Template:Dragon Marked For Death Wiki/Bottom section

From Dragon Marked For Death Wiki
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How to Help

Icon Quest Notification.pngWhere to Begin

First, you'll need to register an account before you can start editing. If you are new to wikis, please read the MediaWiki help guide, which is universal for all wikis on this site. This will give you a basic understanding of how to edit articles.
Icon Quest Notification.pngHelping Out

Before you begin editing, please check out the Editing Guide, which shows the basic formats, Template examples, and other miscellaneous standards across all pages. If you need help with more advanced editing, try copying the content of another page using the Source Editor. You may also notify an Admin for help.
For Editors ▼

Icon Quest Notification.pngStub Pages

If you want to help but you're not sure where to start, try improving the various stub pages by expanding them. Stubs are articles that are missing information.

Icon Quest Notification.pngPages that Need Cleanup
Clean up articles that are in need of attention. Some sections of this Wiki may contain outdated information, which do not follow the current settings of Version 3.1.5n. Outdated information can still remain on this Wiki for historical archive, but may be moved either to the bottom of a page or to a separate page. If you're unsure whether a particular part of an article is outdated, please feel free to notify an Admin for help.

Icon Quest Notification.pngPages that Need Images
Uploading in-game screenshots and ripped graphics is another way to help out. Check for pages in need of images. Please add categories and a description, if applicable. We recommend using the Steam version of the game for the highest-quality image rips or screenshots.

Icon Quest Notification.pngWanted Pages
Check the list of wanted pages for frequently linked-to articles that don't exist yet.

Icon Quest Notification.pngMaintenance Reports

Please investigate pages under the Maintenance Reports section in Special Pages to help with overall site housekeeping.