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Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngGreatswords are a type of melee Weapon used by the Warrior and the Oracle in Dragon Marked For Death.


Basic List

This list contains the names of all base +grade Greatswords.

  • Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngClaymore
  • Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngTwo-Handed Sword
  • Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngGiant Sword
  • Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngWind Claymore (Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngGale Claymore)
  • Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngGreatsword
  • Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngBuster Sword
  • Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngFlame Claymore (Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngInferno Claymore)
  • Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngHarpe (Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngAdamant Harpe)
  • Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngCustom Buster Sword
  • Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngBig Blade (Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngBrave Blade)
  • Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngDragon's Torment
  • Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngIce Claymore (Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngBlizzard Claymore)
  • Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngTwo-Handed Blade (Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngBalanced Blade)
  • Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngZanbato (Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngHoly Sword)
  • Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngThunder Claymore (Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngVoltaic Claymore)
  • Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngSword Breaker (Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngEmanuel)
  • Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngCutlass (Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngBriquet Cutlass)
  • Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngIlwoon (Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngGold Ilwoon)
  • Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngBeagalltach (Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngMoralltach)
  • Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngDurendal
  • Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngAroundight
  • Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngChaos Bringer
  • Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngDeath Bringer
  • Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngDáinsleif
  • Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngMegingjörð
  • Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngGram
  • Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngAscalon
  • Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngTyrfing
  • Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngBerserker Sword
  • Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngLuxcalibur

Drop List

This list contains Quest Drops and / or Materials for each Weapon. Please manually expand the charts that you want to view.

Normal Weapons Drop List
Weapon Quest Rarity
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngClaymore The Doomed Clan Q.Lv. 1 ?
The Ogre Fort Q.Lv. 1-10 ?
Cavern of Torment: Floor 31-40 ?
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngTwo-Handed Sword The Doomed Clan Q.Lv. 1 ?
Dreaming of Treasure Q.Lv. 3-25 ?
The Frigid Nest Q.Lv. 5 ?
Undying Dragon Q.Lv. 10 ?
Twin Dragon's End Q.Lv. 15 ?
Brother and Sister Q.Lv. 15 ?
Cavern of Torment: Floor 1-10 ?
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngGiant Sword Dragonblood Village Q.Lv. 10 ?
The Castle Burns Q.Lv. 15-35 ?
They Come From Hell Q.Lv. 20-30 ?
Aim for High Heaven Q.Lv. 10 ?
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngWind Claymore (Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngGale Claymore) Sea of Tumult Q.Lv. 5-40 ?
The Frigid Nest Q.Lv. 15 ?
Unearthed Royalty Q.Lv. 15 ?
Dragons' Struggle Q.Lv. 35 ?
Cavern of Torment: Floor 11-20 ?
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngGreatsword Dragonblood Village Q.Lv. 20 ?
The Ogre Fort Q.Lv. 20-50 ?
Werewolf Hunting Q.Lv. 25 ?
Undying Dragon Q.Lv. 20 ?
Twin Dragon's End Q.Lv. 15-45 ?
The Sleeping Tome Q.Lv. 20 ?
Aim for High Heaven Q.Lv. 20 ?
Cavern of Torment: Floor 11-20, 21-30 ?
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngBuster Sword Dreaming of Treasure Q.Lv. 25-40 ?
The Frigid Nest Q.Lv. 25 ?
Brother and Sister Q.Lv. 25-45 ?
Unearthed Royalty Q.Lv. 25 ?
Displaced Royalty Q.Lv. 20-40 ?
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngFlame Claymore (Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngInferno Claymore) Dragonblood Village Q.Lv. 30 ?
Werewolf Hunting Q.Lv. 35 ?
Undying Dragon Q.Lv. 45-70 ?
The Sleeping Tome Q.Lv. 30 ?
They Come From Hell Q.Lv. 40-50 ?
Aim for High Heaven Q.Lv. 30 ?
Cavern of Torment: Floor 21-30 ?
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngHarpe (Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngAdamant Harpe) The Frigid Nest Q.Lv. 40 ?
The Bell Tolls Q.Lv. 35-50 ?
Unearthed Royalty Q.Lv. 35 ?
Calamity's Portent Q.Lv. 35-55 ?
Cavern of Torment: Floor 41-50 ?
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngCustom Buster Sword Dragonblood Village Q.Lv. 40 ?
Werewolf Hunting Q.Lv. 50 ?
Undying Dragon Q.Lv. 30 ?
Twin Dragon's End Q.Lv. 60-70 ?
The Sleeping Tome Q.Lv. 40 ?
Dragons' Struggle Q.Lv. 50 ?
Truth in Heaven Q.Lv. 40-60 ?
Aim for High Heaven Q.Lv. 40 ?
Cavern of Torment: Floor 31-40 ?
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngBig Blade (Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngBrave Blade) Dragonblood Village Q.Lv. 50 ?
Werewolf Hunting Q.Lv. 65 ?
Unearthed Royalty Q.Lv. 45 ?
Displaced Royalty Q.Lv. 50 ?
They Come From Hell Q.Lv. 60-80 ?
Soul Vessel Q.Lv. 25-60 ?
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngDragon's Torment Undying Dragon Q.Lv. 45-70 ?
Twin Dragon's End Q.Lv. 45-70 ?
The Sleeping Tome Q.Lv. 50 ?
Marked for Death Q.Lv. 30-110 ?
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngIce Claymore (Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngBlizzard Claymore) Werewolf Hunting Q.Lv. 55 ?
The Bell Tolls Q.Lv. 65-75 ?
Unearthed Royalty Q.Lv. 55 ?
The Castle Burns Q.Lv. 55-70 ?
Calamity's Portent Q.Lv. 70-90 ?
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngTwo-Handed Blade (Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngBalanced Blade) The Ogre Fort Q.Lv. 60-80 ?
Dragons' Struggle Q.Lv. 65-90 ?
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngZanbato (Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngHoly Sword) Soul Vessel Q.Lv. 70-90 ?
Cavern of Torment: Floor 61-70 ?
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngThunder Claymore (Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngVoltaic Claymore) Unearthed Royalty Q.Lv. 70 ?
Truth in Heaven Q.Lv. 70-100 ?
Cavern of Torment: Floor 71-80 ?
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngSword Breaker (Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngEmanuel) The Castle Burns Q.Lv. 80-100 ?
Calamity's Portent Q.Lv. 100-110 ?
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngCutlass (Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngBriquet Cutlass) Undying Dragon Q.Lv. 80-100 ?
Twin Dragon's End Q.Lv. 80-100 ?
Unearthed Royalty Q.Lv. 80 ?
Dragons' Struggle Q.Lv. 100-110 ?
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngIlwoon (Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngGold Ilwoon) Sea of Tumult Q.Lv. 80-110 ?
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngBeagalltach (Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngMoralltach) The Ogre Fort Q.Lv. 90-110 ?
Werewolf Hunting Q.Lv. 90-110 ?
The Bell Tolls Q.Lv. 90-110 ?
Unearthed Royalty Q.Lv. 90-100 ?
Special Upgrade Weapons Drop and Recipe List
Weapon Grade Quest / Material Rarity / Amount
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngDurendal +0 Truth in Heaven Q.Lv.110 ?
The Castle Burns Q.Lv.110 ?
Cavern of Torment: Floor 101-110 ?
+1 Fork of Good Fortune 5
Durendal 1
+2 Fork of Good Fortune 10
Durendal +1 1
+3 Fork of Good Fortune 15
Durendal +2 1
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngAroundight +0 Undying Dragon Q.Lv.110 ?
Twin Dragon's End Q.Lv.110 ?
Soul Vessel: Q.Lv.110 ?
Cavern of Torment: Floor 111-120 ?
+1 Fork of Good Fortune 5
Aroundight 1
+2 Fork of Good Fortune 10
Aroundight +1 1
+3 Fork of Good Fortune 15
Aroundight +2 1
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngChaos Bringer +0 Unearthed Royalty Q.Lv. 55-90, 110 ?
Werewolf Hunting Q.Lv. 75 ?
+1 Mythril Ore 1
Chaos Bringer 1
+2 Mythril Ore 3
Chaos Bringer +1 1
+3 Mythril Ore 5
Chaos Bringer +2 1
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngDeath Bringer +0 They Come From Hell Q.Lv. 60-110 ?
Werewolf Hunting Q.Lv. 75 ?
+1 Mythril Ore 1
Death Bringer 1
+2 Mythril Ore 3
Death Bringer +1 1
+3 Mythril Ore 5
Death Bringer +2 1
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngDáinsleif +0 Sea of Tumult Q.Lv. 60-80 ?
+1 Orichalcum Ore 1
Dáinsleif 1
+2 Orichalcum Ore 3
Dáinsleif +1 1
+3 Orichalcum Ore 5
Dáinsleif +2 1
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngMegingjörð +0 The Castle Burns Q.Lv. 45-90 ?
+1 Orichalcum Ore 1
Megingjörð 1
+2 Orichalcum Ore 3
Megingjörð +1 1
+3 Orichalcum Ore 5
Megingjörð +2 1
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngGram +0 Soul Vessel Q.Lv. 100 ?
Cavern of Torment: Floor 91-100 ?
+1 Orichalcum Ore 1
Gram 1
+2 Orichalcum Ore 3
Gram +1 1
+3 Orichalcum Ore 5
Gram +2 1
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngAscalon +0 Marked For Death Q.Lv. 90-110 ?
+1 Orichalcum Ore 1
Ascalon 1
+2 Orichalcum Ore 3
Ascalon +1 1
+3 Orichalcum Ore 5
Ascalon +2 1
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngTyrfing Ether 10
Durendal +3 1
Aroundight +3 1
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngBerserker Sword Orichalcum Ore 10
Death Bringer +3 1
Chaos Bringer +3 1
DLC Weapons Drop and Recipe List
Weapon Shop
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngLuxcalibur Preorder DLC, Weapon Shops

Detailed List

The following table includes stat information. Columns for certain attributes have been omitted due to being empty across all Equipment. Please manually expand the charts that you want to view.

Level 1-5 Greatswords
Weapon Lv AGI PIE ATK ACC CRT Effect
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngClaymore

Icon Class Warrior (0).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

1 35 ATK
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngClaymore +1

Icon Class Warrior (0).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

1 1 PIE 45 ATK 1 ACC
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngClaymore +2

Icon Class Warrior (0).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

1 3 PIE 70 ATK 2 ACC +25% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngClaymore +3

Icon Class Warrior (0).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

1 5 PIE 80 ATK 3 ACC +50% P.dmg. to Lv.10+ enemies
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngTwo-Handed Sword

Icon Class Warrior (0).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

5 45 ATK
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngTwo-Handed Sword +1

Icon Class Warrior (0).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

5 1 AGI 60 ATK 2 CRT
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngTwo-Handed Sword +2

Icon Class Warrior (0).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

5 3 AGI 80 ATK 5 CRT +50% P.dmg. VS Primal
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngTwo-Handed Sword +3

Icon Class Warrior (0).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

5 6 AGI 95 ATK 10 CRT +50% P.dmg. VS Primal
Level 10-15 Greatswords
Weapon Lv Element STR AGI VIT PIE ATK ACC Effect
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngGiant Sword

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

10 57 ATK
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngGiant Sword +1

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

10 1 STR 1 AGI 67 ATK Recover 5% DP when taking dmg
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngGiant Sword +2

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

10 3 STR 3 AGI 87 ATK Recover 5% DP when taking dmg
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngGiant Sword +3

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

10 5 STR 5 AGI 97 ATK Recover 10% DP when taking dmg
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngWind Claymore

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

15 Icon Element Wind.pngWind 70 ATK
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngWind Claymore +1

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

15 Icon Element Wind.pngWind 2 PIE 80 ATK 2 ACC
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngWind Claymore +2

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

15 Icon Element Wind.pngWind 5 PIE 100 ATK 5 ACC
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngGale Claymore

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

15 Icon Element Wind.pngWind 5 VIT 10 PIE 110 ATK 10 ACC Positive status time +
Level 20-25 Greatswords
Weapon Lv STR AGI VIT ATK Effect
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngGreatsword

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

20 82 ATK
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngGreatsword +1

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

20 2 AGI 2 VIT 92 ATK Recover 5% DP when taking dmg
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngGreatsword +2

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

20 5 AGI 5 VIT 107 ATK Recover 5% DP when taking dmg
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngGreatsword +3

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

20 8 AGI 8 VIT 122 ATK Recover 10% DP when taking dmg
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngBuster Sword

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

25 95 ATK
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngBuster Sword +1

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

25 2 STR 2 AGI 105 ATK +25% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngBuster Sword +2

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

25 5 STR 5 AGI 125 ATK +25% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngBuster Sword +3

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

25 9 STR 9 AGI 140 ATK +50% P.dmg. to Lv.10+ enemies
Level 30-35 Greatswords
Weapon Lv Element AGI VIT PIE ATK ACC CRT Effect
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngFlame Claymore

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

30 Icon Element Fire.pngFire 107 ATK
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngFlame Claymore +1

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

30 Icon Element Fire.pngFire 2 PIE 117 ATK 2 ACC
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngFlame Claymore +2

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

30 Icon Element Fire.pngFire 6 PIE 132 ATK 6 ACC
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngInferno Claymore

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

30 Icon Element Fire.pngFire 8 VIT 12 PIE 142 ATK 12 ACC Positive status time +
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngHarpe

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

35 120 ATK
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngHarpe +1

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

35 2 AGI 130 ATK 3 CRT
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngHarpe +2

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

35 5 AGI 150 ATK 6 CRT +50% P.dmg. VS Primal
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngAdamant Harpe

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

35 Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder 10 AGI 5 VIT 165 ATK 12 CRT +50% P.dmg. VS Primal
Level 40-45 Greatswords
Weapon Lv STR AGI VIT ATK Effect
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngCustom Buster Sword

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

40 132 ATK
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngCustom Buster Sword +1

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

40 3 STR 3 AGI 142 ATK +25% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngCustom Buster Sword +2

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

40 6 STR 6 AGI 157 ATK +25% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngCustom Buster Sword +3

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

40 11 STR 11 AGI 177 ATK +50% P.dmg. to Lv.10+ enemies
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngBig Blade

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

45 145 ATK
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngBig Blade +1

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

45 3 AGI 3 VIT 155 ATK Recover 5% DP when taking dmg
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngBig Blade +2

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

45 7 AGI 7 VIT 175 ATK Recover 5% DP when taking dmg
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngBrave Blade

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

45 8 STR 15 AGI 15 VIT 185 ATK Recover 20% DP when taking dmg

+50% P.Atk. during neg. status

+50% P.Atk. while fatigued

Level 50-55 Greatswords
Weapon Lv Element STR VIT PIE ATK ACC Effect
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngDragon's Torment

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

50 182 ATK +50% P.dmg. VS Asura
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngDragon's Torment +1

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

50 4 STR 4 PIE 187 ATK 5 ACC +50% P.dmg. VS Asura
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngDragon's Torment +2

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

50 8 STR 8 PIE 192 ATK 10 ACC +50% P.dmg. VS Asura
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngDragon's Torment +3

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

50 15 STR 15 PIE 202 ATK 15 ACC +50% P.dmg. VS Asura

+50% P.dmg. to Lv.10+ enemies

Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngIce Claymore

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

55 Icon Element Ice.pngIce 3 PIE 175 ATK 3 ACC
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngIce Claymore +1

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

55 Icon Element Ice.pngIce 5 PIE 185 ATK 5 ACC
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngIce Claymore +2

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

55 Icon Element Ice.pngIce 10 PIE 195 ATK 10 ACC
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngBlizzard Claymore

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

55 Icon Element Ice.pngIce 10 VIT 15 PIE 210 ATK 15 ACC Positive status time +
Level 60-65 Greatswords
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngTwo-Handed Blade

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

60 3 AGI 3 VIT 187 ATK Recover 5% DP when taking dmg
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngTwo-Handed Blade +1

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

60 7 AGI 7 VIT 202 ATK Recover 5% DP when taking dmg
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngTwo-Handed Blade +2

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

60 15 AGI 15 VIT 212 ATK Recover 5% DP when taking dmg
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngBalanced Blade

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

60 10 STR 10 AGI 10 INT 10 VIT 10 LUC 10 PIE 222 ATK 10 ACC 10 CRT Recover 10% DP when taking dmg

+25% P.Atk. to Lv.1+ enemies

Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngZanbato

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

65 5 AGI 3 VIT 200 ATK 5 CRT
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngZanbato +1

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

65 10 AGI 5 VIT 215 ATK 10 CRT
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngZanbato +2

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

65 15 AGI 7 VIT 225 ATK 15 CRT +50% P.dmg. VS Primal
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngHoly Sword

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

65 20 AGI 10 VIT 20 PIE 235 ATK 20 CRT +50% P.dmg. VS Primal

+50% Holy Atk. while fatigued

Level 70-75 Greatswords
Weapon Lv Element STR VIT PIE ATK ACC Effect
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngThunder Claymore

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

70 Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder 10 PIE 217 ATK 10 ACC
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngThunder Claymore +1

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

70 Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder 15 PIE 232 ATK 15 ACC
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngThunder Claymore +2

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

70 Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder 20 PIE 242 ATK 20 ACC
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngVoltaic Claymore

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

70 Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder 15 VIT 25 PIE 252 ATK 25 ACC Positive status time +
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngSword Breaker

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

75 4 STR 4 PIE 230 ATK 5 ACC +50% P.dmg. VS Asura
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngSword Breaker +1

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

75 8 STR 8 PIE 245 ATK 10 ACC +50% P.dmg. VS Asura
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngSword Breaker +2

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

75 15 STR 15 PIE 255 ATK 15 ACC +50% P.dmg. VS Asura
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngEmanuel

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

75 Icon Element Fire.pngFire 20 STR 20 PIE 265 ATK 20 ACC +50% P.dmg. VS Asura

+50% P.dmg. to Lv.10+ enemies

Level 80-85 Greatswords
Weapon Lv STR AGI VIT PIE ATK Effect
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngCutlass

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

80 7 AGI 7 VIT 242 ATK Recover 5% DP when taking dmg
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngCutlass +1

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

80 15 AGI 15 VIT 5 PIE 257 ATK Recover 5% DP when taking dmg

Powder items effect +20 sec.

Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngCutlass +2

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

80 20 AGI 20 VIT 10 PIE 267 ATK Recover 5% DP when taking dmg

Powder items effect +40 sec.

Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngBriquet Cutlass

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

80 25 AGI 25 VIT 15 PIE 277 ATK Recover 10% DP when taking dmg

Powder items effect +60 sec.

Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngIlwoon

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

85 5 STR 5 AGI 5 PIE 255 ATK +25% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngIlwoon +1

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

85 10 STR 10 AGI 10 PIE 270 ATK +25% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngIlwoon +2

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

85 15 STR 15 AGI 15 PIE 280 ATK +25% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngGold Ilwoon

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

85 20 STR 20 AGI 20 PIE 290 ATK +50% P.dmg. to Lv.10+ enemies
Level 90 Greatswords
Weapon Lv Element PIE ATK M.ATK M.ACC Effect
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngBeagalltach

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

90 Icon Element Poison.pngPoison 10 PIE 267 ATK 100 M.ATK 20 M.ACC Deals magical damage

+5% Poison magic acc.

Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngBeagalltach +1

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

90 Icon Element Poison.pngPoison 15 PIE 282 ATK 110 M.ATK 20 M.ACC Deals magical damage

+10% Poison magic acc.

Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngBeagalltach +2

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

90 Icon Element Poison.pngPoison 20 PIE 292 ATK 120 M.ATK 20 M.ACC Deals magical damage

+15% Poison magic acc.

Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngMoralltach

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

90 Icon Element Poison.pngPoison 25 PIE 302 ATK 140 M.ATK Deals magical damage

Magic attacks always hit

Special Upgrade Greatswords
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngDurendal

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

95 10 STR 10 AGI 10 PIE 295 ATK +50% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngDurendal +1

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

95 15 STR 15 AGI 15 PIE 305 ATK +60% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngDurendal +2

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

95 20 STR 20 AGI 20 PIE 315 ATK +70% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngDurendal +3

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

95 25 STR 25 AGI 25 PIE 320 ATK +80% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngAroundight

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

100 15 AGI 15 VIT 5 PIE 307 ATK +50% P.dmg. VS Primal

Recover 10% DP when taking dmg

Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngAroundight +1

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

100 20 AGI 20 VIT 10 PIE 317 ATK +60% P.dmg. VS Primal

Recover 10% DP when taking dmg

Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngAroundight +2

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

100 25 AGI 25 VIT 15 PIE 327 ATK +70% P.dmg. VS Primal

Recover 10% DP when taking dmg

Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngAroundight +3

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

100 30 AGI 30 VIT 20 PIE 332 ATK +80% P.dmg. VS Primal

Recover 10% DP when taking dmg

Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngChaos Bringer

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

35 10 STR 10 AGI 160 ATK +50% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngChaos Bringer +1

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

70 15 STR 15 AGI 247 ATK Permanent Confusion status

+5% P.Atk. during neg. status +75% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies

Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngChaos Bringer +2

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

90 20 STR 20 AGI 297 ATK Permanent Confusion status

+10% P.Atk. during neg. status +100% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies

Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngChaos Bringer +3

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

100 30 STR 30 AGI 322 ATK Permanent Confusion status

+15% P.Atk. during neg. status +150% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies

Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngDeath Bringer

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

60 15 STR 15 AGI 227 ATK Permanent Poison status

+5% P.Atk. during neg. status +50% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies

Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngDeath Bringer +1

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

80 20 STR 20 AGI 277 ATK Permanent Poison status

+7% P.Atk. during neg. status +75% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies

Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngDeath Bringer +2

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

90 25 STR 25 AGI 302 ATK Permanent Poison status

+10% P.Atk. during neg. status +100% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies

Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngDeath Bringer +3

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

100 30 STR 30 AGI 327 ATK Permanent Poison status

+15% P.Atk. during neg. status +150% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies

Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngDáinsleif

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

65 20 AGI 15 VIT 10 PIE 240 ATK Recover 5% DP when taking dmg

+25% P.Atk. while fatigued

Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngDáinsleif +1

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

75 30 AGI 20 VIT 20 PIE 265 ATK Recover 10% DP when taking dmg

+50% P.Atk. while fatigued

Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngDáinsleif +2

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

95 40 AGI 25 VIT 30 PIE 315 ATK Recover 15% DP when taking dmg

+100% P.Atk. while fatigued

Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngDáinsleif +3

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

100 50 AGI 30 VIT 40 PIE 327 ATK Recover 20% DP when taking dmg

+150% P.Atk. while fatigued

Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngMegingjörð

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

80 20 STR 20 PIE 277 ATK 20 ACC +50% P.dmg. VS Asura
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngMegingjörð +1

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

90 25 STR 25 PIE 302 ATK 25 ACC +75% P.dmg. VS Asura
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngMegingjörð +2

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

95 30 STR 30 PIE 315 ATK 30 ACC +100% P.dmg. VS Asura
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngMegingjörð +3

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

100 35 STR 35 PIE 327 ATK 35 ACC +150% P.dmg. VS Asura
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngGram

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

100 30 VIT 25 PIE 332 ATK Permanent Burn status

+25% P.Atk. during neg. status +5% P.Atk. while fatigued

Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngGram +1

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

100 35 VIT 30 PIE 352 ATK Permanent Burn status

+50% P.Atk. during neg. status +10% P.Atk. while fatigued

Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngGram +2

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

100 40 VIT 35 PIE 382 ATK Permanent Burn status

+75% P.Atk. during neg. status +25% P.Atk. while fatigued

Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngGram +3

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

100 45 VIT 40 PIE 402 ATK Permanent Burn status

+125% P.Atk. during neg. status +50% P.Atk. while fatigued

Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngAscalon

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

90 10 AGI 10 VIT 10 PIE 307 ATK 10 CRT +50% P.dmg. VS Primal
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngAscalon +1

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

95 20 AGI 15 VIT 20 PIE 339 ATK 20 CRT +75% P.dmg. VS Primal
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngAscalon +2

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

100 30 AGI 20 VIT 30 PIE 382 ATK 30 CRT +100% P.dmg. VS Primal
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngAscalon +3

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

100 40 AGI 25 VIT 40 PIE 402 ATK 40 CRT +150% P.dmg. VS Primal
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngTyrfing

Icon Class Warrior (0).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

80 30 STR 55 AGI 25 VIT 45 PIE 327 ATK +100% P.dmg. VS Primal

+100% P.dmg. to Lv.1+ enemies Recover 20% DP when taking dmg

Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngBerserker Sword

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (0).png

100 60 STR 60 AGI 382 ATK Recover 20% DP when taking dmg

+150% P.dmg. to Lv.1+ enemies Super armor and knockback immunity

Black Market and DLC Greatswords
Weapon Lv Element STR AGI INT VIT LUC PIE ATK ACC Effect
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngLuxcalibur

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

10 Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder 1 STR 1 AGI 1 INT 1 VIT 1 LUC 1 PIE 82 ATK 5 ACC P.Atk.+50% during Drg Sphere
All Greatswords
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngClaymore

Icon Class Warrior (0).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

1 35 ATK
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngClaymore +1

Icon Class Warrior (0).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

1 1 PIE 45 ATK 1 ACC
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngClaymore +2

Icon Class Warrior (0).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

1 3 PIE 70 ATK 2 ACC +25% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngClaymore +3

Icon Class Warrior (0).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

1 5 PIE 80 ATK 3 ACC +50% P.dmg. to Lv.10+ enemies
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngTwo-Handed Sword

Icon Class Warrior (0).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

5 45 ATK
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngTwo-Handed Sword +1

Icon Class Warrior (0).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

5 1 AGI 60 ATK 2 CRT
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngTwo-Handed Sword +2

Icon Class Warrior (0).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

5 3 AGI 80 ATK 5 CRT +50% P.dmg. VS Primal
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngTwo-Handed Sword +3

Icon Class Warrior (0).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

5 6 AGI 95 ATK 10 CRT +50% P.dmg. VS Primal
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngGiant Sword

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

10 57 ATK
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngGiant Sword +1

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

10 1 STR 1 AGI 67 ATK Recover 5% DP when taking dmg
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngGiant Sword +2

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

10 3 STR 3 AGI 87 ATK Recover 5% DP when taking dmg
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngGiant Sword +3

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

10 5 STR 5 AGI 97 ATK Recover 10% DP when taking dmg
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngWind Claymore

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

15 Icon Element Wind.pngWind 70 ATK
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngWind Claymore +1

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

15 Icon Element Wind.pngWind 2 PIE 80 ATK 2 ACC
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngWind Claymore +2

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

15 Icon Element Wind.pngWind 5 PIE 100 ATK 5 ACC
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngGale Claymore

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

15 Icon Element Wind.pngWind 5 VIT 10 PIE 110 ATK 10 ACC Positive status time +
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngGreatsword

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

20 82 ATK
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngGreatsword +1

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

20 2 AGI 2 VIT 92 ATK Recover 5% DP when taking dmg
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngGreatsword +2

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

20 5 AGI 5 VIT 107 ATK Recover 5% DP when taking dmg
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngGreatsword +3

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

20 8 AGI 8 VIT 122 ATK Recover 10% DP when taking dmg
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngBuster Sword

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

25 95 ATK
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngBuster Sword +1

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

25 2 STR 2 AGI 105 ATK +25% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngBuster Sword +2

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

25 5 STR 5 AGI 125 ATK +25% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngBuster Sword +3

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

25 9 STR 9 AGI 140 ATK +50% P.dmg. to Lv.10+ enemies
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngFlame Claymore

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

30 Icon Element Fire.pngFire 107 ATK
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngFlame Claymore +1

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

30 Icon Element Fire.pngFire 2 PIE 117 ATK 2 ACC
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngFlame Claymore +2

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

30 Icon Element Fire.pngFire 6 PIE 132 ATK 6 ACC
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngInferno Claymore

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

30 Icon Element Fire.pngFire 8 VIT 12 PIE 142 ATK 12 ACC Positive status time +
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngHarpe

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

35 120 ATK
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngHarpe +1

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

35 2 AGI 130 ATK 3 CRT
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngHarpe +2

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

35 5 AGI 150 ATK 6 CRT +50% P.dmg. VS Primal
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngAdamant Harpe

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

35 Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder 10 AGI 5 VIT 165 ATK 12 CRT +50% P.dmg. VS Primal
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngCustom Buster Sword

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

40 132 ATK
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngCustom Buster Sword +1

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

40 3 STR 3 AGI 142 ATK +25% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngCustom Buster Sword +2

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

40 6 STR 6 AGI 157 ATK +25% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngCustom Buster Sword +3

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

40 11 STR 11 AGI 177 ATK +50% P.dmg. to Lv.10+ enemies
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngBig Blade

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

45 145 ATK
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngBig Blade +1

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

45 3 AGI 3 VIT 155 ATK Recover 5% DP when taking dmg
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngBig Blade +2

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

45 7 AGI 7 VIT 175 ATK Recover 5% DP when taking dmg
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngBrave Blade

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

45 8 STR 15 AGI 15 VIT 185 ATK Recover 20% DP when taking dmg

+50% P.Atk. during neg. status

+50% P.Atk. while fatigued

Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngDragon's Torment

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

50 182 ATK +50% P.dmg. VS Asura
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngDragon's Torment +1

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

50 4 STR 4 PIE 187 ATK 5 ACC +50% P.dmg. VS Asura
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngDragon's Torment +2

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

50 8 STR 8 PIE 192 ATK 10 ACC +50% P.dmg. VS Asura
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngDragon's Torment +3

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

50 15 STR 15 PIE 202 ATK 15 ACC +50% P.dmg. VS Asura

+50% P.dmg. to Lv.10+ enemies

Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngIce Claymore

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

55 Icon Element Ice.pngIce 3 PIE 175 ATK 3 ACC
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngIce Claymore +1

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

55 Icon Element Ice.pngIce 5 PIE 185 ATK 5 ACC
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngIce Claymore +2

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

55 Icon Element Ice.pngIce 10 PIE 195 ATK 10 ACC
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngBlizzard Claymore

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

55 Icon Element Ice.pngIce 10 VIT 15 PIE 210 ATK 15 ACC Positive status time +
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngTwo-Handed Blade

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

60 3 AGI 3 VIT 187 ATK Recover 5% DP when taking dmg
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngTwo-Handed Blade +1

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

60 7 AGI 7 VIT 202 ATK Recover 5% DP when taking dmg
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngTwo-Handed Blade +2

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

60 15 AGI 15 VIT 212 ATK Recover 5% DP when taking dmg
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngBalanced Blade

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

60 10 STR 10 AGI 10 INT 10 VIT 10 LUC 10 PIE 222 ATK 10 ACC 10 CRT Recover 10% DP when taking dmg

+25% P.Atk. to Lv.1+ enemies

Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngZanbato

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

65 5 AGI 3 VIT 200 ATK 5 CRT
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngZanbato +1

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

65 10 AGI 5 VIT 215 ATK 10 CRT
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngZanbato +2

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

65 15 AGI 7 VIT 225 ATK 15 CRT +50% P.dmg. VS Primal
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngHoly Sword

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

65 20 AGI 10 VIT 20 PIE 235 ATK 20 CRT +50% P.dmg. VS Primal

+50% Holy Atk. while fatigued

Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngThunder Claymore

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

70 Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder 10 PIE 217 ATK 10 ACC
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngThunder Claymore +1

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

70 Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder 15 PIE 232 ATK 15 ACC
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngThunder Claymore +2

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

70 Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder 20 PIE 242 ATK 20 ACC
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngVoltaic Claymore

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

70 Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder 15 VIT 25 PIE 252 ATK 25 ACC Positive status time +
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngSword Breaker

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

75 4 STR 4 PIE 230 ATK 5 ACC +50% P.dmg. VS Asura
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngSword Breaker +1

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

75 8 STR 8 PIE 245 ATK 10 ACC +50% P.dmg. VS Asura
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngSword Breaker +2

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

75 15 STR 15 PIE 255 ATK 15 ACC +50% P.dmg. VS Asura
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngEmanuel

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

75 Icon Element Fire.pngFire 20 STR 20 PIE 265 ATK 20 ACC +50% P.dmg. VS Asura

+50% P.dmg. to Lv.10+ enemies

Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngCutlass

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

80 7 AGI 7 VIT 242 ATK Recover 5% DP when taking dmg
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngCutlass +1

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

80 15 AGI 15 VIT 5 PIE 257 ATK Recover 5% DP when taking dmg

Powder items effect +20 sec.

Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngCutlass +2

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

80 20 AGI 20 VIT 10 PIE 267 ATK Recover 5% DP when taking dmg

Powder items effect +40 sec.

Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngBriquet Cutlass

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

80 25 AGI 25 VIT 15 PIE 277 ATK Recover 10% DP when taking dmg

Powder items effect +60 sec.

Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngIlwoon

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

85 5 STR 5 AGI 5 PIE 255 ATK +25% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngIlwoon +1

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

85 10 STR 10 AGI 10 PIE 270 ATK +25% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngIlwoon +2

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

85 15 STR 15 AGI 15 PIE 280 ATK +25% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngGold Ilwoon

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

85 20 STR 20 AGI 20 PIE 290 ATK +50% P.dmg. to Lv.10+ enemies
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngBeagalltach

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

90 Icon Element Poison.pngPoison 10 PIE 267 ATK 100 M.ATK 20 M.ACC Deals magical damage

+5% Poison magic acc.

Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngBeagalltach +1

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

90 Icon Element Poison.pngPoison 15 PIE 282 ATK 110 M.ATK 20 M.ACC Deals magical damage

+10% Poison magic acc.

Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngBeagalltach +2

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

90 Icon Element Poison.pngPoison 20 PIE 292 ATK 120 M.ATK 20 M.ACC Deals magical damage

+15% Poison magic acc.

Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngMoralltach

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

90 Icon Element Poison.pngPoison 25 PIE 302 ATK 140 M.ATK Deals magical damage

Magic attacks always hit

Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngDurendal

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

95 10 STR 10 AGI 10 PIE 295 ATK +50% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngDurendal +1

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

95 15 STR 15 AGI 15 PIE 305 ATK +60% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngDurendal +2

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

95 20 STR 20 AGI 20 PIE 315 ATK +70% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngDurendal +3

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

95 25 STR 25 AGI 25 PIE 320 ATK +80% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngAroundight

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

100 15 AGI 15 VIT 5 PIE 307 ATK +50% P.dmg. VS Primal

Recover 10% DP when taking dmg

Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngAroundight +1

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

100 20 AGI 20 VIT 10 PIE 317 ATK +60% P.dmg. VS Primal

Recover 10% DP when taking dmg

Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngAroundight +2

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

100 25 AGI 25 VIT 15 PIE 327 ATK +70% P.dmg. VS Primal

Recover 10% DP when taking dmg

Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngAroundight +3

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

100 30 AGI 30 VIT 20 PIE 332 ATK +80% P.dmg. VS Primal

Recover 10% DP when taking dmg

Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngChaos Bringer

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

35 10 STR 10 AGI 160 ATK +50% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngChaos Bringer +1

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

70 15 STR 15 AGI 247 ATK Permanent Confusion status

+5% P.Atk. during neg. status +75% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies

Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngChaos Bringer +2

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

90 20 STR 20 AGI 297 ATK Permanent Confusion status

+10% P.Atk. during neg. status +100% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies

Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngChaos Bringer +3

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

100 30 STR 30 AGI 322 ATK Permanent Confusion status

+15% P.Atk. during neg. status +150% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies

Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngDeath Bringer

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

60 15 STR 15 AGI 227 ATK Permanent Poison status

+5% P.Atk. during neg. status +50% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies

Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngDeath Bringer +1

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

80 20 STR 20 AGI 277 ATK Permanent Poison status

+7% P.Atk. during neg. status +75% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies

Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngDeath Bringer +2

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

90 25 STR 25 AGI 302 ATK Permanent Poison status

+10% P.Atk. during neg. status +100% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies

Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngDeath Bringer +3

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

100 30 STR 30 AGI 327 ATK Permanent Poison status

+15% P.Atk. during neg. status +150% P.dmg. to Lv.5+ enemies

Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngDáinsleif

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

65 20 AGI 15 VIT 10 PIE 240 ATK Recover 5% DP when taking dmg

+25% P.Atk. while fatigued

Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngDáinsleif +1

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

75 30 AGI 20 VIT 20 PIE 265 ATK Recover 10% DP when taking dmg

+50% P.Atk. while fatigued

Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngDáinsleif +2

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

95 40 AGI 25 VIT 30 PIE 315 ATK Recover 15% DP when taking dmg

+100% P.Atk. while fatigued

Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngDáinsleif +3

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

100 50 AGI 30 VIT 40 PIE 327 ATK Recover 20% DP when taking dmg

+150% P.Atk. while fatigued

Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngMegingjörð

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

80 20 STR 20 PIE 277 ATK 20 ACC +50% P.dmg. VS Asura
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngMegingjörð +1

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

90 25 STR 25 PIE 302 ATK 25 ACC +75% P.dmg. VS Asura
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngMegingjörð +2

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

95 30 STR 30 PIE 315 ATK 30 ACC +100% P.dmg. VS Asura
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngMegingjörð +3

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

100 35 STR 35 PIE 327 ATK 35 ACC +150% P.dmg. VS Asura
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngGram

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

100 30 VIT 25 PIE 332 ATK Permanent Burn status

+25% P.Atk. during neg. status +5% P.Atk. while fatigued

Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngGram +1

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

100 35 VIT 30 PIE 352 ATK Permanent Burn status

+50% P.Atk. during neg. status +10% P.Atk. while fatigued

Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngGram +2

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

100 40 VIT 35 PIE 382 ATK Permanent Burn status

+75% P.Atk. during neg. status +25% P.Atk. while fatigued

Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngGram +3

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

100 45 VIT 40 PIE 402 ATK Permanent Burn status

+125% P.Atk. during neg. status +50% P.Atk. while fatigued

Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngAscalon

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

90 10 AGI 10 VIT 10 PIE 307 ATK 10 CRT +50% P.dmg. VS Primal
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngAscalon +1

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

95 20 AGI 15 VIT 20 PIE 339 ATK 20 CRT +75% P.dmg. VS Primal
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngAscalon +2

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

100 30 AGI 20 VIT 30 PIE 382 ATK 30 CRT +100% P.dmg. VS Primal
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngAscalon +3

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

100 40 AGI 25 VIT 40 PIE 402 ATK 40 CRT +150% P.dmg. VS Primal
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngTyrfing

Icon Class Warrior (0).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

80 30 STR 55 AGI 25 VIT 45 PIE 327 ATK +100% P.dmg. VS Primal

+100% P.dmg. to Lv.1+ enemies Recover 20% DP when taking dmg

Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngBerserker Sword

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (0).png

100 60 STR 60 AGI 382 ATK Recover 20% DP when taking dmg

+150% P.dmg. to Lv.1+ enemies Super armor and knockback immunity

Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngLuxcalibur

Icon Class Warrior (1).pngIcon Class Oracle (1).png

10 Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder 1 STR 1 AGI 1 INT 1 VIT 1 LUC 1 PIE 82 ATK 5 ACC P.Atk.+50% during Drg Sphere