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"The Oracle has a variety of support magic at her disposal and an equally diverse range of attacks.

Simultaneously equipping a physically powerful greatsword and a magic crystal specialized in party support allows the Oracle to adapt to any scenario.

However, without the effects from her supports, the Oracle cannot reach her full potential. She must take time to activate her supports between attacks.

The Oracle benefits from balanced stat growth."

Icon Quest Notification.pngCharacter Select

The Oracle (巫女 Miko, Shrine Maiden) is the 5th of the 6 playable characters in Dragon Marked For Death. She was introduced in Version 3.0.0.

The Oracle is a spellsword who can use physical, magical, and holy attacks all at once. She combines explosive offensive attacks with a wide range of support spells, which she needs to bring herself to maximum power. Because she is highly dependent on her support spells, getting knocked out poses a high risk. Skilled Oracles strengthen themselves and their teammates at all times while decimating enemies.

The Oracle is automatically unlocked by completing the final main scenario Quest with any character.



The Oracle is the priestess of the Dragonblood Clan from around 100 years ago. Atruum summoned her to the present time in response to the imminent crisis of her clan. She has the Dragon Scar on her back, and by communicating with the spirit of the Astral Dragon, she can manifest dragon wings and use her power.[1]

Character Voices

Character Voices
Type Voice Actor English (Translation) Japanese
A Yui Ogura Introduction: "I’ll do what I can, as much as I can." Introduction: 「私にできることを、できるだけ、やってみます」
Dragonsphere: "I'll try! Here, lend me your strength!" Dragonsphere: 「やってみます!これで、私に力を貸して!」
B Miya Tomita Introduction: "It’ll be okay. If you just believe and keep on moving, I’m sure you’ll figure it out." Introduction: 「大丈夫。信じて動けば、きっとどうにかなるよ」
Dragonsphere: "I'm coming! Deliver my prayer!" Dragonsphere: 「いっくよー!とどけ!私の祈り!」
C Saori Hayami Introduction: "Let us pray. I believe that, one day, peace will come to my Clan." Introduction: 「祈りましょう。いつか、一族に安寧が訪れると信じて」
Dragonsphere: "Here we go! My prayers will protect us all!" Dragonsphere: 「いきます!私の祈りが皆を守ります!」
D Yui Horie Introduction: "As an elite Oracle, I can take care of everything. It's no problem for me!" Introduction: 「エリート巫女である私にかかれば、万事解決。お茶の子さいさいです」
Dragonsphere: "Let's go! Somehow, I’ve managed to deploy the field!"※

※Parody of Ekoro from Gal*Gun

Dragonsphere: 「いきますよ!なんとかフィールド展開!!」※


E Rumiko Varnes - -
F Rachel Walzer - -
G Margie Cavazos - -
H Margie Cavazos - -


This is a list of Oracle's inputs. To find the inputs set on your character, please go to the in-game Menu and select the Button Config option.

Oracle Inputs
Skill Input(s)
Magic Bullet (While in Continuous Sword Forms)
Incantation Begin incantation
Commands Face buttons (north, south, east, west)

(Orientation is the same regardless of control scheme)

Activate Magic Attack
Thrust Form Attack
Guard Form ↓ + Attack
Slash Form ↑ + Attack
Continuous Thrust Form Continuous Thrust Form
Reinforced Guard Form ↓ + Continuous Thrust Form
Cleaving Slash Form ↑ + Continuous Thrust Form
Dragon Boost Dragon Boost
Dragon Advent Press and hold ↓ + Dragon Boost


Oracle Spells
Spell Input(s) Graphic Memorization Method Effect
Fail Incorrect Input
Mirage A A A A Fire Button Graphic.gif A looks like a sword.
Color for STR is red (A).
Adds Greatswords (2x max).
Extension X X X X Ice Button Graphic.gif X looks like an hourglass. Resets timer of all spell effects (non-food).
Feather B B B B Thunder Button Graphic.gif B (south) button is the default Jump button.
Color for AGI is yellow (B).
Extra jump.
Power-Up B X B X B X B X Power-Up Button Graphic.gif ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ Rise from B. Levels up spell (1x max).
Homing B Y B X B A Homing Button Graphic.gif ↖︎ ↑ ↗ Diffused from B. Chases targets.
Magic Bullet (While in Sword Forms)
Imbue Element Y Y Y Y Wind Button Graphic.gif Y (west) button is the default Attack button. Adds Contract's Element to magic.
Regen B Y X A B Heal Button Graphic.gif Turn clockwise. Heals 3% HP every 2 sec.
Cure Ailment B A X Y B Cure Ailment Button Graphic.gif Turn counter-clockwise. Removes Status Ailments or gives resistance.
Protection Y A Y A Y A Y A Protection Button Graphic.gif → → → → Making a wall. Resist instant-death 1 time.
Quick X A Y A B A Quick Button Graphic.gif → Arrow to the right from top to bottom. +11% or +22.5% speed boost.
Reduction Y B X B A B Condense Button Graphic.gif ↘︎ ↓ ↙ Reducing to B. Lessens DP consumption.
Armor X Y B X A B Armor Button Graphic.gif <> Making a shield from top to bottom. Super armor and knockback immunity 1 time.


"The Oracle can equip two weapons at once: a greatsword and a magic focus.

She can incant spells while she controls her sword remotely. She is also capable of changing her physical attacks into holy attacks using her Dragon Boost.

While her options are vast, her basic stats are low. For top performance, she must maintain various buffs on herself."

Icon Quest Notification.pngGame Tips

Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngGreatswords

Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngGreatswords are available starting from Level 1. Oracle's floating Greatsword is her primary method of Physical attacks, and she can spawn up to 3 of them using the Mirage spell. She can also use 3 Sword Forms and their related Continuous Sword Forms, which changes the trajectory and power of her Greatsword attacks.

Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngFoci

Icon Weapon Focus (N).pngFoci are available starting from Level 1. Oracle's Focus provides a variety of support spells for herself and her teammates, which greatly affects her strategies. To play Oracle well, it's critical to learn the commands and effects of her support magic since she is relatively weak without them.

Swapping Weapons

You cannot swap Weapons as Oracle. You always have 1 Greatsword and 1 Focus equipped.

Hit!! Count Calculation

The following table shows the minimum amount of AGI over the enemy's AGI that you need for a higher Hit!! count and the damage multiplier for that Hit!! count.[2]

Hit!! Counts per Weapon
Weapon Hit!! Count AGI over Enemy AGI Damage Multiplier
Icon Weapon Greatsword (N).pngGreatsword 2 Hit!! 15 AGI 1.5
3 Hit!! 30 AGI 1.8
4 Hit!! 40 AGI 2.03

Attack Values & Dragon Power (DP) Gain

The following table shows various attacks and their Motion Values and how much Dragon Power (DP) you can gain from them depending on the Weapon. 10 points = 1 segment. DP generation will increase if you increase the number of swords.[2]

Attack Values & Dragon Power (DP) Gain
Attack / Spell Element Motion Value DP Gain (Points)
Thrust Form 1.7
(Boost: PIE * 4.24)
Guard Form 2.0
(Boost: PIE * 3.41)
Slash Form 1.7
(Boost: PIE * 3.70)
Dragon Advent Icon Element Fire.pngFire PIE * 5.50
Icon Element Ice.pngIce PIE * 4.00
Icon Element Wind.pngWind PIE * 4.50
Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder PIE * 6.00
No spell modification Magic Bullet 1.22 0.00
Icon Element Fire.pngFire 2.81 2.63
Icon Element Ice.pngIce 1.58 1.43
Icon Element Wind.pngWind 2.00 1.90
Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder 7.39 5.56
Icon Element Poison.pngPoison 0.70 0.67
Power-up Magic Bullet 0.67 0.50
Icon Element Fire.pngFire 3.09 2.50
Icon Element Ice.pngIce 2.77 2.22
Icon Element Wind.pngWind 2.20 1.76
Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder 3.71 2.75
Icon Element Poison.pngPoison 0.76 0.63
Homing Magic Bullet 0.75 0.61
Icon Element Fire.pngFire 1.93 1.00
Icon Element Ice.pngIce 1.84 1.00
Icon Element Wind.pngWind 1.05 0.71
Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder 0.91 0.53
Icon Element Poison.pngPoison 1.71 0.48
Power-up & Homing Magic Bullet 0.83 0.61
Icon Element Fire.pngFire 2.12 1.00
Icon Element Ice.pngIce 2.03 1.00
Icon Element Wind.pngWind 2.31 1.18
Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder 1.15 0.67
Icon Element Poison.pngPoison 1.88 0.90

Basic Abilities


Main article: Witch#Incantation
Oracle Double Air Incantation Hovering @ 00:15  (29 March 2024)
Skill Input(s)
Incantation Begin incantation
Commands Face buttons (north, south, east, west)

(Orientation is the same regardless of control scheme)

Activate Magic Attack
Fail Incorrect Input

Oracle's Incantations (AKA Magic Spells) function the same as Witch's, but Oracle uses different spells that primarily focus on support, and the conditions in which you can enter the Incantation state are different.

Unlike Witch, Oracle can enter the Incantation state while in midair, which will cause her to hover and gently descend. This means that you can use the Incantation state to safely hover over enemy attacks and hazards. Also, if you do a second jump in the air while the Feather spell is active, you can cast again.

Spell Effect Durations Calculation

Stats that increase effect durations until the maximum and how much Power-Up further extends effect time are different depending on the spell:[2]

Spell Effect Duration = [Base Duration + (Duration per Stat * Stat)] * Power-Up Multiplier
Spell Effect Durations
Spell Stat Base Duration Duration per Stat Power-Up Multiplier Max. Duration Notes
Regen PIE 10 sec. 0.15 sec. 1.5 times 60 sec. Heals 3% of target's HP every 2 seconds
Cure Ailment (Power-Up 1) PIE 60 sec. 0.833 sec. 300 sec. Resistance to Status Ailments
Mirage STR 20 sec. 0.750 sec. 1 time
Feather AGI 30 sec. 0.300 sec. 1 time
Protection VIT 20 sec. 0.600 sec. 2 times
Quick 60 sec. 2 times +11% → +22.5% speed boost
Reduction INT 7.5 sec (Level 1) 0.080 sec. Normal 15% reduction in DP consumption
15 sec (Level 2) 0.166 sec. Reinforced 30% reduction in DP consumption
Armor VIT 10 sec. 0.375 sec. 2 times

Utility Magic

The following magic spells apply only to Oracle.


Placeholder  (N/A)
Spell Input(s) Graphic Memorization Method
Mirage A A A A Fire Button Graphic.gif A looks like a sword.
Color for STR is red (A).

Mirage gives Oracle an additional floating Greatsword for a total of 3 swords. Before doing anything else, you should cast the Mirage spell twice so that all her Sword Forms damage will be 3x as strong. You can't combine Mirage with any other spell. STR increases the effect time.

After generating a new sword, a timer starts ticking down before all Mirage swords disappear. If your swords start glowing red, it means they are about to disappear, so you can re-cast Mirage or cast Extension to reset the timer.


Placeholder  (N/A)
Spell Input(s) Graphic Memorization Method
Extension X X X X Ice Button Graphic.gif X looks like an hourglass.

Extension resets the timers of all your active spell effects for 2 DP. This is one of the most commonly-used Oracle spells. Extension makes it so that you don't need to re-cast all of your support spells one-by-one to reset their timers, which will save you a lot of time. You can't combine this spell with any other spell.

The Extension effect applies only to Oracle, not to her teammates. It also does not reset the durations of buffing effects gained from eating food.


Placeholder  (N/A)
Spell Input(s) Graphic Memorization Method
Feather B B B B Thunder Button Graphic.gif B (south) button is the default Jump button.
Color for AGI is yellow (B).

Feather allows Oracle to make 1 midair jump, which is floatier than the normal jump. You can't combine this spell with any other spell. AGI extends the effect time.

Modifier Magic


Placeholder  (N/A)
Spell Input(s) Graphic Memorization Method
Power-Up B X B X B X B X Power-Up Button Graphic.gif ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ Rise from B.

Power-Up spells increase stored magic by 1 level maximum. For different spells, adding Power-Up results in different effects. After entering a Power-Up spell, the cast time limit will be significantly shorter, so it's better to put the Power-Up spell at the end of your spell combo.

You can combine Power-Up with all of Oracle's spells except Mirage, Extension, and Feather.


Placeholder  (N/A)
Spell Input(s) Graphic Memorization Method
Homing B Y B X B A Homing Button Graphic.gif ↖︎ ↑ ↗ Diffused from B.

Homing allows cast magic to automatically chase targets within a certain range. You can combine Homing with all of Oracle's spells except Mirage, Extension, and Feather.

Attack Magic

Magic Bullet

Placeholder  (N/A)
Skill Input(s)
Magic Bullet (While in Sword Forms)

Oracle can fire a Magic Bullet when she is in a Continuous Sword Form. It basically functions the same as Witch's Magic Bullet and deals Magical damage. You can combine it with Power-Up and Homing and imbue it with your Dragon Contract's Element.

Imbue Element

Placeholder  (N/A)
Spell Input(s) Graphic Memorization Method
Imbue Element Y Y Y Y Wind Button Graphic.gif Y (west) button is the default Attack button.

Oracle can imbue her Dragon Contract's Element to her attack magic. Unlike Witch, Oracle can only use 1 Element, which depends on her Dragon Contract. You can stock and cast this magic even if you are not currently in a Sword Form. You can combine this magic with Power-Up and Homing for different effects.

Support Magic


Placeholder  (N/A)
Spell Input(s) Graphic Memorization Method
Regen B Y X A B Heal Button Graphic.gif Turn clockwise.

Regen restores 3% of targets' maximum HP every 2 seconds. You can combine it with Homing to have it chase allies and Power-Up to extend the effect time by 1.5x. Effect time further increases with PIE.

Cure Ailment

Placeholder  (N/A)
Spell Input(s) Graphic Memorization Method
Cure Ailment B A X Y B Cure Ailment Button Graphic.gif Turn counter-clockwise.

Cure Ailment cures any negative Status Ailments on Oracle and her targets. You can combine it with Homing to have it chase allies and Power-Up to transform it into a temporary Status Ailment resistance effect. You can increase the duration of this resistance effect with PIE.


Placeholder  (N/A)
Spell Input(s) Graphic Memorization Method
Protection Y A Y A Y A Y A Protection Button Graphic.gif → → → → Making a wall.

Protection grants Oracle and her targets a temporary "Resist instant-death" effect. You can combine it with Homing to have it chase players and Power-Up to extend the effect duration by 2x. VIT further extends the effect time.


Placeholder  (N/A)
Spell Input(s) Graphic Memorization Method
Quick X A Y A B A Quick Button Graphic.gif → Arrow to the right from top to bottom.

Quick increases Oracle's and her target's speed by +11% at base level and +22.5% with Power-Up. Its base duration is 60 seconds and its Power-Up duration can reach 120 seconds. You can combine it with Homing. There is no stat that can increase its effect time.


Placeholder  (N/A)
Spell Input(s) Graphic Memorization Method
Reduction Y B X B A B Condense Button Graphic.gif ↘︎ ↓ ↙ Reducing to B.

Reduction reduces DP consumption.[a] You can combine it with Homing to have it chase players. Power-Up doubles its effect time. You can further extend the effect time with INT. It's helpful to use this spell before activating Dragon Advent or an expensive Continuous Sword Form such as Cleaving Slash Form because such abilities can consume a lot of DP in a short time.


Placeholder  (N/A)
Spell Input(s) Graphic Memorization Method
Armor X Y B X A B Armor Button Graphic.gif <> Making a shield from top to bottom.

Armor grants Oracle and her targets a temporary "Super Armor" effect, which prevents knockback from interrupting your actions, including making Incantations. However, if you take damage even 1 time, then the Armor effect will end. You can combine it with Homing and Power-Up doubles the effect time. You can further extend the effect time with VIT.

Sword Forms & Continuous Sword Forms

Oracle's 3 Sword Forms are Thrust Form, Guard Form, and Slash Form. Each form has a Continuous Sword Form that allows them to persist until the DP bar is depleted, the ability is cancelled, or Oracle gets hit by an attack.[b] Each Sword Form has a different trajectory, builds up different amounts of DP, and deals different amounts of damage.

All Sword Form attacks deal Physical or Magical damage depending on the Weapon properties, or Holy damage while Dragon Boost is active. All Sword Form damage increases with more swords from the Mirage spell.

Thrust Form

Placeholder  (N/A)
Skill Input(s)
Thrust Form Attack

Thrust Form jabs Oracle's swords forward a short distance, diagonally just a little under her head. Its DP recovery is average and it has a quick attack time, so it's helpful for gaining DP at the beginning of a Quest.

Continuous Thrust Form
Skill Input(s)
Continuous Thrust Form Continuous Thrust Form

Continuous Thrust Form repeatedly jabs Oracle's swords in front of her, even while she is moving. Continuous Thrust Form might be difficult to aim, so it's not usually recommended unless you're in an emergency (such as being low on DP or an enemy is too fast for you to be using Reinforced Guard Form).

Guard Form

Placeholder  (N/A)
Skill Input(s)
Guard Form ↓ + Attack

Guard Form rotates Oracle's swords around her body from her head to her feet to form a "shield" that attacks her surroundings. It's a short-range attack, but it's fairly powerful and recovers a lot of DP. However, the attack speed is slower than Thrust Form's. Beware that Guard Form has a "donut hole" trajectory, meaning if an enemy is too close, they won't get hit.

Reinforced Guard Form
Skill Input(s)
Reinforced Guard Form ↓ + Continuous Thrust Form

Reinforced Guard Form continuously rotates Oracle's swords around her. You can activate this form while you're running and you want to attack passing enemies without stopping, but it may require stronger equipment.

Slash Form

Placeholder  (N/A)
Skill Input(s)
Slash Form ↑ + Attack

Slash Form sends out Oracle's swords far in front of her before stopping and rapidly spinning in a "pinwheel"-like motion. At the stopping point, it deals multiple hits of damage. It has 2x the range of the Thrust Form, but it takes a long time for the swords to return, leaving Oracle vulnerable. You should also be careful with your positioning when you use this Sword Form, since due to its trajectory, you can't hit enemies that are too close.

Slash Form recovers 0 DP, making it poor for gaining DP, but it has the highest damage of all the Sword Forms. It may be difficult to land a hit if an enemy is moving around, but it's great for static enemies.

Cleaving Slash Form
Skill Input(s)
Cleaving Slash Form ↑ + Continuous Thrust Form

Cleaving Slash Form launches Oracle's swords out at a fixed distance in a "pinwheel"-like motion, dealing an extreme amount of hits at the stopping point. Cleaving Slash Form is the most powerful of all Continuous Sword Forms. However, it's also the most DP-expensive, since it can deplete the DP bar in just a few seconds without support.

In general, Cleaving Slash Form should be used in conjunction with the Reduction spell to save DP and therefore extend its active time. This Sword Form is effective for fighting Bosses and also inflicting Status Ailments when using Dragon Boost due to its high number of hits. If a Boss is standing still or stunned, you should attack with Cleaving Slash Form.

Dragon Skills

"The Oracle's Dragon Skills consist of her greatsword attacks while Dragon Boosted and Dragon Advent.

However, while under a Icon Element Poison.pngPoison contract, Dragon Advent will become a healing spell instead of an attack."

Icon Quest Notification.pngGame Tips

Dragon Boost

Placeholder  (N/A)
Dragon Boost Enhance Level 1 Spell into Level 2 Spell Demo  (29 March 2024)
Skill Input(s)
Dragon Boost Dragon Boost

Dragon Boost is a Dragon Skill that channels Atruum's power into Oracle's swords to deal Holy damage. This means that all her Greatsword-based attacks now scale with PIE and take on the Element of Oracle's Dragon Contract. While active, Dragon Boost drains DP.

In general, Dragon Boost's Holy damage is powerful in the early-game. Even if you don't want the Holy damage, you can still use Dragon Boost's Element effect to inflict Status Ailments on enemies. There's a higher chance of infliction when using multi-hit Sword Forms, such as Slash Form.

Also, Dragon Boost automatically increases your stocked magic to its maximum level, as if you are casting Power-Up, but it will revert back to Level 1 if you deactivate Dragon Boost with your magic still stocked.

Dragon Boost Sword Forms Damage Calculation

The following table shows the damage calculation for each Sword Form under the effects of Dragon Boost.

Dragon Boost Motion Values
Sword Form Motion Value Formula
Thrust Form PIE * 4.24
Guard Form PIE * 3.41
Slash Form PIE * 3.70

Dragon Advent

Placeholder  (N/A)
Skill Input(s)
Dragon Advent Press and hold ↓ + Dragon Boost

Dragon Advent makes Oracle charge up and then release an AoE attack that deals Holy damage and consumes DP. Dragon Advent changes depending on Oracle's current Dragon Contract. All Contracts' Dragon Advents scale with PIE, but Icon Element Poison.pngPoison Oracle's Dragon Advent is a healing area instead of an attack.

Dragon Advent ends when the input is released, the DP bar runs out, or you take damage. It takes 1.25 seconds before Dragon Advent fully charges up. If you are hit while you are charging up, your charge will be interrupted and you'll need to hold the input again.

Dragon Contracts

Oracle's Dragon Contracts change her Element attack magic, Dragon Boost Element, and Dragon Advent. Her Dragon Contracts don't impact her gameplay very much, so just pick the Element and Dragon Advent of the most suitable Status Ailment for your build.

Icon Element Wind.pngWind Contract

Placeholder  (N/A)

"Can cast Wind magic. Dragon Advent is Wind element." ― Atruum's Den

"Icon Element Wind.pngWind Oracle can attack with wind spells when imbuing her spells with an element.

Her Dragon Advent summons giant tornadoes both behind and in front of her."

Icon Quest Notification.pngGame Tips

Icon Element Wind.pngWind Contract is Oracle's default Contract. Her Elemental attack magic and Dragon Advent have a chance of inflicting Icon Status Ailment Confusion.pngConfusion on susceptible enemies.

Oracle's Icon Element Wind.pngWind magic functions similar to Witch's Wind magic and is most viable against large close-range or flying enemies. Normal magic shoots out small tornadoes in an upward parabola. Homing magic generates pillars of tornadoes at each enemy's position based on your position and direction.

Dragon Advent generates pillars of tornadoes to Oracle's left and right, stretching beyond the maximum camera zoom-out.

Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder Contract

Placeholder  (N/A)

"Can cast Thunder magic. Dragon Advent is Thunder element." ― Atruum's Den

"Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder Oracle can attack with thunder spells when imbuing her spells with an element.

Her Dragon Advent will rain lightning down upon enemies over a large attack area."

Icon Quest Notification.pngGame Tips

Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder Contract is one of Oracle's Contracts. Her Elemental attack magic and Dragon Advent have a chance of inflicting Icon Status Ailment Paralysis.pngParalysis on susceptible enemies.

Oracle's Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder magic functions similar to Witch's Thunder magic. Normal magic releases lightning strikes at a distance away from Oracle, so it may be difficult to aim. Homing magic generates chasing balls of lightning that are good for hitting faraway enemies.

Dragon Advent releases pillars of lightning strikes around Oracle, similar to her Normal Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder magic.

Icon Element Poison.pngPoison Contract

Placeholder  (N/A)

"Can cast Poison magic. Dragon Advent is Poison element." ― Atruum's Den

"Icon Element Poison.pngPoison Oracle can attack with poison spells when imbuing her spells with an element. She has access to poison spells the Witch cannot cast.

Her Dragon Advent creates a healing field within a certain radius."

Icon Quest Notification.pngGame Tips

Icon Element Poison.pngPoison Contract is one of Oracle's Contracts. Her Elemental attack magic has a chance of inflicting Icon Status Ailment Poison.pngPoison on susceptible enemies. Dragon Advent generates a healing field.

Oracle's Icon Element Poison.pngPoison magic is unique to herself. Normal magic drops clouds of poison that land and crawl forward on the ground. Homing magic generates a black hole in the positions of enemies based on Oracle's position and direction, dealing continuous damage.

Icon Element Poison.pngPoison Dragon Advent

Unlike her other Contracts, Icon Element Poison.pngPoison Oracle's Dragon Advent creates a healing field that fills the whole screen. It has the lowest DP consumption (~3 segments per second). At maximum DP, Dragon Advent heals:

Dragon Advent Healing Calculation

The amount of healing increases with Oracle's PIE, independent of targets' VIT:

Amount of Healing = Oracle's PIE * 2

Icon Element Fire.pngFire Contract

Placeholder  (N/A)

"Can cast Fire magic. Dragon Advent is Fire element." ― Atruum's Den

"Icon Element Fire.pngFire Oracle can attack with fire spells when imbuing her spells with an element.

Her Dragon Advent will unleash a powerful flame attack in the direction she is facing."

Icon Quest Notification.pngGame Tips

Icon Element Fire.pngFire Contract is one of Oracle's Contracts. Her Elemental attack magic and Dragon Advent have a chance of inflicting Icon Status Ailment Burn.pngBurn on susceptible enemies.

Oracle's Icon Element Fire.pngFire magic functions similar to Witch's Fire magic. Normal magic releases a number of flame waves, but there is a small gap between Oracle and the first wave, so don't use it too close to enemies. Homing magic releases a ball that slowly chases enemies and deals multiple hits.

Dragon Advent releases balls of fire that trail up and down in a wave, similar to Ogre Prince's Fire Breath attack.

Icon Element Ice.pngIce Contract

Placeholder  (N/A)

"Can cast Ice magic. Dragon Advent is Ice element." ― Atruum's Den

"Icon Element Ice.pngIce Oracle can attack with ice spells when imbuing her spells with an element.

Her Dragon Advent will launch ice in every direction around her."

Icon Quest Notification.pngGame Tips

Icon Element Ice.pngIce Contract is one of Oracle's Contracts. Her Elemental attack magic and Dragon Advent have a chance of inflicting Icon Status Ailment Frostbite.pngFrostbite on susceptible enemies.

Oracle's Icon Element Ice.pngIce magic functions similar to Witch's Ice magic. Normal magic fires a spike ball that stops at a distance and deals multiple hits. Homing magic generates ice spikes that chase the nearest enemies.

Dragon Advent shoots out ice spikes in a circle outward from Oracle. If you unleash Dragon Advent at close-range, you'll land multiple hits.

Differences Between Contracts per Ability

The following charts show specific data for the differences between each Contract.[2]

Dragon Advent Contract Differences

Dragon Advent Contract Differences
Contract Motion Value Formula DP Consumption per Second Hits
Icon Element Wind.pngWind PIE * 4.50 5.41 segments 8
Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder PIE * 6.00 4.88 segments 18
Icon Element Poison.pngPoison PIE * 2.00 (Healing) 3.00 segments
Icon Element Fire.pngFire PIE * 5.50 4.21 segments 33
Icon Element Ice.pngIce PIE * 4.00 3.60 segments 43

Example Builds

Status Calculation

Final Status = Base Status + (Growth Rate * Level) + Equipment Status

The following tables show Oracle's Growth Rates and Base Status values per Level.

Growth Rates per Stat
Growth Rate 20% 20% 30% 20% 30% 30%
Base Stats per Level
1 5 5 5 5 5 5
2 5 5 5 5 5 5
3 5 5 5 5 5 5
4 5 5 6 5 6 6
5 6 6 6 6 6 6
6 6 6 6 6 6 6
7 6 6 7 6 7 7
8 6 6 7 6 7 7
9 6 6 7 6 7 7
10 7 7 8 7 8 8
11 7 7 8 7 8 8
12 7 7 8 7 8 8
13 7 7 8 7 8 8
14 7 7 9 7 9 9
15 8 8 9 8 9 9
16 8 8 9 8 9 9
17 8 8 10 8 10 10
18 8 8 10 8 10 10
19 8 8 10 8 10 10
20 9 9 11 9 11 11
21 9 9 11 9 11 11
22 9 9 11 9 11 11
23 9 9 11 9 11 11
24 9 9 12 9 12 12
25 10 10 12 10 12 12
26 10 10 12 10 12 12
27 10 10 13 10 13 13
28 10 10 13 10 13 13
29 10 10 13 10 13 13
30 11 11 14 11 14 14
31 11 11 14 11 14 14
32 11 11 14 11 14 14
33 11 11 14 11 14 14
34 11 11 15 11 15 15
35 12 12 15 12 15 15
36 12 12 15 12 15 15
37 12 12 16 12 16 16
38 12 12 16 12 16 16
39 12 12 16 12 16 16
40 13 13 17 13 17 17
41 13 13 17 13 17 17
42 13 13 17 13 17 17
43 13 13 17 13 17 17
44 13 13 18 13 18 18
45 14 14 18 14 18 18
46 14 14 18 14 18 18
47 14 14 19 14 19 19
48 14 14 19 14 19 19
49 14 14 19 14 19 19
50 15 15 20 15 20 20
51 15 15 20 15 20 20
52 15 15 20 15 20 20
53 15 15 20 15 20 20
54 15 15 21 15 21 21
55 16 16 21 16 21 21
56 16 16 21 16 21 21
57 16 16 22 16 22 22
58 16 16 22 16 22 22
59 16 16 22 16 22 22
60 17 17 23 17 23 23
61 17 17 23 17 23 23
62 17 17 23 17 23 23
63 17 17 23 17 23 23
64 17 17 24 17 24 24
65 18 18 24 18 24 24
66 18 18 24 18 24 24
67 18 18 25 18 25 25
68 18 18 25 18 25 25
69 18 18 25 18 25 25
70 19 19 26 19 26 26
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Physical - AGI

A Physical build is best if you are trying to maximize damage with your Greatswords. You'll build up DP with Thrust Form and Guard Form so you can attack with Cleaving Slash Form.

Since your Greatswords already have high ATK, similar to Warrior, you need to prioritize your AGI for the benefit of Hit!! Counts. Then you can put your remaining points into STR for extra damage and increased Mirage duration, INT for a lengthier Reduction effect and more Magical damage, or VIT for more health points and increased duration for Protection and Armor.

Recommended Dragon Contracts
Contract Info
Icon Element Fire.pngFire Icon Status Ailment Burn.pngBurn increases your Physical damage by 1.5x
Icon Element Ice.pngIce Icon Status Ailment Frostbite.pngFrostbite lowers enemy AGI, which makes it easier to achieve max Hit!! Count
Icon Element Thunder.pngThunder You can use Icon Status Ailment Paralysis.pngParalysis on some Bosses such as Ogre Prince to make it easier to land Cleaving Slash Form

Teamwork Strategies

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The following sections show miscellaneous information and data.

Attack Types & Stats for Abilities

The following is a summary of the Attack Types and relevant stats that affect Oracle's abilities.

Attack Types & Stats for Abilities
Ability Affected By
Attack Magic Magical (INT and LUC)
Regen Effect Time PIE
Cure Ailment (Power-Up 1) Effect Time PIE
Mirage Effect Time STR
Feather Effect Time AGI
Protection Effect Time VIT
Reduction Effect Time INT
Armor Effect Time VIT
Sword Forms Physical (STR and AGI) or Magical (INT and LUC)
Dragon Boost PIE
Dragon Advent PIE
Poison Contract Amount of Healing Oracle's PIE and target's VIT

Movement Speed

The following table shows Oracle's movement speed compared to Empress.[2]

Movement Speed
Situation Movement Speed
VS. Empress 100.0%
Quick 1 111.0%
Quick 2 122.5%

Favorite Food

Oracle's favorite foods are:

  • Icon Consumable Candy (N).pngSweet Pastry (heal 100% HP)
  • Icon Drop Dumpling.pngDumpling (heal 30% HP)
  • Icon Drop Sweet Dumpling.pngSweet Dumpling (heal 50% HP)

Every other character's favorite food heals 15% HP (S) and 25% HP (L).[2]

Gameplay Videos

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  1. Older versions of the game had it that Reduction would also reduce DP recovery, but as of Version 3.1.5n, this is no longer the case. Therefore, the in-game information is outdated.
  2. Damage from Icon Status Ailment Poison.pngPoison does not cancel Continuous Sword Forms.


  1. Inti Creates Official Twitter: (JP)
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 (3.1.3x) Neka_Mahime_'s Notes 2.0 (Translated by Lancer)
  3. Oracle on DMFD Japanese Atwiki: