword +0 They Come From Hell Q.Lv. 60-110 ?
Werewolf Hunting Q.Lv. 75 ?
+1 Ether 1
Goujian Sword 1
+2 Ether 3
Goujian Sword +1 1
+3 Ether 5
Goujian Sword +2 1
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngTizona +0 Sea of Tumult Q.Lv. 60-80 ?
+1 Mythril Ore 1
Tizona 1
+2 Mythril Ore 3
Tizona +1 1
+3 Mythril Ore 5
Tizona +2 1
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngMasamune +0 The Castle Burns Q.Lv. 45-90 ?
+1 Tamahagane 1
Masamune 1
+2 Tamahagane 3
Masamune +1 1
+3 Tamahagane 5
Masamune +2 1
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngExcalibur +0 Soul Vessel: Q.Lv.100 ?
Cavern of Torment: Floor 91-100 ?
+1 Orichalcum Ore 1
Excalibur 1
+2 Orichalcum Ore 3
Excalibur +1 1
Claiomh Solais 1
+3 Orichalcum Ore 5
Excalibur +2 1
Caladbolg 1
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngVorpal Sword +0 Marked For Death Q.Lv. 90-110 ?
+1 Mythril Ore 1
Vorpal Sword 1
+2 Mythril Ore 3
Vorpal Sword +1 1
+3 Mythril Ore 5
Vorpal Sword +2 1
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngBalmung Orichalcum Ore 10
Adamantite Ore 10
Mythril Ore 10
Hrotti +3 1
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngSanmyou-no-Ken Tamahagane 10
Sengo Muramasa 2
Black Market and DLC Weapons Drop and Recipe List
Weapon Material Amount
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngSumeragi Glaive Preorder DLC, Weapon Shops
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngMedius Knight's Sword Hunter's Sword +3 1
Litus Silver Piece 3
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngMedius Captain's Sword Rune Anelace 1
Animal Pelt 1
Beast Fang 1
Litus Gold Piece 10
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngMedius Heirloom Sword Medius Captain's Sword 1
Litus Gold Piece 7
Litus Silver Piece 5
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngMedius Templar's Sword Sword of Justice 1
Animal Pelt 5
Beast Fang 5
Litus Platinum Piece 4
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngMedius Templar's Blade Blutgang 1
Animal Eye 5
Ogre Eyeball 5
Litus Platinum Piece 4
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngMedius Templar's Glaive Medius Templar's Blade 1
Dragon Horn 5
Litus Platinum Piece 4
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngMedius Relic Blade Medius Templar's Glaive 1
Medius Heirloom Sword 1
Dragon Scale 5
Litus Platinum Piece 4

Detailed List

The following table includes stat information. Columns for certain attributes have been omitted due to being empty across all Equipment. Please manually expand the charts that you want to view.

Level 1-5 Swords
Weapon Lv STR AGI VIT ATK CRT Effect
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngShortsword

Icon Class Empress (1).png

1 13 ATK
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngShortsword +1

Icon Class Empress (1).png

1 1 AGI 17 ATK 5 CRT
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngShortsword +2

Icon Class Empress (1).png

1 5 AGI 22 ATK 10 CRT +25% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngShortsword +3

Icon Class Empress (1).png

1 10 AGI 27 ATK 15 CRT +50% P.dmg. to Lv.10+ enemies
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngHunter's Sword

Icon Class Empress (1).png

5 14 ATK
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngHunter's Sword +1

Icon Class Empress (1).png

5 1 STR 1 VIT 19 ATK
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngHunter's Sword +2

Icon Class Empress (1).png

5 3 STR 3 VIT 24 ATK +50 P.dmg. VS Primal
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngHunter's Sword +3

Icon Class Empress (1).png

5 6 STR 6 VIT 29 ATK +50% P.dmg. VS Primal

+50% P.dmg. to Lv.10+ enemies

Level 10-15 Swords
Weapon Lv STR AGI ATK ACC CRT Effect
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngWakizashi

Icon Class Empress (1).png

10 17 ATK
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngWakizashi +1

Icon Class Empress (1).png

10 1 STR 1 AGI 22 ATK
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngWakizashi +2

Icon Class Empress (1).png

10 3 STR 3 AGI 27 ATK 5 CRT +50% P.dmg. VS Deva
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngWakizashi-kai

Icon Class Empress (1).png

10 6 STR 6 AGI 32 ATK 10 CRT +50% P.dmg. VS Deva

+50% P.dmg. to Lv.10+ enemies

Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngLongsword

Icon Class Empress (1).png

15 19 ATK
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngLongsword +1

Icon Class Empress (1).png

15 27 ATK 2 ACC +25% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngLongsword +2

Icon Class Empress (1).png

15 31 ATK 5 ACC +25% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngLongsword +3

Icon Class Empress (1).png

15 36 ATK 10 ACC +50% P.dmg. to Lv.10+ enemies
Level 20-25 Swords
Weapon Lv STR AGI LUC ATK CRT Effect
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngBastard Sword

Icon Class Empress (1).png

20 22 ATK P.Atk.+50% during Drg Sphere
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngBastard Sword +1

Icon Class Empress (1).png

20 2 STR 27 ATK P.Atk.+50% during Drg Sphere
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngBastard Sword +2

Icon Class Empress (1).png

20 5 STR 34 ATK P.Atk.+100% during Drg Sphere
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngMighty Sword

Icon Class Empress (1).png

20 12 STR 42 ATK P.Atk.+100% during Drg Sphere
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngSpatha

Icon Class Empress (1).png

25 24 ATK
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngSpatha +1

Icon Class Empress (1).png

25 2 AGI 29 ATK 5 CRT
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngSpatha +2

Icon Class Empress (1).png

25 7 AGI 34 ATK 10 CRT +25% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngLucky Sword

Icon Class Empress (1).png

25 15 AGI 10 LUC 44 ATK 15 CRT +50% P.dmg. to Lv.10+ enemies
Level 30-35 Swords
Weapon Lv Element STR AGI VIT ATK CRT Effect
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngBroadsword

Icon Class Empress (1).png

30 27 ATK +100% P.dmg. to Lv.10+ enemies
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngBroadsword +1

Icon Class Empress (1).png

30 2 STR 2 VIT 32 ATK +50% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngBroadsword +2

Icon Class Empress (1).png

30 5 STR 5 VIT 37 ATK P.Atk. +50% during Drg sphere
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngApas Blade

Icon Class Empress (1).png

30 Icon Element Ice.pngIce 9 STR 9 VIT 47 ATK P.Atk. +100% during Drg Sphere
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngKatana

Icon Class Empress (1).png

35 29 ATK
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngKatana +1

Icon Class Empress (1).png

35 2 STR 2 AGI 34 ATK
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngKatana +2

Icon Class Empress (1).png

35 5 STR 5 AGI 39 ATK 5 CRT +50% P.dmg. VS Deva
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngKikuichimonji

Icon Class Empress (1).png

35 9 STR 9 AGI 46 ATK 10 CRT +50% P.dmg. VS Deva
Level 40-45 Swords
Weapon Lv Element STR INT VIT PIE ATK M.ATK ACC Effect
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngKnight Sword

Icon Class Empress (1).png

40 1 PIE 32 ATK
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngKnight Sword +1

Icon Class Empress (1).png

40 3 PIE 40 ATK 2 ACC +25% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngKnight Sword +2

Icon Class Empress (1).png

40 7 PIE 44 ATK 5 ACC +50% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngJoyeuse

Icon Class Empress (1).png

40 12 PIE 54 ATK 10 ACC +100% P.dmg. to Lv.10+ enemies

P.Atk. +50% during Drg Sphere

Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngAnelace

Icon Class Empress (1).png

45 34 ATK
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngAnelace +1

Icon Class Empress (1).png

45 2 STR 3 VIT 39 ATK
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngAnelace +2

Icon Class Empress (1).png

45 Icon Element Fire.pngFire 5 STR 7 VIT 44 ATK +50% P.dmg. VS Primal
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngRune Anelace

Icon Class Empress (1).png

45 Icon Element Fire.pngFire 20 INT 12 VIT 54 ATK 80 M.ATK Deals magical damage

+50% M.dmg. VS Primal

Level 50-55 Swords
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngDragon Slayer

Icon Class Empress (1).png

50 42 ATK +50% P.dmg. VS Asura
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngDragon Slayer +1

Icon Class Empress (1).png

50 3 STR 47 ATK 5 ACC +50% P.dmg. VS Asura
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngDragon Slayer +2

Icon Class Empress (1).png

50 7 STR 52 ATK 10 ACC +50% P.dmg. VS Asura
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngDragon Slayer +3

Icon Class Empress (1).png

50 15 STR 57 ATK 20 ACC +50% P.dmg. VS Asura

+50% P.dmg. to Lv.10+ enemies

Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngRepaired Nagamaki

Icon Class Empress (1).png

55 5 PIE 40 ATK
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngRepaired Nagamaki +1

Icon Class Empress (1).png

55 5 STR 5 AGI 5 PIE 48 ATK
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngRepaired Nagamaki +2

Icon Class Empress (1).png

55 8 STR 8 AGI 8 PIE 52 ATK 8 CRT +50% P.dmg. VS Deva
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngYamato Norinaga

Icon Class Empress (1).png

55 12 STR 12 AGI 12 PIE 60 ATK 12 CRT +50% P.dmg. VS Deva

+50% P.dmg. to Lv.10+ enemies

Level 60-65 Swords
Weapon Lv Element STR VIT PIE ATK M.ATK ACC M.ACC Effect
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngFlamberge

Icon Class Empress (1).png

60 10 PIE 47 ATK
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngFlamberge +1

Icon Class Empress (1).png

60 15 PIE 57 ATK 5 ACC +25% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngFlamberge +2

Icon Class Empress (1).png

60 20 PIE 62 ATK 10 ACC +50% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngFroberge

Icon Class Empress (1).png

60 Icon Element Fire.pngFire 25 PIE 62 ATK 115 M.ATK 20 M.ACC Deals magical damage

+50% M.dmg. to Lv.10+ enemies

Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngExecutioner's Sword

Icon Class Empress (1).png

65 5 STR 5 VIT 5 PIE 48 ATK +50% P.dmg. VS Primal
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngExecutioner's Sword +1

Icon Class Empress (1).png

65 7 STR 7 VIT 7 PIE 53 ATK +50% P.dmg. VS Primal

+25% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies

Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngExecutioner's Sword +2

Icon Class Empress (1).png

65 12 STR 12 VIT 12 PIE 57 ATK +50% P.dmg. VS Primal

+50% P.dmg. to Lv.10+ enemies

Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngSword of Justice

Icon Class Empress (1).png

65 15 STR 15 VIT 15 PIE 65 ATK 20 ACC +50% P.dmg. VS Primal

+50% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies

Level 70-75 Swords
Weapon Lv Element STR AGI LUC PIE ATK CRT Effect
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngKatzbalger

Icon Class Empress (1).png

70 5 AGI 5 PIE 47 ATK 5 CRT +25% P.dmg. VS Asura
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngKatzbalger +1

Icon Class Empress (1).png

70 7 AGI 7 LUC 7 PIE 55 ATK 7 CRT +25% P.dmg. VS Asura
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngKatzbalger +2

Icon Class Empress (1).png

70 12 AGI 12 LUC 12 PIE 62 ATK 12 CRT +25% P.dmg. VS Asura
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngEmperor Sword

Icon Class Empress (1).png

70 Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder 15 AGI 20 LUC 30 PIE 69 ATK 15 CRT +50% P.dmg. VS Asura

+50% P.dmg. to Lv.10+ enemies

Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngSengo Masashige

Icon Class Empress (1).png

75 5 STR 5 AGI 5 PIE 53 ATK 5 CRT +25% P.dmg. VS Deva
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngSengo Masashige +1

Icon Class Empress (1).png

75 8 STR 8 AGI 8 PIE 58 ATK 8 CRT +50% P.dmg. VS Deva
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngSengo Masashige +2

Icon Class Empress (1).png

75 12 STR 12 AGI 12 PIE 62 ATK 12 CRT +50% P.dmg. VS Deva
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngSengo Muramasa

Icon Class Empress (1).png

75 Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder 15 STR 15 AGI 15 PIE 70 ATK 15 CRT +50% P.dmg. VS Deva

+50% P.dmg. to Lv.10+ enemies

Night vision

Level 80-85 Swords
Weapon Lv Element STR AGI PIE ATK ACC Effect
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngArming Sword

Icon Class Empress (1).png

80 3 STR 52 ATK 5 ACC +25% P.dmg. to Lv.10+ enemies

Restore 2% HP every 5 seconds

Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngArming Sword +1

Icon Class Empress (1).png

80 7 STR 60 ATK 10 ACC +50% P.dmg. to Lv.10+ enemies

Restore 2% HP every 5 seconds

Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngArming Sword +2

Icon Class Empress (1).png

80 12 STR 67 ATK 20 ACC +50% P.dmg. to Lv.10+ enemies

Restore 2% HP every 5 seconds

Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngBlutgang

Icon Class Empress (1).png

80 20 STR 74 ATK 30 ACC +50% P.dmg. VS Primal

+50% P.dmg. to Lv.10+ enemies

Restore 3% HP every 3 seconds

Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngBacksword

Icon Class Empress (1).png

85 20 PIE 58 ATK 20 ACC +20% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies

+5% H.Atk. during neg. status

Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngBacksword +1

Icon Class Empress (1).png

85 5 AGI 30 PIE 63 ATK 25 ACC +30% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies

+10% H.Atk. during neg. status

Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngBacksword +2

Icon Class Empress (1).png

85 10 AGI 35 PIE 67 ATK 30 ACC +50% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies

+15% H.Atk. during neg. status

Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngClaiomh Solais

Icon Class Empress (1).png

85 Icon Element Fire.pngFire 15 AGI 45 PIE 75 ATK 35 ACC +75% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies

+25% H.Atk. during neg. status

Level 90 Swords
Weapon Lv Element AGI LUC ATK CRT Effect
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngScramasax

Icon Class Empress (1).png

90 5 AGI 57 ATK 5 CRT +25% P.dmg. to Lv.15+ enemies
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngScramasax +1

Icon Class Empress (1).png

90 10 AGI 65 ATK 10 CRT +50% P.dmg. to Lv.15+ enemies
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngScramasax +2

Icon Class Empress (1).png

90 15 AGI 10 LUC 72 ATK 15 CRT +75% P.dmg. to Lv.25+ enemies
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngCaladbolg

Icon Class Empress (1).png

90 Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder 20 AGI 20 LUC 79 ATK 20 CRT +100% P.dmg. to Lv.25+ enemies

P.Atk +200% during Drg. Sphere

Special Upgrade Swords
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngHrotti
Icon Class Empress (1).png
95 Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder 30 PIE 72 ATK 25 ACC +50% P.dmg. to Lv.1+ enemies
+5% Holy Atk. while HP full
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngHrotti +1
Icon Class Empress (1).png
95 Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder 5 AGI 35 PIE 77 ATK 30 ACC +60% P.dmg. to Lv.1+ enemies
+10% Holy Atk. while HP full
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngHrotti +2
Icon Class Empress (1).png
95 Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder 10 AGI 45 PIE 82 ATK 35 ACC +70% P.dmg. to Lv.1+ enemies
+15% Holy Atk. while HP full
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngHrotti +3
Icon Class Empress (1).png
95 Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder 15 AGI 60 PIE 84 ATK 40 ACC +80% P.dmg. to Lv.1+ enemies
+25% Holy Atk. while HP full
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngLævateinn
Icon Class Empress (1).png
100 Icon Element Fire.pngFire 10 STR 10 AGI 10 LUC 75 ATK 10 CRT +50% P.dmg. VS Primal
+50% P.dmg. to Lv.10+ enemies
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngLævateinn +1
Icon Class Empress (1).png
100 Icon Element Fire.pngFire 15 STR 15 AGI 15 LUC 80 ATK 15 CRT +50% P.dmg. VS Primal
+50% P.dmg. to Lv.10+ enemies
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngLævateinn +2
Icon Class Empress (1).png
100 Icon Element Fire.pngFire 20 STR 20 AGI 20 LUC 85 ATK 20 CRT +60% P.dmg. VS Primal
+50% P.dmg. to Lv.10+ enemies
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngLævateinn +3
Icon Class Empress (1).png
100 Icon Element Fire.pngFire 25 STR 25 AGI 25 LUC 87 ATK 25 CRT +75% P.dmg. VS Primal
+50% P.dmg. to Lv.10+ enemies
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngBlood Sword
Icon Class Empress (1).png
35 Icon Element Fire.pngFire 15 STR 49 ATK Permanent Burn status
+15% P.Atk. while fatigued
Max 15% P.Atk+ from Retry pts.
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngBlood Sword +1
Icon Class Empress (1).png
70 Icon Element Fire.pngFire 30 STR 69 ATK Permanent Burn status
+25% P.Atk. while fatigued
Max 25% P.Atk+ from Retry pts.
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngBlood Sword +2
Icon Class Empress (1).png
90 Icon Element Fire.pngFire 45 STR 81 ATK Permanent Burn status
+50% P.Atk. while fatigued
Max 50% P.Atk+ from Retry pts.
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngBlood Sword +3
Icon Class Empress (1).png
100 Icon Element Fire.pngFire 60 STR 87 ATK Permanent Burn status
+75% P.Atk. while fatigued
Max 75% P.Atk+ from Retry pts.
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngGoujian Sword
Icon Class Empress (1).png
60 Icon Element Poison.pngPoison 15 STR 15 VIT 15 PIE 64 ATK +50% P.dmg. VS Deva
Natural DP recovery limit +100%
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngGoujian Sword +1
Icon Class Empress (1).png
80 Icon Element Poison.pngPoison 20 STR 20 VIT 30 PIE 76 ATK +75% P.dmg. VS Deva
Natural DP recovery limit +200%
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngGoujian Sword +2
Icon Class Empress (1).png
90 Icon Element Poison.pngPoison 25 STR 25 VIT 45 PIE 81 ATK +100% P.dmg. VS Deva
Natural DP recovery limit +300%
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngGoujian Sword +3
Icon Class Empress (1).png
100 Icon Element Poison.pngPoison 30 STR 30 VIT 60 PIE 87 ATK +150% P.dmg. VS Deva
Natural DP recovery limit +400%
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngTizona
Icon Class Empress (1).png
65 Icon Element Wind.pngWind 20 AGI 20 INT 67 ATK 120 M.ATK Deals magical damage
+25% M.Atk. while HP full
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngTizona +1
Icon Class Empress (1).png
75 Icon Element Wind.pngWind 30 AGI 30 INT 74 ATK 140 M.ATK 15 ACC Deals magical damage
+50% M.Atk. while HP full
Plant items heal 5% on use
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngTizona +2
Icon Class Empress (1).png
95 Icon Element Wind.pngWind 40 AGI 50 INT 84 ATK 170 M.ATK 30 ACC Deals magical damage
+100% M.Atk. while HP full
Plant items heal 10% on use
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngTizona +3
Icon Class Empress (1).png
100 Icon Element Wind.pngWind 50 AGI 70 INT 87 ATK 200 M.ATK 50 ACC Deals magical damage
+150% M.Atk. while HP full
Plant items heal 15% on use
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngMasamune
Icon Class Empress (1).png
80 15 STR 12 AGI 74 ATK 15 CRT +50% P.dmg. VS Primal
Powder items effect +15 sec.
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngMasamune +1
Icon Class Empress (1).png
90 20 STR 16 AGI 81 ATK 20 CRT +75% P.dmg. VS Primal
Powder items effect +30 sec.
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngMasamune +2
Icon Class Empress (1).png
95 25 STR 20 AGI 84 ATK 25 CRT +100% P.dmg. VS Primal
Powder items effect +60 sec.
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngMasamune +3
Icon Class Empress (1).png
100 30 STR 24 AGI 87 ATK 30 CRT +150% P.dmg. VS Primal
Powder items effect +120 sec.
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngExcalibur
Icon Class Empress (1).png
100 100 ATK 20 ACC +100% P.dmg. to Lv.10+ enemies
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngExcalibur +1
Icon Class Empress (1).png
100 100 ATK 40 ACC +100% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngExcalibur +2
Icon Class Empress (1).png
100 Icon Element Fire.pngFire 15 AGI 45 PIE 100 ATK 45 ACC +100% P.dmg. to Lv.3+ enemies
+25% H.Atk. during neg. status
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngExcalibur +3
Icon Class Empress (1).png
100 Icon Element Fire.pngFire 25 AGI 25 LUC 45 PIE 100 ATK 45 ACC 25 CRT +100% P.dmg. to Lv.3+ enemies
P.Atk.+200% during Drg Sphere
+25% H.Atk. during neg. status
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngVorpal Sword
Icon Class Empress (1).png
90 Icon Element Ice.pngIce 30 AGI 81 ATK
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngVorpal Sword +1
Icon Class Empress (1).png
95 Icon Element Ice.pngIce 40 AGI 119 ATK 20 CRT
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngVorpal Sword +2
Icon Class Empress (1).png
100 Icon Element Ice.pngIce 50 AGI 167 ATK 40 CRT
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngVorpal Sword +3
Icon Class Empress (1).png
100 Icon Element Ice.pngIce 70 AGI 219 ATK 99 CRT
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngBalmung
Icon Class Empress (1).png
80 Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder 25 STR 100 PIE 76 ATK 100 ACC +100% P.dmg. VS Asura
+100% P.dmg. to Lv.1+ enemies
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngSanmyou-no-Ken
Icon Class Empress (1).png
100 Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder 25 STR 25 AGI 45 PIE 87 ATK 40 CRT +75% P.dmg. VS Deva
+75% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies
Black Market and DLC Swords
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngSumeragi Glaive
Icon Class Empress (1).png
10 Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder 1 STR 1 AGI 1 INT 1 VIT 1 LUC 1 PIE 22 ATK 5 ACC P.dmg.+50% during Drg Sphere
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngMedius Knight's Sword
Icon Class Empress (1).png
5 6 STR 8 VIT 10 PIE 34 ATK +50% P.dmg. VS Primal
+50% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngMedius Captain's Sword
Icon Class Empress (1).png
45 Icon Element Fire.pngFire 20 INT 15 VIT 25 PIE 54 ATK 92 M.ATK Deals magical damage
+50% M.dmg. VS Primal
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngMedius Heirloom Sword
Icon Class Empress (1).png
60 Icon Element Fire.pngFire 20 INT 20 VIT 35 PIE 62 ATK 92 M.ATK Deals magical damage
+50% M.dmg. VS Primal
+50% M.dmg. VS Asura
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngMedius Templar's Sword
Icon Class Empress (1).png
70 15 AGI 25 VIT 40 PIE 67 ATK +50% P.dmg. VS Primal
+50% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngMedius Templar's Blade
Icon Class Empress (1).png
80 20 STR 15 AGI 40 PIE 72 ATK 15 ACC +50% P.dmg. VS Primal
+50% P.dmg. to Lv.10+ enemies
Restore 3% HP every 3 seconds
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngMedius Templar's Glaive
Icon Class Empress (1).png
90 20 STR 20 AGI 55 PIE 79 ATK 20 ACC +50% P.dmg. VS Primal
+50% P.dmg. to Lv.10+ enemies
Restore 3% HP every 3 seconds
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngMedius Relic Blade
Icon Class Empress (1).png
100 Icon Element Fire.pngFire 25 STR 25 AGI 25 INT 25 VIT 60 PIE 87 ATK 25 ACC +75% P.dmg. VS Primal
+75% P.dmg. VS Asura
Restore 5% HP every 3 seconds
All Swords
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngShortsword
Icon Class Empress (1).png
1 13 ATK
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngShortsword +1
Icon Class Empress (1).png
1 1 AGI 17 ATK 5 CRT
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngShortsword +2
Icon Class Empress (1).png
1 5 AGI 22 ATK 10 CRT +25% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngShortsword +3
Icon Class Empress (1).png
1 10 AGI 27 ATK 15 CRT +50% P.dmg. to Lv.10+ enemies
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngHunter's Sword
Icon Class Empress (1).png
5 14 ATK
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngHunter's Sword +1
Icon Class Empress (1).png
5 1 STR 1 VIT 19 ATK
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngHunter's Sword +2
Icon Class Empress (1).png
5 3 STR 3 VIT 24 ATK +50 P.dmg. VS Primal
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngHunter's Sword +3
Icon Class Empress (1).png
5 6 STR 6 VIT 29 ATK +50% P.dmg. VS Primal

+50% P.dmg. to Lv.10+ enemies

Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngWakizashi
Icon Class Empress (1).png
10 17 ATK
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngWakizashi +1
Icon Class Empress (1).png
10 1 STR 1 AGI 22 ATK
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngWakizashi +2
Icon Class Empress (1).png
10 3 STR 3 AGI 27 ATK 5 CRT +50% P.dmg. VS Deva
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngWakizashi-kai
Icon Class Empress (1).png
10 6 STR 6 AGI 32 ATK 10 CRT +50% P.dmg. VS Deva

+50% P.dmg. to Lv.10+ enemies

Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngLongsword
Icon Class Empress (1).png
15 19 ATK
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngLongsword +1
Icon Class Empress (1).png
15 27 ATK 2 ACC +25% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngLongsword +2
Icon Class Empress (1).png
15 31 ATK 5 ACC +25% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngLongsword +3
Icon Class Empress (1).png
15 36 ATK 10 ACC +50% P.dmg. to Lv.10+ enemies
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngBastard Sword
Icon Class Empress (1).png
20 22 ATK P.Atk.+50% during Drg Sphere
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngBastard Sword +1
Icon Class Empress (1).png
20 2 STR 27 ATK P.Atk.+50% during Drg Sphere
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngBastard Sword +2
Icon Class Empress (1).png
20 5 STR 34 ATK P.Atk.+100% during Drg Sphere
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngMighty Sword
Icon Class Empress (1).png
20 12 STR 42 ATK P.Atk.+100% during Drg Sphere
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngSpatha
Icon Class Empress (1).png
25 24 ATK
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngSpatha +1
Icon Class Empress (1).png
25 2 AGI 29 ATK 5 CRT
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngSpatha +2
Icon Class Empress (1).png
25 7 AGI 34 ATK 10 CRT +25% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngLucky Sword
Icon Class Empress (1).png
25 15 AGI 10 LUC 44 ATK 15 CRT +50% P.dmg. to Lv.10+ enemies
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngBroadsword
Icon Class Empress (1).png
30 27 ATK +100% P.dmg. to Lv.10+ enemies
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngBroadsword +1
Icon Class Empress (1).png
30 2 STR 2 VIT 32 ATK +50% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngBroadsword +2
Icon Class Empress (1).png
30 5 STR 5 VIT 37 ATK P.Atk. +50% during Drg sphere
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngApas Blade
Icon Class Empress (1).png
30 Icon Element Ice.pngIce 9 STR 9 VIT 47 ATK P.Atk. +100% during Drg Sphere
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngKatana
Icon Class Empress (1).png
35 29 ATK
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngKatana +1
Icon Class Empress (1).png
35 2 STR 2 AGI 34 ATK
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngKatana +2
Icon Class Empress (1).png
35 5 STR 5 AGI 39 ATK 5 CRT +50% P.dmg. VS Deva
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngKikuichimonji
Icon Class Empress (1).png
35 9 STR 9 AGI 46 ATK 10 CRT +50% P.dmg. VS Deva
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngKnight Sword
Icon Class Empress (1).png
40 1 PIE 32 ATK
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngKnight Sword +1
Icon Class Empress (1).png
40 3 PIE 40 ATK 2 ACC +25% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngKnight Sword +2
Icon Class Empress (1).png
40 7 PIE 44 ATK 5 ACC +50% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngJoyeuse
Icon Class Empress (1).png
40 12 PIE 54 ATK 10 ACC +100% P.dmg. to Lv.10+ enemies

P.Atk. +50% during Drg Sphere

Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngAnelace
Icon Class Empress (1).png
45 34 ATK
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngAnelace +1
Icon Class Empress (1).png
45 2 STR 3 VIT 39 ATK
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngAnelace +2
Icon Class Empress (1).png
45 Icon Element Fire.pngFire 5 STR 7 VIT 44 ATK +50% P.dmg. VS Primal
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngRune Anelace
Icon Class Empress (1).png
45 Icon Element Fire.pngFire 20 INT 12 VIT 54 ATK 80 M.ATK Deals magical damage

+50% M.dmg. VS Primal

Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngDragon Slayer
Icon Class Empress (1).png
50 42 ATK +50% P.dmg. VS Asura
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngDragon Slayer +1
Icon Class Empress (1).png
50 3 STR 47 ATK 5 ACC +50% P.dmg. VS Asura
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngDragon Slayer +2
Icon Class Empress (1).png
50 7 STR 52 ATK 10 ACC +50% P.dmg. VS Asura
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngDragon Slayer +3
Icon Class Empress (1).png
50 15 STR 57 ATK 20 ACC +50% P.dmg. VS Asura

+50% P.dmg. to Lv.10+ enemies

Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngRepaired Nagamaki
Icon Class Empress (1).png
55 5 PIE 40 ATK
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngRepaired Nagamaki +1
Icon Class Empress (1).png
55 5 STR 5 AGI 5 PIE 48 ATK
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngRepaired Nagamaki +2
Icon Class Empress (1).png
55 8 STR 8 AGI 8 PIE 52 ATK 8 CRT +50% P.dmg. VS Deva
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngYamato Norinaga
Icon Class Empress (1).png
55 12 STR 12 AGI 12 PIE 60 ATK 12 CRT +50% P.dmg. VS Deva

+50% P.dmg. to Lv.10+ enemies

Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngFlamberge
Icon Class Empress (1).png
60 10 PIE 47 ATK
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngFlamberge +1
Icon Class Empress (1).png
60 15 PIE 57 ATK 5 ACC +25% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngFlamberge +2
Icon Class Empress (1).png
60 20 PIE 62 ATK 10 ACC +50% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngFroberge
Icon Class Empress (1).png
60 Icon Element Fire.pngFire 25 PIE 62 ATK 115 M.ATK 20 M.ACC Deals magical damage

+50% M.dmg. to Lv.10+ enemies

Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngExecutioner's Sword
Icon Class Empress (1).png
65 5 STR 5 VIT 5 PIE 48 ATK +50% P.dmg. VS Primal
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngExecutioner's Sword +1
Icon Class Empress (1).png
65 7 STR 7 VIT 7 PIE 53 ATK +50% P.dmg. VS Primal

+25% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies

Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngExecutioner's Sword +2
Icon Class Empress (1).png
65 12 STR 12 VIT 12 PIE 57 ATK +50% P.dmg. VS Primal

+50% P.dmg. to Lv.10+ enemies

Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngSword of Justice
Icon Class Empress (1).png
65 15 STR 15 VIT 15 PIE 65 ATK 20 ACC +50% P.dmg. VS Primal

+50% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies

Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngKatzbalger
Icon Class Empress (1).png
70 5 AGI 5 PIE 47 ATK 5 CRT +25% P.dmg. VS Asura
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngKatzbalger +1
Icon Class Empress (1).png
70 7 AGI 7 LUC 7 PIE 55 ATK 7 CRT +25% P.dmg. VS Asura
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngKatzbalger +2
Icon Class Empress (1).png
70 12 AGI 12 LUC 12 PIE 62 ATK 12 CRT +25% P.dmg. VS Asura
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngEmperor Sword
Icon Class Empress (1).png
70 Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder 15 AGI 20 LUC 30 PIE 69 ATK 15 CRT +50% P.dmg. VS Asura

+50% P.dmg. to Lv.10+ enemies

Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngSengo Masashige
Icon Class Empress (1).png
75 5 STR 5 AGI 5 PIE 53 ATK 5 CRT +25% P.dmg. VS Deva
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngSengo Masashige +1
Icon Class Empress (1).png
75 8 STR 8 AGI 8 PIE 58 ATK 8 CRT +50% P.dmg. VS Deva
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngSengo Masashige +2
Icon Class Empress (1).png
75 12 STR 12 AGI 12 PIE 62 ATK 12 CRT +50% P.dmg. VS Deva
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngSengo Muramasa
Icon Class Empress (1).png
75 Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder 15 STR 15 AGI 15 PIE 70 ATK 15 CRT +50% P.dmg. VS Deva

+50% P.dmg. to Lv.10+ enemies

Night vision

Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngArming Sword
Icon Class Empress (1).png
80 3 STR 52 ATK 5 ACC +25% P.dmg. to Lv.10+ enemies

Restore 2% HP every 5 seconds

Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngArming Sword +1
Icon Class Empress (1).png
80 7 STR 60 ATK 10 ACC +50% P.dmg. to Lv.10+ enemies

Restore 2% HP every 5 seconds

Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngArming Sword +2
Icon Class Empress (1).png
80 12 STR 67 ATK 20 ACC +50% P.dmg. to Lv.10+ enemies

Restore 2% HP every 5 seconds

Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngBlutgang
Icon Class Empress (1).png
80 20 STR 74 ATK 30 ACC +50% P.dmg. VS Primal

+50% P.dmg. to Lv.10+ enemies

Restore 3% HP every 3 seconds

Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngBacksword
Icon Class Empress (1).png
85 20 PIE 58 ATK 20 ACC +20% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies

+5% H.Atk. during neg. status

Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngBacksword +1
Icon Class Empress (1).png
85 5 AGI 30 PIE 63 ATK 25 ACC +30% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies

+10% H.Atk. during neg. status

Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngBacksword +2
Icon Class Empress (1).png
85 10 AGI 35 PIE 67 ATK 30 ACC +50% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies

+15% H.Atk. during neg. status

Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngClaiomh Solais
Icon Class Empress (1).png
85 Icon Element Fire.pngFire 15 AGI 45 PIE 75 ATK 35 ACC +75% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies

+25% H.Atk. during neg. status

Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngScramasax
Icon Class Empress (1).png
90 5 AGI 57 ATK 5 CRT +25% P.dmg. to Lv.15+ enemies
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngScramasax +1
Icon Class Empress (1).png
90 10 AGI 65 ATK 10 CRT +50% P.dmg. to Lv.15+ enemies
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngScramasax +2
Icon Class Empress (1).png
90 15 AGI 10 LUC 72 ATK 15 CRT +75% P.dmg. to Lv.25+ enemies
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngCaladbolg
Icon Class Empress (1).png
90 Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder 20 AGI 20 LUC 79 ATK 20 CRT +100% P.dmg. to Lv.25+ enemies

P.Atk +200% during Drg. Sphere

Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngHrotti
Icon Class Empress (1).png
95 Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder 30 PIE 72 ATK 25 ACC +50% P.dmg. to Lv.1+ enemies
+5% Holy Atk. while HP full
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngHrotti +1
Icon Class Empress (1).png
95 Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder 5 AGI 35 PIE 77 ATK 30 ACC +60% P.dmg. to Lv.1+ enemies
+10% Holy Atk. while HP full
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngHrotti +2
Icon Class Empress (1).png
95 Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder 10 AGI 45 PIE 82 ATK 35 ACC +70% P.dmg. to Lv.1+ enemies
+15% Holy Atk. while HP full
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngHrotti +3
Icon Class Empress (1).png
95 Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder 15 AGI 60 PIE 84 ATK 40 ACC +80% P.dmg. to Lv.1+ enemies
+25% Holy Atk. while HP full
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngLævateinn
Icon Class Empress (1).png
100 Icon Element Fire.pngFire 10 STR 10 AGI 10 LUC 75 ATK 10 CRT +50% P.dmg. VS Primal
+50% P.dmg. to Lv.10+ enemies
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngLævateinn +1
Icon Class Empress (1).png
100 Icon Element Fire.pngFire 15 STR 15 AGI 15 LUC 80 ATK 15 CRT +50% P.dmg. VS Primal
+50% P.dmg. to Lv.10+ enemies
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngLævateinn +2
Icon Class Empress (1).png
100 Icon Element Fire.pngFire 20 STR 20 AGI 20 LUC 85 ATK 20 CRT +60% P.dmg. VS Primal
+50% P.dmg. to Lv.10+ enemies
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngLævateinn +3
Icon Class Empress (1).png
100 Icon Element Fire.pngFire 25 STR 25 AGI 25 LUC 87 ATK 25 CRT +75% P.dmg. VS Primal
+50% P.dmg. to Lv.10+ enemies
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngBlood Sword
Icon Class Empress (1).png
35 Icon Element Fire.pngFire 15 STR 49 ATK Permanent Burn status
+15% P.Atk. while fatigued
Max 15% P.Atk+ from Retry pts.
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngBlood Sword +1
Icon Class Empress (1).png
70 Icon Element Fire.pngFire 30 STR 69 ATK Permanent Burn status
+25% P.Atk. while fatigued
Max 25% P.Atk+ from Retry pts.
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngBlood Sword +2
Icon Class Empress (1).png
90 Icon Element Fire.pngFire 45 STR 81 ATK Permanent Burn status
+50% P.Atk. while fatigued
Max 50% P.Atk+ from Retry pts.
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngBlood Sword +3
Icon Class Empress (1).png
100 Icon Element Fire.pngFire 60 STR 87 ATK Permanent Burn status
+75% P.Atk. while fatigued
Max 75% P.Atk+ from Retry pts.
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngGoujian Sword
Icon Class Empress (1).png
60 Icon Element Poison.pngPoison 15 STR 15 VIT 15 PIE 64 ATK +50% P.dmg. VS Deva
Natural DP recovery limit +100%
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngGoujian Sword +1
Icon Class Empress (1).png
80 Icon Element Poison.pngPoison 20 STR 20 VIT 30 PIE 76 ATK +75% P.dmg. VS Deva
Natural DP recovery limit +200%
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngGoujian Sword +2
Icon Class Empress (1).png
90 Icon Element Poison.pngPoison 25 STR 25 VIT 45 PIE 81 ATK +100% P.dmg. VS Deva
Natural DP recovery limit +300%
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngGoujian Sword +3
Icon Class Empress (1).png
100 Icon Element Poison.pngPoison 30 STR 30 VIT 60 PIE 87 ATK +150% P.dmg. VS Deva
Natural DP recovery limit +400%
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngTizona
Icon Class Empress (1).png
65 Icon Element Wind.pngWind 20 AGI 20 INT 67 ATK 120 M.ATK Deals magical damage
+25% M.Atk. while HP full
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngTizona +1
Icon Class Empress (1).png
75 Icon Element Wind.pngWind 30 AGI 30 INT 74 ATK 140 M.ATK 15 ACC Deals magical damage
+50% M.Atk. while HP full
Plant items heal 5% on use
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngTizona +2
Icon Class Empress (1).png
95 Icon Element Wind.pngWind 40 AGI 50 INT 84 ATK 170 M.ATK 30 ACC Deals magical damage
+100% M.Atk. while HP full
Plant items heal 10% on use
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngTizona +3
Icon Class Empress (1).png
100 Icon Element Wind.pngWind 50 AGI 70 INT 87 ATK 200 M.ATK 50 ACC Deals magical damage
+150% M.Atk. while HP full
Plant items heal 15% on use
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngMasamune
Icon Class Empress (1).png
80 15 STR 12 AGI 74 ATK 15 CRT +50% P.dmg. VS Primal
Powder items effect +15 sec.
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngMasamune +1
Icon Class Empress (1).png
90 20 STR 16 AGI 81 ATK 20 CRT +75% P.dmg. VS Primal
Powder items effect +30 sec.
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngMasamune +2
Icon Class Empress (1).png
95 25 STR 20 AGI 84 ATK 25 CRT +100% P.dmg. VS Primal
Powder items effect +60 sec.
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngMasamune +3
Icon Class Empress (1).png
100 30 STR 24 AGI 87 ATK 30 CRT +150% P.dmg. VS Primal
Powder items effect +120 sec.
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngExcalibur
Icon Class Empress (1).png
100 100 ATK 20 ACC +100% P.dmg. to Lv.10+ enemies
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngExcalibur +1
Icon Class Empress (1).png
100 100 ATK 40 ACC +100% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngExcalibur +2
Icon Class Empress (1).png
100 Icon Element Fire.pngFire 15 AGI 45 PIE 100 ATK 45 ACC +100% P.dmg. to Lv.3+ enemies
+25% H.Atk. during neg. status
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngExcalibur +3
Icon Class Empress (1).png
100 Icon Element Fire.pngFire 25 AGI 25 LUC 45 PIE 100 ATK 45 ACC 25 CRT +100% P.dmg. to Lv.3+ enemies
P.Atk.+200% during Drg Sphere
+25% H.Atk. during neg. status
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngVorpal Sword
Icon Class Empress (1).png
90 Icon Element Ice.pngIce 30 AGI 81 ATK
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngVorpal Sword +1
Icon Class Empress (1).png
95 Icon Element Ice.pngIce 40 AGI 119 ATK 20 CRT
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngVorpal Sword +2
Icon Class Empress (1).png
100 Icon Element Ice.pngIce 50 AGI 167 ATK 40 CRT
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngVorpal Sword +3
Icon Class Empress (1).png
100 Icon Element Ice.pngIce 70 AGI 219 ATK 99 CRT
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngBalmung
Icon Class Empress (1).png
80 Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder 25 STR 100 PIE 76 ATK 100 ACC +100% P.dmg. VS Asura
+100% P.dmg. to Lv.1+ enemies
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngSanmyou-no-Ken
Icon Class Empress (1).png
100 Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder 25 STR 25 AGI 45 PIE 87 ATK 40 CRT +75% P.dmg. VS Deva
+75% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngSumeragi Glaive
Icon Class Empress (1).png
10 Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder 1 STR 1 AGI 1 INT 1 VIT 1 LUC 1 PIE 22 ATK 5 ACC P.dmg.+50% during Drg Sphere
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngMedius Knight's Sword
Icon Class Empress (1).png
5 6 STR 8 VIT 10 PIE 34 ATK +50% P.dmg. VS Primal
+50% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngMedius Captain's Sword
Icon Class Empress (1).png
45 Icon Element Fire.pngFire 20 INT 15 VIT 25 PIE 54 ATK 92 M.ATK Deals magical damage
+50% M.dmg. VS Primal
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngMedius Heirloom Sword
Icon Class Empress (1).png
60 Icon Element Fire.pngFire 20 INT 20 VIT 35 PIE 62 ATK 92 M.ATK Deals magical damage
+50% M.dmg. VS Primal
+50% M.dmg. VS Asura
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngMedius Templar's Sword
Icon Class Empress (1).png
70 15 AGI 25 VIT 40 PIE 67 ATK +50% P.dmg. VS Primal
+50% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngMedius Templar's Blade
Icon Class Empress (1).png
80 20 STR 15 AGI 40 PIE 72 ATK 15 ACC +50% P.dmg. VS Primal
+50% P.dmg. to Lv.10+ enemies
Restore 3% HP every 3 seconds
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngMedius Templar's Glaive
Icon Class Empress (1).png
90 20 STR 20 AGI 55 PIE 79 ATK 20 ACC +50% P.dmg. VS Primal
+50% P.dmg. to Lv.10+ enemies
Restore 3% HP every 3 seconds
Icon Weapon Sword (N).pngMedius Relic Blade
Icon Class Empress (1).png
100 Icon Element Fire.pngFire 25 STR 25 AGI 25 INT 25 VIT 60 PIE 87 ATK 25 ACC +75% P.dmg. VS Primal
+75% P.dmg. VS Asura
Restore 5% HP every 3 seconds