Bandit/Recommended Builds

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This page demonstrates Bandit's Recommended Builds in Dragon Marked For Death.

The following recommended builds are to be used as a reference. You can always experiment and form your own builds that suit your playstyle.

If you are looking for other details about Bandit, please see the following subpages:

Status Growth


Status Calculation

Final Status = Base Status + (Growth Rate * Level) + Equipment Status

The following tables show the Growth Rates for Bandit and his Base Status values per Level.

Growth Rates per Stat
Growth Rate 20% 20% 30% 20% 40% 20%
Base Stats per Level
1 5 5 5 3 7 5
2 5 5 5 3 7 5
3 5 5 5 3 8 5
4 5 5 6 3 8 5
5 6 6 6 4 9 6
6 6 6 6 4 9 6
7 6 6 7 4 9 6
8 6 6 7 4 10 6
9 6 6 7 4 10 6
10 7 7 8 5 11 7
11 7 7 8 5 11 7
12 7 7 8 5 11 7
13 7 7 8 5 12 7
14 7 7 9 5 12 7
15 8 8 9 6 13 8
16 8 8 9 6 13 8
17 8 8 10 6 13 8
18 8 8 10 6 14 8
19 8 8 10 6 14 8
20 9 9 11 7 15 9
21 9 9 11 7 15 9
22 9 9 11 7 15 9
23 9 9 11 7 16 9
24 9 9 12 7 16 9
25 10 10 12 8 17 10
26 10 10 12 8 17 10
27 10 10 13 8 17 10
28 10 10 13 8 18 10
29 10 10 13 8 18 10
30 11 11 14 9 19 11
31 11 11 14 9 19 11
32 11 11 14 9 19 11
33 11 11 14 9 20 11
34 11 11 15 9 20 11
35 12 12 15 10 21 12
36 12 12 15 10 21 12
37 12 12 16 10 21 12
38 12 12 16 10 22 12
39 12 12 16 10 22 12
40 13 13 17 11 23 13
41 13 13 17 11 23 13
42 13 13 17 11 23 13
43 13 13 17 11 24 13
44 13 13 18 11 24 13
45 14 14 18 12 25 14
46 14 14 18 12 25 14
47 14 14 19 12 25 14
48 14 14 19 12 26 14
49 14 14 19 12 26 14
50 15 15 20 13 27 15
51 15 15 20 13 27 15
52 15 15 20 13 27 15
53 15 15 20 13 28 15
54 15 15 21 13 28 15
55 16 16 21 14 29 16
56 16 16 21 14 29 16
57 16 16 22 14 29 16
58 16 16 22 14 30 16
59 16 16 22 14 30 16
60 17 17 23 15 31 17
61 17 17 23 15 31 17
62 17 17 23 15 31 17
63 17 17 23 15 32 17
64 17 17 24 15 32 17
65 18 18 24 16 33 18
66 18 18 24 16 33 18
67 18 18 25 16 33 18
68 18 18 25 16 34 18
69 18 18 25 16 34 18
70 19 19 26 17 35 19
71 19 19 26 17 35 19
72 19 19 26 17 35 19
73 19 19 26 17 36 19
74 19 19 27 17 36 19
75 20 20 27 18 37 20
76 20 20 27 18 37 20
77 20 20 28 18 37 20
78 20 20 28 18 38 20
79 20 20 28 18 38 20
80 21 21 29 19 39 21
81 21 21 29 19 39 21
82 21 21 29 19 39 21
83 21 21 29 19 40 21
84 21 21 30 19 40 21
85 22 22 30 20 41 22
86 22 22 30 20 41 22
87 22 22 31 20 41 22
88 22 22 31 20 42 22
89 22 22 31 20 42 22
90 23 23 32 21 43 23
91 23 23 32 21 43 23
92 23 23 32 21 43 23
93 23 23 32 21 44 23
94 23 23 33 21 44 23
95 24 24 33 22 45 24
96 24 24 33 22 45 24
97 24 24 34 22 45 24
98 24 24 34 22 46 24
99 24 24 34 22 46 24
100 25 25 35 23 47 25

Physical - STR & AGI

For a Physical build, it is recommended to evenly spread your level stat points into STR and AGI, with AGI taking priority, throughout progression.

As a first priority, it is recommended to increase Bandit's AGI for the benefit of Hit!! counts.

  • Without enough AGI, most of Bandit's attacks will begin to fumble and deal only 1 damage against enemies, indicated by grey damage text.
  • Once you have a high enough amount of AGI, you can allocate your remaining points to STR.
Hit!! Counts per Weapon
Weapon Hit!! Count AGI over Enemy AGI
Icon Weapon Small-sword (N).pngSmall-sword 2 Hit!! 5 AGI
3 Hit!! 10 AGI
4 Hit!! 15 AGI
5 Hit!! 20 AGI
6 Hit!! 25 AGI
7 Hit!! 30 AGI
8 Hit!! 35 AGI
Icon Weapon Shuriken (N).pngShuriken 1 Hit!! Restricted to 1 Hit!!
Recommended Elemental Contracts
Main article: Bandit/Elemental Contracts
Recommended Elemental Contracts
Contract Info
Placeholder. Placeholder.

Dragon Skill-focused - PIE

For a Dragon Skill-focused build, you can put your first 50 level stat points into PIE, then put the remaining points evenly into AGI or VIT.

If you want to maximize your Dragon Skill damage output, you can equip an Icon Accessory All (N).pngEye Amulet and Icon Accessory All (N).pngEngraved Earrings for bonus Holy damage and raw PIE increases.

Recommended Elemental Contracts
Main article: Bandit/Elemental Contracts
Recommended Elemental Contracts
Contract Info
Placeholder. Placeholder.

Recommended Equipment

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The following Weapons and Accessories are recommended throughout your progression in Dragon Marked For Death.

Recommended Icon Weapon Small-sword (N).pngSmall-swords

Recommended Small-swords
Weapon Lv Info
Placeholder #
  • Placeholder

Recommended Icon Weapon Shuriken (N).pngShuriken

Recommended Foci
Weapon Lv Info
Placeholder #
  • Placeholder

Recommended Icon Accessory All (N).pngIcon Accessory Empress (N).pngAccessories

Recommended Accessories
Accessory Lv Main Stat(s) Info
Icon Accessory All (N).pngLeather Choker 5-95 AGI 5-75
  • For AGI builds
  • Goes up to +9
Icon Accessory All (N).pngHastan Anklet 6-96 AGI 5-70
Icon Accessory All (N).pngMetal Earrings 8-98 AGI 5-75
  • For AGI builds
  • Goes up to +9
Icon Accessory All (N).pngEngraved Earrings 18-98 PIE 10-80
  • For PIE builds
  • Goes up to +8
Icon Accessory All (N).pngRing of Life 22-99 VIT 5-65
Icon Accessory All (N).pngDragon King's Crystal 50 All 10