Cross Shuriken

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Icon Weapon Shuriken (N).pngCross Shuriken is the Level 25 Shuriken Weapon for the Shinobi and Bandit in Dragon Marked For Death. Icon Weapon Shuriken (N).pngCross Shuriken can be upgraded up to Icon Weapon Shuriken (N).pngCross Shuriken +3. It is an early game Shuriken that deals Icon Element Fire.pngFire to enemies, inflicting them with Icon Status Ailment Burn.pngBurn, which increases Physical damage toward enemies by 50%.


Drop List

Icon Weapon Shuriken (N).pngCross Shuriken drops from the following Quests:

Detailed List

This table shows all variants of Icon Weapon Shuriken (N).pngCross Shuriken. All blank columns have been omitted.

Icon Weapon Shuriken (N).pngCross Shuriken Variants
Weapon Lv Element AGI ATK M.ATK ACC M.ACC
Icon Weapon Shuriken (N).pngCross Shuriken

Icon Class Shinobi (1).pngIcon Class Bandit (1).png

25 16 ATK 33 M.ATK 8 ACC 16 M.ACC
Icon Weapon Shuriken (N).pngCross Shuriken +1

Icon Class Shinobi (1).pngIcon Class Bandit (1).png

25 1 AGI 17 ATK 37 M.ATK 8 ACC 17 M.ACC
Icon Weapon Shuriken (N).pngCross Shuriken +2

Icon Class Shinobi (1).pngIcon Class Bandit (1).png

25 Icon Element Fire.pngFire 2 AGI 18 ATK 40 M.ATK 9 ACC 18 M.ACC
Icon Weapon Shuriken (N).pngCross Shuriken +3

Icon Class Shinobi (1).pngIcon Class Bandit (1).png

25 Icon Element Fire.pngFire 3 AGI 20 ATK 47 M.ATK 10 ACC 20 M.ACC



Icon Weapon Shuriken (N).pngCross Shuriken

Damage Calculations

The following table shows the damage calculations resulting from various effects.

Variant Condition Total Physical Damage With Icon Status Ailment Burn.pngBurn (150%) With Icon Element Poison.pngPoison Relic (175%) With Icon Element Poison.pngPoison Relic & Icon Status Ailment Burn.pngBurn (262.5%) With Matching Icon Element Poison.pngPoison Relic (200%) With Matching Icon Element Poison.pngPoison Relic & Icon Status Ailment Burn.pngBurn (300%)
Icon Weapon Shuriken (N).pngCross Shuriken - 100% 150% 175% 262.5% 200% 300%
Icon Weapon Shuriken (N).pngCross Shuriken +1 - 100% 150% 175% 262.5% 200% 300%
Icon Weapon Shuriken (N).pngCross Shuriken +2 - 100% 150% 175% 262.5% 200% 300%
Icon Weapon Shuriken (N).pngCross Shuriken +3 - 100% 150% 175% 262.5% 200% 300%


Real World Significance

"Cross Shuriken" is most likely a generic name for a type of shuriken. Alternatively, it might be a reference to Kamen Rider ZX's Cross Shuriken[1].
